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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    imba lasthits imba hero dmg
    imba items carries whole team imba skills imba reflex

    casual gamer

      euls is an interesting choice. it removes cold snap and makes your blink more reliable

      looks like you really rekt invoker


        30 assists in 30 minutes daaaaamn. Seems like u baby sit that am into victory.


          For a drow game... That hero damage and item build....i just don't understand what you were thinking... They had a pudge hurricane pike would've helped.. Also why not the standard agha mjolnir build.. Seems like in most team fights you got caught out and died.. Coz you had the better draft and better heroes.... Just bad game I guess

          仙道 "ZL." クリストフ

            you kill that morphling before it can even grow xD


              Pretty average Timber game tbh since people are done complaining about him and just properly fucking melt him now. Slark for all intensive purposes should had lost since the enemy team seemingly forced a Linkens purchase but apparently no one knew to pop it before trying to throw an important spell on him. Tanking up seemed to help since even with all that health you died 7 times. Makes me shudder to think how poorly it could had gone if not for having 3.5k HP. You should try to step up your Timber game if you plan to play him a lot, and don't ask me how, I don't play him.

              Also that Drow pick into Slark pick is a notable sign that the Drow had a fucking stroke, I hope you called that guy an ambulance.

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                Good: EZ STOMP 20-1
                Bad: why would you buy SnY? there could be alot of more better items such as abbsyal
                Worse : buying bfury at 30 mins- theres no need to farm anymore u need to fight.


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                  @hellsender I bought SnY for movespeed and Maim, Luna kept outrunning me. Also it was a bit of wanting some attack speed but I wanted some durability and 'combat stats' such as the Maim and Movement Speed rather than buying something like Hyperstone or Moon Shard. Battle Fury was just to wave clear, I planned to backpack it when fights came up once I got another item. Backpack is pretty great really, can just buy a Battle Fury later into the game to keep waves pushed if you don't have a Magnus and can just backpack it later when you go to fight

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                    seems like ogres and axes early game stomped their 5 core lineup. seems like a fun game


                      against those enemy you should have gotten midas > tranquil > glimmer > euls or maybe some force staff but thats none of my business


                        Nice batman game with a pudge that likes to make feed plays. U have made the dynasty proud.

                        Rektdalf the White

                          Tough loss against splitpush. You should have probably compensate trolls inability to actually do sth, and push for your team, while mk tried to carry you through teamfights.


                            You lost because you were outdrafted. Lanes were totally screwed up. If you had a real mid, and a roaming support you might have won.
                            Dagon + Eblade Bloodseeker deserved report.
                            So does 50 min no Radiance Spectre


                              your draft was pretty odd but you played really well.


                                Your match was basically unlosable with that lineup. Your farm started off pretty well, but it started to slow down as the game progressed

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Poor farm, to much feed (probably cuz of bad positioning), bad itemchoices.


                                    meepo picker who knows how to properly play the hero, carried team even though they sucked whole game - based on score and stats

                                    hero damage wasnt that high though, feels like impact could've been bigger

                                    probably playing with friends with lower mmr

                                    haHAA I'm 12 btw

                                      Game seems to have been fairly one sided 5. That being said, having the second lowest amount of deaths shows that the player is careful.

                                      The 5 core strat is real Kappa.


                                        hello smurf. That said nice comeback win. I dont know how you get down 20k networth by 30 with an alch. looks like they never bothered to push and you guys managed to win a teamfight and turn the game on its head.


                                          you carried them pretty well, but you died a little bit too much, anyway good job on getting 42 kills


                                            nothing much to say, you stomped them prettty hard

                                            Sir GueL

                                              Seems u don't have a spot to farm, and your team cant manage the gank / teamfight while you're still farm for your goods.

                                              Rektdalf the White

                                                Good game, focused on initiating so your carries could dish out dmg. Could have farmed a lil better, but all in all good job.


                                                  none from your team damaged buildings, which is bad with underlord, pugna and windranger in one team. On the other hand, jugg was terrible. I suppose you got Dagon instead of Eblade because Pugna decrepified your targets but I don't get why you got treads at 30min, when you have zero rightclick items and you could get travels instead to splitpush
                                                  Otherwise not dying against Slark and necro is really well played, your KDA is very good, but this is defense of the ancients, not seek and destroy


                                                    Looks like a pretty straightforward Viper game. Sometimes playing with a 4-stack is annoying but they did well too. Silver edge pickup looks legit against MK, he did better than his team but couldn't do much. Wp.

                                                    Also I bet BH got flamed into oblivion by his team

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                                                    Massive Dynamic

                                                      Very interesting item build, I haven't seen a Scepter on UD in a long time, let alone as a first core item. That also was a super long game, but you helped your team a lot judging from your 51 assists. Good job on the win.


