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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
Won't care, Don't care. XD

    because they want to get praised just like you

    nice jungle ursa


      Tiny kept throwing his teammates at us lmfao but I think we won because they weren't confident enough and my ward game was strong. I usually post to see constructive advice on item choices or timings etc for close games that i have. It's hard for people without true sight to decipher I guess. Also I have a mic so we had some form of communication in 2017.

      SKIP ME and analyze guy above me

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        you had 16k hero damage which is pretty good for a support, pretty farmed for a support aswell. 29 assist so you probably won your team the early-mid game with your successful rotations. you also didnt die alot which is always good.

        one-man bukkake

          smurf lel

          morph... I just cant play that hero. Got a nice support es and decent teammates in general.


            you and everyone else on your team fed like 10 kills each

            fear is the mind killer

              ^ lmao you solo carried there's not much to say


                i wish i could play sf like that lol
                nice job on not dying


                  good play by the overall and as alche you farmed well as well as controlled the tempo of the game pretty well.


                    Tough game. Seems like you still did relatively well despite being paired with shit teammates.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      I NEED NO INTRODUCTION PRAISE

                      ^Bad hero dmg as pos 1 but at last u do enought rat to covered your incapable on teamfight.


                        Not the best game for you I've noticed. Your team didn't stand a chance at all. Early sb+armlet good tho.


                          nice pick nice items i love when necro buy greaves and not boots and dagon
                          just try die less
                          gg wp
                          @ Bungman
                          the helm of dominator is very op item makes u farm faster and survive, i
                          dominate any creep i need ( stun, aura dmg, purge or armor 10 ) good regen aura op definitely worth it buying
                          try and will see

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                            Nice comeback on your OD.
                            Good items, except I'm curious about the Helm.
                            Tough match

                            casual gamer

                              Helm OD is great

                              Playing your best hero, good item timings and smart items, especially considering you were buying wards

                              I personally wouldve skipped bkb that game

                              casual gamer

                                guys im not going to hunt you down and kill you if you respond to my match


                                  tinker rekt u and ur team nothing u can do about 1k range 800 dmg nuke 2 sec
                                  actualy its not dagon but hex ,anyway i hate when i have in team jjuggernaut vs slark its so stupid and want to insta leave game

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                                  Player 99091656

                                    You we're doing well and tried your best but that AM was throwing so hard you had no chance.


                                      od rapes anti all they rape hard maybe u should have skipped domi and get treads headdress and go for bf first but still they were raping lanes so not much u can do bout that maybe pick ls brooo
                                      CMON I WANT SOME1 COMENT MY DUSA

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                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        Medusa mid + drow aura, abusing drow aura manage to farm very fast

                                        25 MINUTE SKADI????
                                        and Medusa that does not rushing linken > manta > skadi no damage build wp

                                        High GPM , ur team get raped by tinker , but eventually u get your items and become tank monster and hard carrying the team

                                        nice u carried ur team , must be hard with that FED , FAT TINKER
                                        9/10 since medusa that actually do damage i like

                                        Super Senko-san Time

                                          Way too greedy for a 2-stack to pick AM and SF. Solo support is a Rubick and there's only so much Rubick could do when impoverished. Your lineup having 4 cores, 3 farm dependent, warranting a defensive oriented game suited for the late however enemy lineup has too many disables. LC was able to snowball fast. SF 8 deaths at 16:50 = ggwp.


                                            Great job carrying the cancer Drow and Alche. You obviously joined team fights but it's great that you weren't too aggressive for the kills. Great KDA and damage dealt.

                                            casual gamer

                                              Good job not dying and hitting buildings, you have good items. my only real objection is the MKB, it counters WR but nobody else. I would've just bought diffusal and skipped treads

                                              still, you did a great job! you top scored on everything for your team and slew a luna picker

                                              amyl nitrate

                                                Well it appears you won solo doto. Your only deaths were once in lane and twice in fights, so I guess be more careful in lane?

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                                                  Carried by treant lul but i hope you dont go mid and jugg go mid intead. Anyway go learn some more you need to improve a lot from what im seeing


                                                    @JDF8 - thanks a lot, mate! I'll take note of your suggestion next time when adjusting my build to the situation. Means a lot.

