General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Return of the Venomancer?

The Return of the Venomancer? in General Discussion

    Well 2 seconds isnt that amazing, and your lethal abilities only last 15/16 seconds... But I guess he deals with dual lanes decently?

    Also have a 2k guide by yours truly (Edit: Credits to HyperStoned for awesome info about builds and playstyle)

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    Bad Intentions

      Hmm.. interesting..

      Muhammad Sumbul

        ^Wtf this guy is everywhere lmao


          Excuse me? - Hey dickface, remember the part where you litterally just stole my guide? Which i wrote too help you..


            And its out dated, If you wanted a guide.. You could have asked, instead of posting an outdated way too play a hero, which somebody else wrote for you, claiming it as your own.

            Max sting is generally the way most venos play in today's meta, but i'm not even going too give you a chance and explain the reasoning behind it, nor am i going too write you another guide..

            but if you would like too rip off annother established Dota buff player, try stealing guides from my 2015 veno guides

            Was there anything else you wanted too claim as your own?


              Oh shit... Dude I didnt mean to steal it. I just copied good info from you. If you want I can remove it.


                Anyway I feel really shit and I'm sorry, I just wanna learn more about one of my favourite heroes.


                  ''I just wanna learn more about one of my favourite heroes.'' if you wanted too learn, you wouldn't post a sudo 'Guide', you would ask for assistance 'written by yours truely' lol.

                  Also 2 seconds on the ulti = 220 magic damage which means without pipe its, 155 extra damage..
                  Negligable when a lvl 20 aghs veno was already dealing 2600 damage from just the nova.

                  That's not what made veno good, The things that made veno good is the heros in the meta that veno shits on.. Visage for instance.
                  Even still, i probably wouldnt recommend anything written in that 'guide' as it was litterally months out of the meta, sure some things are still static, as they are core playstyles of the hero.

                  Veno being as flexiable as he is for a hero, is most likely not Top tier, more just a comfort hero for some players because of his flexibility. I've seen alot of Aquila, drums, deso, AC , Pike builds recently, which is a whole other direction from what i wrote months back.
                  His ulti is enough damage too force a pipe, and if they've already committed too a pipe/bkb's, theres reason not too commit towards more magic damage (Aghs viel) and trying too bust through it. this also secures you rosh, and veno is one of the better aegis carriers, because he jumps in, fucks shit up and re sets.
                  There are alot of builds, and every game builds vary, veno is definately yet too be solved for the current meta.

                  I'm humbled you appreicate my advice from previous posts, but i'm still salty you claimed it as your own, Like i said.
                  If you want to learn, you'd ask a question, post a comment etc. If you wanted too show off your knowledge, you'd post your guide, which you seemed too have got caught out, do better.


                    HyperStoned BabyRage Arteezy mode


                      Welp I can't erase my wrongdoings but I can try and make the present a better place.

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!