General Discussion

General DiscussionIncrease battle cup total shards prize per tier

Increase battle cup total shards prize per tier in General Discussion

    with 10k shards increment per tier, tier 8 should have a prize of 80000 shards, while tier 7 have a prize of 70k shards. Just to be fair cuz higher tiers are hard af

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      no, lower tiers are harder im sure. insane amounts of smurfs playing while in tier 8 one divine guy brings four of his shitty ancient friends.


        u realize winning t4 bc for t4 players is about as hard as winning t7 bc for t7 player?

        t8 is an exception because its kind of a shitshow(not that i would know, heh)


          nah mate, for example i bring 3 of my legend friends to t8, wont that be very hard for us too?, or valve should at least give us an option to play one tier lower than our original tier


            i cant tell if ure serious or not anymore

            either way im out

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              then dont fucking bring your legend friends??????

              I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                b4ttl3cup 1s 4 j0k3

                Mad Scientist

                  why would you play batlle cup with legend tho :grimace: just make a smurf or else get proper teammate


                    I actually think it is kinda shitty that you don't get a reward for just advancing
                    For all I care it doesn't even have to be much, like 500 shards would be cool to get through the first round, 1000 for getting into finals


                      wait battle cup actually has a prize other than the cup thingy next to your name?


                        reward should be same for every tier


                          fuck just bcup rewards, increase shardds giveaway in general. Im not paying for dotaplus just for some shitty suggestions. And please give away more mythical sets!

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