General Discussion

General Discussion'Gaming disorder' has been classified as a mental health condition by...

'Gaming disorder' has been classified as a mental health condition by the World Health Organization in General Discussion

    "The ICD now lists gaming behavior as disordered if it meets three conditions: if a person loses control over their gaming habits, if they start to prioritize gaming over many other life interests or daily activities, and if they continue playing despite clear negative consequences. This pattern should be clear for a one-year period before a diagnosis is made, according to the definition."


      "if you don't play by our rules then you have disorder" woo

      BSJ. LGD

        lol i agree but idc


          i mean we r all retarded at some extent


            at least i can enjoy some discounts

            SASA POPOVIC

              Cool, where do i apply for disability funds?

              Potato Marshal

                Making up new disorders should be a disorder, called the "Big Gay Psychology Nerd With Too Much Time on His Hands Syndrome".


                  who cares lol


                    loool gaming addiction is the consequence of other problems.When i used to play hardcore 10+ hours,every day for a year,i was severely depressed,anxious,mentaly unstable and socialy isolated BibleThump.Now i've fixed my problems and no way im going back to that way.2-3 hours per day max.Healthy person can't get addicted to video games.Just can't,its not a mental health condition at all.

                    Potato Marshal

                      That's nearly 3 hours a day! You guys aren't addicts, are you?

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        loool gaming addiction is the consequence of other problems.When i used to play hardcore 10+ hours,every day for a year,i was severely depressed,anxious,mentaly unstable and socialy isolated BibleThump.Now i've fixed my problems and no way im going back to that way.2-3 hours per day max.Healthy person can't get addicted to video games.Just can't,its not a mental health condition at all.

                        This, games are only escapism, some find other forms of escape, gambling, drugs or any other "Gonna run away from my problems" adiction hobbies...

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Why after E3 ended recently though? :thinking:


                            it's pretty long ago about this one,i saw it first
                            i win!


                              Amazing how some people are in denial about their gaming habit.

                              I’m willing to bet most people here would find it difficult to not play another match for 1 month.

                              Idc is a legit attitude but almost everyone else is deluded if they don’t think they have a certain level of addiction. Whether it needs fixing is another question but it is just as deluded as those middle-aged people who don’t realize they are alcoholic despite drinking a bottle of wine everyday.

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                ^What are you trying to say? Humans are creatures of habits, people are spending their downtime differently, some go out to the clubs/restaurants, some watch TV, some like hiking/sports blahblah, it doesnt matter what activity you are doing, problems starts when your side activity starts consuming your primary activities like academics or work, thats what is all about.

                                IF you play games but you are having successful life, have family or you are employed productive memeber of the society, no problems here, if you are NEET that sits in the house whole day doing nothing but playing video games then this article is ment for you.


                                  @harold true,i learned that the hard way

                                  This comment was edited

                                    in the future people who are weeb will be considered as disorder too


                                      @Harold I'm not saying addiction is necessarily a problem - I'm saying that a lot of people here aren't self-aware enough to realise they are addicted - it is perfectly common to be a functioning alcoholic/drug addict/coffee drinker and there are plenty of people addicted to computer games who also lead fulfilling lives. Doesn't change the fact that a lot more people are addicted than like to admit it.

                                      If you get cravings to do something when you decide you're going to abstain or you find yourself playing at 2am when you had planned to go to bed at midnight then you probably have a dependency.

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        meanwhile they try to normalize transsexualism... :sick:


                                          In other news, a shitload of dumbass retards decided people who spend their time differently are "not normal" and should be considered "mentally unstable" along with all the derogatory shit that comes with that label.

                                          I don't know how a bunch of fucktarded dumbshits get money to find out that people spend extended periods of time on activities they enjoy. People deserve to fucking go extinct.

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            I just dont understand how gaming is diferent from watching TV or going to a movie or going out, hell you can get addicted to going to gym! Workout gives you twice as much higher level of dopamine than winning dumb dota match!


                                              I think the difference is that gaming has the potential to get a lot more out of control (and it does) than TV. If you're binging on TV you can get other stuff done as well but hard to do that when playing a computer game (why I love ranked roles!) Likewise with the gym, hard to go for more than a couple of hours a day.


                                                You can get addicted to games, you can get addicted to tv, you can get addicted to chocolate, you can get addicted to shopping, you can get addicted to work, you can get addicted to everything.

                                                BUT healty humans have no chance to get addicted. When you are mentaly ill you suffer/ feel empty inside, you want to fill this emptyness with something. You find your addiction and you stick to it because it compensates your emptyness.

                                                Its just, that most of us humans are mentaly ill, its true.. it doesnt mean that you are psycho with 24 personalities. It just means that your mental conditions are not healthy.

                                                Its the same misconception as they say drugs are addictive. Its not true. You can get addictive by drugs. But its not the drugs that make you stick to it. Dont beleave me? Look up what U.S soldiers took at the Vietnam war. They all took drugs like opium to survive the war. Basicaly noone came back beeing addictive. They needed it to compensate the war. If they would have taken it because they were mentaly ill, all of them would stil be addicted to it after the war. What about patients who need to take morphin in hospital? Why noone gets addicted to that if the drug is the devil? Dont get me wrong. Most drugs are going to ruin you and your body over time. But they are not the reason you are taking them in the first place.



                                                  The thing with any addiction is that people are OK with it unless it causes big consequences.

                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    haha gaming is productive my brother gains money from streaming on twitch lol suckers

                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                      ^ ha, from the vast majority of "gaming population" those that stream on twtich or are part of the pro scene(sometimes both cases) are considered to be 1%! So they are in the area of statistical error, and even those streamers on twitch maybe 20% of them can call it a job that can bring them a stable revenue.

                                                      But internet is cruel as showbussines, today you are someone tommorow you are nothing, so dont get your hopes up.

                                                      Johnny Travaka prime

                                                        Tribo's got the giant gay



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