General Discussion

General Discussionsomeone tell me wht should i do

someone tell me wht should i do in General Discussion

    having extremely huge lose streak now with D behavior score
    what should i do now? continue trying hard or ?


      chill,take a break,watch tv show,play turbo,go eat , shower.Thats what i usually do.


        how do i improve my behavior score fast? i cant win with this toxic teammates




            how do u improve BS with bots can you teach?


              u seem as a cancerous player no ty


                wow pakyu

                Machado98 #xatubaking

                  You seem pretty toxic, might just deserve a little ban

                  Anyway, play unranked and spam Chen. Anything you do as chen = ez commend, doesn't matter how simple and easy it is, people will just commend you for nothing

                  And stop talking or typing, just finish every match with your team either loving you or neutral about you

                  low prio master

                    Youre somewhere,where youre not supposed to be couse playing hero like tinker,im sure youre good on him but than you pick something else and suck.
                    And idn why you playing with vhs ppl since you cant even keep going in normal skill.

                    Cant Win

                      Just chill and think carefully on what to pick, it doesnt matter if your teamates are toxic just ignore them and prove them wrong and report them