                                                        @ The Maven

                                                        You did good, maintained a good KDA and dished out shit tons of dmg on the enemy team, but;

                                                        - your team obviously fed PA too much, beyond repair
                                                        - your dumb fuck AM made daedulus instead of mkb (and even MKB isn't reallly optimal on AM, shud hav made AC instead for better split pushing and to survive pa abyssal attacks for blink)
                                                        - despite ur LC becoming a full-blown PA hunter with mkb, bm, invis, blink and fucking huge duel dmg, she was unable to close the match (???)
                                                        - your LC made heart against physical dmg dealers (LOL?) this prob explains point 3
                                                        - imo invoker cant counter PA with MKB, you counter by juking her bkb timing and constantly disabling and hurting her with spells

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                                                          @ The Maven
                                                          My first core item was actually Mek, I just turned it into greaves much later

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                                                            wow. 1 hour + game

                                                            why didn't u go dagg first?
                                                            well good thing u and sniper carried the shitty voker

                                                            buying a bkb is a priority against tinker + am why didn't u bought one?



                                                              The naga was even shittier and was even harmful for the team bcuz she wud use her ulti at the worst of times. But voker was shitty too. Regarding the dagger, its early 3k bracket so one can do literally anything here. I felt like securing my aghs first and then gng into blink. Anyway sniper was the real mvp of the match

                                                              Skip me

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                                                                Good shit. You managed to carry that game as Zeus even though you were against an AM and despite their cores getting early BKB's. However I probably would've gone for a Scythe late game rather than an E-Blade.


                                                                  Grats your team managed to feed 77 times in 39 minutes. Not a whole lot I can do about that.


                                                                    bad farm , your team didnt build pipe thats main reason u couldnt win LUL

                                                                    Massive Dynamic

                                                                      @Life's2short4dota Yeah unfortunately my team wouldn't play the objective so we lost. AM didn't itemize properly. LC did good but she died too much and therefore missed crucial teamfights. Their oracle played very well and pulled off some pretty amazing saves. Yeah the problem was no one seemed to be building MKB, I was the first to do so before everyone figured it out. It did help in some fights after she used BKB I would cold snap and alacrity and do lots of damage. Looking back I think sheepstick would have been better, but it was a really fun hard fought game.

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                                                                      QTG 幸せ

                                                                        Very close game as i can see. Ur carries were good and their picked sucked. I havent played a single game on pheonix in my life but veil is kinda wierd xD


                                                                          looks like the meme qop build but damn that was one long ass game lol.


                                                                            nice riki pick, they have soft cores which really trashed the shiet of them

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              u can see the effects of spamming necrophos on that guys mmr, very effective

                                                                              second mjolnir great memes, ur farms pretty fucking bad for having a mjolnir though. i think hotd is core on jugg its 2 gud

                                                                              jin #BLOOMIZ

                                                                                Treant with its first skill looking really good. That lose streak tho.

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  ^^ ur not very good at this game


                                                                                    Made tons of space for mk to get raid boss status. Dominated your lane and ruined their carries farm early. Did well stat wise yourself also.


                                                                                      31 of 73. Your team was ownin. dont know how that game lasted for 1 hour

                                                                                      Daenuguanerys Targaryen

                                                                                        Pretty long game, I would die from boredom if I had to play that long but anyways, for picking slark... you get one commend!

                                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                                          you completely dominated the game. they have 5 squishy agi cores, and you destroyed them. your item choice is pretty on point, although i might have gone for an earlier blademail instead of straight into agh/shiva. still, clearly you know what you are doing


                                                                                            @JDF8 looks like pretty good comeback, tho it's hard to break base against Tinker. It seems that after your carry weaver got some damage with desolator you were abble to win fights. And you propably used your buyback well at 29min despite dying again. JK what insight can I give you when your mmr is 3x mine...


                                                                                              thread is dying :(
                                                                                              You shouldve farmed more, but by looking at your team is may have not been possible

                                                                                              monk, tibetan

                                                                                                Necrophos, the king of pubs, stomping hard, getting 900/900, and doing the most BLD with a PA in your team. lmao


                                                                                                  42 minute blink is an odd choice but other than that it wasnt too bad.

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                                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                                    5 min veil lmao, you killed the enemy mid 2 times and got p much a free lane. ur itemization is fine, you crushed the whole game and never died. most of their team cannot hurt you during shroud, with ur items you can pick off anyone at will and do a shitton of damage in fights

                                                                                                    its impossible to die because you can shroud tp out of anything but SD imprison, wp

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