General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat can i do to get better?

What can i do to get better? in General Discussion

    I dont feel like i learn anything from watching replays but i want to improve


      practice makes perfect


        dig deeper into pro player replays, imitate what they do.

        practicing may make you improve but watching pro replays perhaps bsj coaching session would change your outlook on how to play the game. it is not really necessary to copy pros 100% but rather incorporating the general concepts u have learned from watching in sync with your playstyle.

        TLDR like it or not watch replays as it is the fastest way to improve

        tho another alt. would be playing with players who are better than you on a regular basis and learn thru experience


          also consider that every person has a limitation on how much they could translate what they have learned.

          and rank or mmr doesnt mean everything in gamesense or general knowledge how to play the game.

          mechanical skill/ hero mastery and op hero spamming could dramatically boost someones mmr despite possessing only an average gamesense.

          perhaps if you connote improvement with winrate but i think that improving would be more than just winning but rather learning from experiences and learning from pros/ replay analysis gives improvement that if deeply ingrained in your mind you would be able for example to lead the team on what to do on crucial situations and not just relying on solo play ability