General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan Tips For Me(780 MMR)

Lycan Tips For Me(780 MMR) in General Discussion

    Hey guys It’s Wolf here I was wondering if anyone could give me some Lycan tips for my MMR(Guardian) and tell me whether I should use The Helm Of The Dominator and Necronomicon build or A right click build(desolater,mask)?


      Use the dominate necro build


        Just remember that "wolves need no armor"
        Avoid team fights and only push this only works vs teams with weak wave clear but it's the only right way to play lycan


          Thank you guys but how would you recommend micro managing these creeps from helm and Necronomicon or how would I be able to learn how to micro manage quickly?


            Control groups. Assign certain units to certain keys and manage appropriately.


              First pick lycan, rush domi then necrobook,take rs, then destroy ancient, dont ever go to late game or you will most likely lose