General Discussion

General DiscussionI am an old player on a new account, some advice needed.

I am an old player on a new account, some advice needed. in General Discussion
Betty, Master of Pain

    Hey guys, so I stopped playing for longer than a year at a time, on multiple occasions. So my old account is kinda messed up. So I decided to experiment with this new account and kind of try and estimate if I could calibrate higher than Herald.
    Is there a specific significance to your unranked games?
    In my case I'm spamming pos 5 so does GPM and XPM matter?
    Can I possible calibrate to a better position without spamming 400 games at a 53% winrate?

    Any insight or advice would be valuable to me.

    (PS I'm sure a lot of people are going to tell me I suck. and that's fine but at least answer the question.)


      pos 5, KDA, winrate, stun duration
      also good luck avoiding the random bans of new accounts

      Betty, Master of Pain

        What is a good win rate? I also noted Dotabuff put me in a Guardian II match, does that signify anything? It's just odd because i'm only 40 games in.

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        Good Person

          50% is good winrate, just do good every game

          Crystal Meth & Crotch Rot

            Even if you're hidden MMR is Herald 1, it's possible to get placed in Guardian or even Crusader games. It really depends how many people are searching for a game on your server at the same time as you are searching.

            Don't make the mistake of thinking that cos the game is listed as Guardian II that that means YOU are guardian. It's just an estimated average of the skill of all players in the game. So 3 heralds plus 2 Crusaders = Guardian average game.

            As for trying to get the highest possible rank once you complete your 100 hours and do your calibration games, ask yourself if you really WANT to be in the highest possible skill bracket? It means every game you will have to tryhard or you'll lose 60% of them. You can't "just have fun" or experiment really.

            I guess what I am saying is, if you enjoy playing support, just keep playing your best and be happy with whatever rank you get... if you want to go for the highest rank you possibly can... learn to play the mid role on 3 or 4 heroes that are good in mid and spam them hard. Aim for the best KDA possible and lots of kills. You'll get moved up the ladder super fast.

            for reference, here is a recently created smurf account:

            Go back to his first games and you'll notice he mostly just spammed tinker/invoker/arc warden mid up to like Divine rank.

            You see he went from Herald IV to Divine in just 17 games.

            Personally I don't really want to be at my "tryhard" rank, cos then every game is fucking hard.

            I have a friend I play with regularly who has Ancient medal, but when he plays with me and just messes around he literally plays worse than me in most games. It sucks cos the enemy team usually has a "proper" Ancient player to balance him out and everyone on our team has to suffer cos of him having a medal that doesn't accurately reflect his "regular play" skill level.


              this is my new account. from crusader to legend 4 just in 10games. dont pick support if u want to get high hidden mmr

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                Player 111270065

                  I literally haven't played over 5 years. Won 10 games in a row and got calibrated at crusader 2


                    @trade same, i haven't play my ancient 3 2yrs. then calibration reset. from ancient to herald

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!