General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me to learn sand king

help me to learn sand king in General Discussion

    hey guys can u help me with this fucker? when i play vs sk im losing but when im sk im losing wtf? im so bad with this hero is UNBELIBABLE(bulldog sry)

    my stats > 35% wr

    i just dont know what im missing.. im trash and i want to learn

    Minna (Pos.1)

      first step, dont mad with others

      Story Time

        have you tried... oh fock this


          1 sand king tip
          2 sand king tip
          3 kjnzdfv


            i have tried defending my ancient 4Head

            Story Time

              ^ but you should have tried to destroy the enemy ancient, not to protect yours

              Use chatwhell=mute

                so dont play sk. eu dog


                  thats not the answer i wanna see.. i will learn that fucker no matter what

                  Use chatwhell=mute

                    his impale is so strong basically. and other spell sucks. and he is strong in early and and sucks in late.


                      Watch a youtube guide its a lot better than asking people on this forum cuz all you get is "Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?"

                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        i was seriously giving him advice not "Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?"


                          press the q and the blink button


                            Cookie god can help you.


                              hello sir its ya boii stanley here
                              I am not a 6k sk arc god but i do play a little sandking and he is my favourite hero I am also a bit higher mmr than you so u can learn from me a little
                              first off I am a terrible roamer so i wont help u with roaming sk i only play offlane sk
                              1- learn ur powerspikes so in lane thats level 4 never do any cool tricks before that unless u are cookie since before that you will die anyway unless the enemy really fucks up sooo before level 4 just draw aggro to a-not allow enemy to deny b- not allow enemy supports to harrass you without getting hit by creeps in the process also draw aggro far to the opposite side in which the support is standing so he has to walk through creeps if he wants to do anything
                              2-if its level 4 and u arent getting help by team roamer to kill enemy core then go ahead and beat the support up if he is a weak bitch aka cm or rubick (one disable type of support) just go hit em with ur pincers and stun them to force them out of lane or atleast force them to use spells so the carry is a lonely bitch for u to kill later on
                              3-watch replays of common pub lanes from my favourite to watch is sk vs jugg u will learn way too much from it
                              4-once u have blink (u should have it by 9 12 16 mins )depending on how hard ur lane was either dont show like keep it on courier and go drop enemy carry hp to 700 using a stun then go grab ur blink then use ur combo for a guaranteed kill OR smoke and kill enemy mid
                              5-later on u can go calculate ur damage comboes i myslef only did ult plus stun plus right click on all levels and stun plus one caustic explosion on all levels u can go more in depth but these are enough for now
                              6-unless the enemy team has no disables somehow alway channel epi from fog trees high ground etc extera care vs silencer pugna tinker etc
                              7-always hood euls lotus orb never bkb
                              8-radiance is a great item if ur lane was good and u got a couple kills dont disregard it
                              9-in good games then play aggressive in enemy jungle take their camps ward their jungle so u can use epi and kill someone if u can
                              10-in bad games it depends if ur cores are retarded and they only farm jungle then go push lanes whenever u can since u explode them in like 4 seconds and hide always keep enemy lanes pushed while if ur cores are good and push lanes then simply camp behind them
                              11-dont go in for one retard i know its tempting to jump in with ult when they are hitting ur crystal maiden but if its only you two then youll both die only do that if you can see the enemy clearly hitting someone and its not just one retard who got caught out
                              12- go to lobby practice ur ranges practice doing ur combo with force staff practice doing two man stuns whatever u can think of
                              13-if u lose a lane then go immediately look for a 7k replay of the same matchup and watch how they play it
                              14-shift queue idk if thats a tip anymore tbh
                              15-if enemy picks brood then say u will take her lane no matter what its the best match up u can think of
                              16-by level 8 4-0-4 or even 6 4-0-2 u should be cutting the wave with soul ring if its a weak lane or even a moderate lane just sl ring hit a creep once then stun towards ranged creep then hit ranged creep and voila no creep wave this creates huge pressure or gets u killed so it depends on game
                              17-always tranquils sl ring wand never manaboots unless ur team needs it and no one would buy it on ur team but most of the time it tranquils sl ring
                              18-against riki sb unexpected initiation push creep waves with sand storm since its more safe
                              hope i helped you :)


                                Wow great dude , really well written !!


                                  Search dbowie videos on YouTube, i usually watch some of his videos first before starting to spam a hero


                                    wow so many things that im not doing with sk.. i will try to copy them.. ty man :)


                                      13-if u lose a lane then go immediately look for a 7k replay of the same matchup and watch how they play it

                                      That’s a really good tip


                                        Just don't farm jungle while your cores are trying to take objectives.

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