General Discussion

General Discussionfair enough!

fair enough! in General Discussion

    any one can help me??? i dont know what is wrong with this players and this game!
    my team feeding and they are piece of shits! and they decide report me :)))) because i couldn't won for them !
    every games is 9v1!!!! and now i got banned because i coudln't wipe the shit of others!!!!

    any some good players exist in this game? or all of them piece of shits report others for their fault?

    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

      Maybe they're in a party and are just blaming everything on you? Could be their own personal issues too or having a bad day.

      Sucks to get a ban. Was it a 6 month ban or a different kind of ban?

      It gets better the higher you go according to some people. Also, Behavior score. Can atleast confirm I've met some reeaally nice people in dota 2. Heck, there was a time 2 of my teammates were fighting for mid... but arguing politely.


        lion - 3/10/20
        bb - 8/12/1
        timber - 18/14/25
        yes your team is retarded

        Machado98 #xatubaking



            Elite :))))
            so in ur opinion 3/10/20 lion is a bad sup hah?? lmao , thats kinda player i matched every game! hf. u are really 2k :).

            and yes i trash talked people in the last games and that's because they trash talk me for their failure!

            Machado98 #xatubaking

              3/10/20 means you helped but died way too much
              8/12 bb and 18/14 timber are a shame really, can't understand how someone can possibly die that many times with those heroes

              And yea you trashtalk because you are toxic. You can mute your team, nobody has forced you to trashtalk, you chose to so pls don't come to forums to say steam is unfair and you are so much better etc etc it's lame, dota doesn't need more of your kind "ooh I'm so good but everyone is against me everything is my team's fault mimimi"

              Enjoy your 6 months or even better: create a new account and be nice

              G O D O T

                its better to mute annoying toxic ppl than trashtalking to them, therefore you can focus on your own game


                  u are too toxic


                    If your winrate is below 50%, it's you that's the problem...


                      Don't kid urself, ur toxic as fuck, u are the problem and no one else.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!