General Discussion

General DiscussionVladimir

Vladimir in General Discussion

    What happened to that item, i remember the days when we used to build it on Anti-mage, phantom lancer, Lycan, ursa
    How did it and why did it disappear since i was gona for almost a year and a half from this game since 6.83 came back around 7.02


      still he's at the head of russia


        Yes master Putin is, but in game he disappeared why?


          I would assume because of the talents. Most of the cores now have lifesteal talent. And for pushing Dominator seems better.


            What about Anti mage and, pl i used to go for it after fury > yasha > Vlads > Manta


              To me it seems that talents changed the way you build heroes for one reason or another, depends on a hero. I'm sure some bluestars will answer to this question better anyways..

              I'm actually curious myself too, tbh

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                new regen formula makes regen much better than lifesteal for most heroes so hotd is better. also 20 AS > 15% damage for summons as well


                  Yes i get what it does for summons but isn’t lifesteal better on AM ?

                  Potato Marshal

                    Hotd > Vlads

                    주 롄양

                      u can delay it for 5 mins and buy tarras instead


                        Lifesteal is not better
                        U already go bf and the Regen change makes it enough to sustain you
                        Bf wand is pretty good regen


                          vlad pl was never not retarded

                          flourishing new leaf

                            it's still very good, same as blight stone. People are just too dumb to buy them


                              hotd replaced it on offlaners


                                yeah after 7.00 I hardly see any carry or core buying Vlads, might see it on supports tho


                                  I used to go vlads for visage after domi, but i realized that drums is a lot better


                                    battle fury gives regen
                                    current focus on tempo means vlads is very underwhelming on most heroes
                                    meteor hammer is better for pushing, hotd gives insane regen and is good for pushing, heroes that really liked Vlads (like ursa or old am) are now trash tier, emphasis on jungling dropped a lot, emphasis on soloing rosh dropped a lot

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                                      Vlads was core on antimage, cuz it gave you the ability to stay on lane and blink without limiations (manaregen). Since you can regen now while hitting neutrals, getting a clarity if needed or a salve is just the cheaper choice, without slowing your farm down.

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Hope they either make a new item that builds from vlads or just rework it entirely. Ignoring how good it is, it's just kind of a bland item that just gives an aura that boosts a bunch of stats a bit.


                                          Wasn’t vlads core for the lifesteal and because orbs back then didn’t stack so it was the only lifesteal available




                                              Yes (is too short minimum is 6 characters)

                                              13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                                Vlads basically became a support item only used for its aura.
                                                It became shit when they removed the Attack Modifier/Orb effect from items, since its the only lifesteal item before that wasn't an Attack Modifier.


                                                  I think the reason is no more orb effects on simple lifesteal. Previously vladimir was the only lifesteal which wasnt orb effect. Ursa now needs only mask to take solo roshan

                                                  The Troy Sanders of Dota

                                                    I asked myself the same question and i bought it on Brew today. Was pretty good but it didnt feel as strong as it was. I think drums might have been better but I wanted to buy vlads since I cant even remember the last time i bought it. It needs a buff or rework because yeah as others have said in this thread already, the changes to regen and other items kinda make it obsolete right now


                                                      Ring of aquilla is the alternate to vlads imo, good stats and aura that we can manipulate. Vlads might be good item on supports rather than cores since there are many good items that surpasses vlads.


                                                        I love Vlads putin


                                                          Not worth it anymore, multi-core setup is the game right now, not 4 protect 1, so the midlaner/offlaner wont bother getting an item just to boost the hard carry further. Also reason posted above; HotD is a better choice atm because of regen changes


                                                            Dunno guys, gona give it a go on my next AM game and post the results.
                                                            Thanks for all the inputs, and yea i’ve been building it mostly on pos 4,5 heroes

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                                                                Okay buddy take it easy

                                                                muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                  this player named "gl hf" got triggered so hard hahaha


                                                                    Need to reduce the recipe cost of Headdress and overall cost of Vladimir

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      the problem with vladimir is that it takes a slot and a mid game item which is too costly for supports, and "too soon to be replaced" for cores and only a few semi-supporting offlaners would afford it for their builds.


                                                                        carries doent need vlad since its waste a slot for them
                                                                        offlanes doent buy vlad because hotd/greave/cg/etc is better
                                                                        mid never meant to buy vlads
                                                                        supp cant afford vlads and also other active items like forc/eul/ghost/glimmer is better


                                                                          Vlads was a good split pushing item and now the meta asks for more team fighting utility items hence vlads is pretty much dead after 7.07


                                                                            Vlads has lifesteal, and damage aura so i don’t see how its not a good team fighting item


                                                                              they randomly nerfed it after the patch that hotd was ultra broken iirc. at the time it was pretty crap too

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