General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Spectre; team always tilts when I pick/call/play it... why?

Mid Spectre; team always tilts when I pick/call/play it... why? in General Discussion

    although this is a rare occasion where I get matched with a melee; its still good.
    33 kills 100% kill attendance 33:1 KDA

    How do you overcome the Dota 2 toxicity pregame blues?
    I find, ignoring, sometimes isn't the best tactic, when it comes to win rate.


    100% CORE
    All Pick
    Ranked Matchmaking


      ur playing against bad players, so u outplay them on lane and do fine even though spectre’s laning is spectacularly bad

      however, your teammate think they are playing TI9, so they assume u will get stomped and autotilt due to 3k brain

      Slaughtr Destny

        Except you lost to a 2K Shadow Demon: :'(


          Auto tilt is bad
          But spec mid is worse

          Ur both stupid?


            haha you got lucky mate

            Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

              Ancient bracket lul


                your spec winrate is nice tho


                  Honestly, its pretty toxic picking a weird mid (or any other role) in a pub. You're trying to make 5 strangers into a team that trusts each other. Everyone carries a lot of baggage from crazy team mates picking weird shit (which usually fails) so you are automatically setting up the team to hate you (at least for the first 10-15mins until you (hopefully) show them that you're not a retard).

                  Nothing wrong from a Dota perspective to try something creative but 100% fail when it comes to trying to get a cohesive team (at least in ranked anyway)


                    Their caution is with good reason, though. Imagine having a teammate for last pick pos 4 and out of the blue he picks jungle Io. You think you would receive that well? I don't think so. Little do you know this man has 1000+ games on jungle Io with a 60% winrate.

                    The point is this "toxicity", as you put it, is a healthy thing. It means your teammates are up to date with the current meta and are trying their best each match, which is why they expect you to do the same. It is something you will have to put up with for as long as you play midlane Spectre.


                      ^ Irrelevant but I need a tips on playing shadow fiend..


                        Idk how I got my team to trust me to play a mid Spectre once, but I did and it worked out. Doubt it'll ever happen again though.


                          Where do you get the stats with average kills, deaths, match length etc?



                              "You got lucky" -> "Nice WR" -> "Tried, and worked"
                              I like that you criticized it, and then tried it :)


                              Stats from Dotabuff, Heroes=Spectre Lane=Mid Match Duration=>12min

                              @heraldus cancerous

                              ancient bracket, that you could only make on a <smurf account?> with majority heros <50% wr

                              I generally don't play spec mid; only when I fall into a scenario where, I see it as a good pic.
                              I like spectre mid, fast level 6 into lane domination, turning fights with haunt ever few minutes turbos the power curve.

                              Road to Divine is real; >Relax you're doing fine.
                              Actually seeing a lot of support players, now I have climbed from Legend (2) to Ancient (1).

                              30-14 this month
                              best 22-0 in a month.
                              my win rate was crushed, during patches where game play was early game centric; however, i feel the current meta, is mid-late.

                              Hero: Spectre
                              Score: 6232
                              Percentile: 100
                              Rank: ~100

                              a little bit of a climb to do.
                              I understand players don't like 40+min games, but its rare with thes patches to have much less than 30-40 from my experiences.

                              I am finding 30-50 is my standard timings, if i play support, i secure the first 20mins, then carry still does nothing, doesnt defend towers, and we get stomped in 40-60minutes; after winning first 20-30mins

                              So I don't particularly find a difference if i pick early game/late game heros; I find execution easier on a hero from my recent hero pool.


                                spectres laning is arguably one of the worst in the game.

                                and you put it in the lane where laning ability is most important.



                                  *just because something u did worked in some low skill games, it does not mean it's the right thing to do. U can do these cheeky stuff in lower level pubs for fun but if u really wanna get good at dota learn proper strategic thinking.
                                  Mid spectre has nothing to offer. She doesnt harrass well, she doesnt win any type of trade, her damage or BAT isnt so high that she could win the cs game while tanking some damage. She's an afk lane last hitter that only can kill with help of lane supports. That's in no way a mid hero's description

                                  How to overcome toxicity is an issue after u fix ur own issues

                                  Again just cuz enemy mid lets u stay in lane and doesnt destroy you doesnt mean u'r having a good strategg


                                    @sia -very high skill, but sure.

