General Discussion

General DiscussionSeason Calibration

Season Calibration in General Discussion

    Hello, I'm a slark spammer that just came back playing because tired of csgo. So I came back and start playing again there's a couple of question that I wanted to ask about Climbing MMR and improving my game. I tried watching Dota D. Bowie, Pros. but it seems I can't reach Archon.

    1. I only use slark almost the entire calibration getting every win with slark (7W) antimage (1) and AA (1L) and BB (1W) I feel so confident reaching 2k MMR with my W-L but I only get 1.8k MMR from 1.4k MMR is that normal?

    2. I was farming pretty good with that Anti mage game I think its 12 min BF but at 30 min mark I died like 3 times against on teamfights qop wr,mirana,centaur and shaker (don't worry about that diffusal lel) is there anything that I can improve? I don't know anything I just keep dying

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      1, It is normal. Gaining 400 mmr in 9 wins is already a big thing considering 9 games should only net you 225> You just doubled that amount.

      2, Predictability & item checking. Knowing they have a mirana you should know her ulti cooldown timings. You should have wards at their side of the map instead of yours. With Mira,qop & centaur if your wards are too close often times you won't be able to run away. IE, Mira Arrow & her ult. Centaur with his blink. Wr might also have a blink.

      It takes great effort to kill an AM. No one on that team should be able to kill you alone. They will constantly try to group up & take you down. Use that to your advantage.


        okay ty for answering my question

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