                                                    [Skip me]

                                                    farm & chill

                                                      Classic SEA doto, 5man carry but still somehow wins. Seems like the new ember build is well balanced, with a respectable KDA. I assume you positioned well, because I usually find it a pain in the ass to play against riki as ember without some kind of silence break.

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                                                        Skip me plz you could buy a manta like i did in my last game(its linkens) you generally want 1 defensive item and the playstyle is just root and go whenever you desire


                                                          all nice ez stomp even tho their team was farmed aswell strange game rly
                                                          @ naa bro i know i coudpnt win chen wss trolling and onlyy warlock wanted to win but we kinda joke around you know lp stuff and chen keep backing me i base 40 min until i realise i can disable help

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                                                            Holy shit you probably want to kill yourself after that game. Really midas sven carry es and carry chen and double veil? You did so good, its ok mate i am sure you will get out of lp

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                                                              Nice Ember game, that was a stomp to end all stomps


                                                                Awesome game as a Venomancer. Knew your role, supported, did the damage, built well, and neutralized opponents, especially AM.


                                                                  your were against a spectre line up and spectre your team didnt execute well. spectre was given the resources he needed and game just went in their favour. as pudge you tried doing what you have to, just didnt go according to the plan i suppose


                                                                    Seems like the nyx and Lina carry you in the beginning to mid game while you got farmed, then you came out with 300lh and they couldn't do anything to stop you guys.

                                                                    Also no bkbs on the enemy team didn't help them at all when you guys had all magic damage and you were the only right clicker.


                                                                      Nice comeback after your carries got some items. Meepo just went out of that game as a victim (no blink dagger lul). You probably played contributed more than anyone else to that win with your 2/1/32 darkseer. Just can say: Well played!


                                                                        necrophos is a 5 stack. Not much else to say lol, if you didnt stomp i would be surprised


                                                                          Classic lone druid. Your team's composition is something less than desirable so I presume you were able to create enough space for the rest to get items and push.

                                                                          That sk rofl

                                                                          tinkle tinkle hoy

                                                                            Died a little too much but did a good job at hitting towers and looks like you played good probably watch getting caught out and play back in team fights


                                                                              Did a great job as TA, stomped the enemy 5 stack with yours. Great hero damage and nice itemization

                                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                                Support veno, great item timings, nice damage and assists, fast ez game

                                                                                kunst 2

                                                                                  Perfect timings, td, lasthits. I would build same stuff in this game, unless scepter - don't really like it in easy lane build (maybe only if you have mid dusa).

                                                                                  This veil on warlock make me laugh. He was like me in lp, playing him for first time, build it and realised that it won't work with fatal bonds.

                                                                                  The Nugget Collector

                                                                                    those damn last hits! well played dude, long time not seeing a diffusal on weaver.


                                                                                      OK job supporting. It's either your Riki and Blood were idiots by not getting the kills or you were stealing them. Make sure you help your carries get fat, because that's the easiest way you're going to win - no matter how boring a support can get.


                                                                                        U did OK but your LC was doodoo

                                                                                        one-man bukkake

                                                                                          A decent phoenix support. ON NS.

                                                                                          Aaaan... pls stop tryharding ember


                                                                                            Nice supp bh. You should get a pipe actually. Its not like i dont love getting lotus orb. Its because you aleeady have gg boots. Overall you should try to farm throughout the game


                                                                                              Long-ass game that should have ended way earlier considering the enemy team and really bad Gyro. Still did a good job carrying, but if you gave the kills to Snipe/Sven, you might have saved maybe 20 mins of your time. kek


                                                                                                easy normal skill stomp, surprisingly enough drums on PA must have worked well coz of luna chase with high movement speed. i surely hope you made vanguard before battle fury coz if not then its a realyl lame timing. ez win in the end tho, not even bkb against luna.


                                                                                                  19 mi phase 64 min difusal
                                                                                                  nuf said


                                                                                                    thats diffusal(2) mate i only got it when i run out of charges xp

                                                                                                    but yea i was hard support and lost early game

                                                                                                    ^were you intentionally fed or something?

                                                                                                    skip me

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                                                                                                      A solid Nyx offlane game. Though I don't really understand why you would go 3-0-2. Carapace kinda has no point to skill more than once in the early game. Or I may be wrong.

                                                                                                      I don't think it's worth to say anything about the LP Brewmaster game. Like, it's self-explanatory and I don't play seriously in LP, neither expect someone else to.

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                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!