General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does my rank display only Party Ranking?

Why does my rank display only Party Ranking? in General Discussion

    I thought the system displayed the highest MMR you reached in the season? My Solo rank is about 1000MMR more than my party, but only my party is displayed. What is the reason for this?

    Story Time

      you mean in dotaabuff profile? Well that is old feature, and it does not display the current mmr anymore unless it was exposed previously. Do not pay attention to that, coz neither of us does anyway


        Dotabuff Badge and in client both display just my party rank


          if you don't remember, the old feature(before badges were displayed to the community) would show solo/party mmr when you would click over someone's profile. After the medals update, the party/solo mmr show-off feature got removed but those who still had it in their profile, it would remain there unchanged until they would change it by themselves.
          For instance, at my DB profile, you can see my current solo mmr because I've "SOLO - MMR" + " My first game's date " in my profile and I haven't changed it since.


            I know that, I'm talking about the actual badge in client and on dotabuff. The badge itself is only displaying my party rank.

            Story Time

              ok, at what mmr did you calirabte your solo mmr after new calibration? (did you do it?) And what is your party mmr after calibartion?


                My party after calibration is 2013MMR ~Crusader III

                My solo after calibration is 3033MMR ~Archon IV

                Ingame and in Dotabuff my badge is displayed as Crusader III.

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Its some bug it will even out after you play one or two solo games, why do you care anyway, theres no way crusader 3 can be matched with higher archons so people will know its your party badge, so no harm no foul?

                  Story Time

                    strange, i guess this is another bug for the rank system... they normally fix it within the next brief update. But i am curious: if you play a ranked game, does the game display also guardian medal in the pick phase?

                    Story Time

                      Its some bug it will even out after you play one or two solo games, why do you care anyway, theres no way crusader 3 can be matched with higher archons so people will know its your party badge, so no harm no foul?

                      coz the rest of the players will not let him pick carry of course. In his bracket people pray to medals and discriminate on this basis, and they know shit about the party or probability to be matched with other ranks


                        ^ This, also yes I get crusader medal in my solo games even though obviously I am ranked with Archons

                        Story Time

                          sucks unless you start saying that you are booster so the team lets you mid/carry and then reports you if you lost :D

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!