                                    Itemisation allows you to stay in lane, although you have to invest in early regen, against a ranged hero, you can win the cs war, and stay in leage. Then turning your presence to an easy level 6 pickoff. I don’t think you have to have supports to get kills. Boots and chase down is usually enough.
                                    Maybe 50%wr is luck, but 80% indicates that it’s alright.
                                    I would play it more, but rarely team says yes.

                                    You can effectively lane with four mangos, stout and quell; (maybe a shared tango or a Salv if you done believe; into situational item, Aquila/urn+treads. at 6 (6-8mins) if anyone is low, or your lanes are ready, you can destroy the other lanes for another quick 500g.

                                    Get up a vanguard or yasha and you are all set to take over the game 10-15mins.

                                    If your having a slow start, I’m sure you can still get the necessary items, playing like a lil bitch under tower, a few mins later then these timings.

                                    Spectres farm and success comes heavily from haunt, so if you can trade lhs for exp, spending your gold on regen is fine.

                                    Enabling a mid ganker, late game hero, you can put early lane dominance in the other lanes.

                                    Who is going to waste time ganking a spectre mid too.


                                      Wow, if you've had your games like that then your enemies have all been so fucking dumb. Granted your winrate does show that you are doing something right, but if you played the midlane with any other hero in your most played heroes (except Spectre), you could have ended those games at least 10 minute earlier. Going up in rank you'll encounter smarter enemies, but I think that that's besides the point.

                                      So just carry on I guess. I just wanted to point that out.


                                        Why the fk you wanna play spectre mid just got lucky with that game that's all


                                          You can't win the cs war since u have no base dmg, ur slow, not tanky so u can't trade with enemy mid hero, you don't offer any significant powerspike from levels, it's almost all item powerspikes, of which u won't be able to reach any in time since you can't find any resources since u can't jungle, a good mid will have zoned u out and out level you and threaten to kill you etc.


                                            why dont u party with friends to play such risky lineups?


                                              @sia -very high skill, but sure.

                                              hint: very high skill doesn't actually mean that you are very highly skilled


                                                i don't get it how many mid laners there is that u can beat with spectre? not very much i doubt if u can even beat a zeus/sniper/dk let alone viper so why i should accept a spectre going mid a hero who loses lane so easily in 1v1

                                                Salt Miner

                                                  I like Spectre, but the issue with her mid is the same one with her on offlane: How much farm are you actually getting? Haunt isn't going to do much damage, and apart from a slow, you really don't have the damage and bulk to dive on lane ganks. Like, why not play barth/nyx mid instead who are also so-so mids, but at least have a lot more damage/bulk/cc. The only thing Spectre has over those two is a strong late game, which you are curtailing because she is going to have a rough time farming against even noobs.



                                                    you actually need to play spec mid. or else she just sucks in lane, gets 0 farm, and cant kill anyone. or go mid like so:

                                                    Salt Miner


                                                      Are you telling me you are going to have an easier time farming mid lane solo against what has been a really aggressive lane than with a babysitter in safe lane? Like, what he is describing is playing Spectre as a ganker that transitions into a late game monster. No one is arguing you can't win with spectre mid. The justification is that she is safer and gets more farm solo, and haunt early game is almost as bad as chrono early.

                                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                        She’s better in jungle


                                                          i think she needs levels and then laning is easier in 1 v 1 in mid.


                                                            Every midlaner offers smth. Spectre offers nothing. If u actually kill the enemy by just walking at them and attacking, that just proves the incompetence of that enemy. First of all u should be bullied out in the lane. If not, and SOMEHOW the guy lets u freefarm, if u just walk on him and his sups dont come and he cant escape he can just tp.

                                                            As i said it's not about if it worked or not, i can make carry cm work in a game that they dont punish me for it. It's about what does the hero in that role offer, and are there heroes that do that better. And the abswer is spectre is a VERY passive farmer with 1 aggressive ability with a huge cd. A np mid can also rotate on top of enemy and deal burst damage and hold him and block him, and his tp cd is nit comparable to haunt. Yet they raaaaaarely picked np mid cuz he can destroy offlane or make enemy spend all their resources there while not punishing the offlaner, but just stopping him from destroying the lane.

                                                            It's about that, not if it worked in a game or not.


                                                              get sky to babysit you mid then free farm

                                                              mid is the new safelane
