General Discussion

General Discussion7.13b: Icefrog screwed up so badly last patch that they're already pa...

7.13b: Icefrog screwed up so badly last patch that they're already patching it again in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    * Strength heroes base movement speed reduced by 5
    * Strength heroes base armor reduced by 1 (except Doom, Io, Lycan, Phoenix, Timbersaw, Tiny)
    * Intelligence heroes base strength increased by 2 (Except OD, Tinker and Bane)
    * Strength gain for the following heroes increased by 0.3: Dark Seer, Death Prophet, Ember Spirit, Leshrac, Nature's Prophet, Necrophos, Pugna, Queen of Pain, Ursa and Visage


      int masta race


        How about fixing gifts and fucking feed?


          how about NERFING DARK FUCKING WILLOW, literally can solo any hero no matter how strong the hero is


            How about you realise its a general gameplay changes patch. No heroes are gonna be changed individually.

            You'll get the dw nerf in 2 weeks if icefrog thinks its necessary

            This comment was edited

              cm has like 400 health at level 1

              I played a game without reading the patch notes and almost got 3 hit before the first 3 mins


                They just took the bottom of trending page and gave them 0.3 strength lol

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Just how much does icefrog hate tinker actually

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    265ms Treant
                    Is this a new low?


                      tinker games are boringgg

                      Player 281121816

                        int masta race

                        Of course. Intellect always beat everything in this world my brother, including luck


                          wat about str and agi?


                            Strength gain for the following heroes increased by 0.3: Dark Seer, Death Prophet, Ember Spirit, Leshrac, Nature's Prophet, Necrophos, Pugna, Queen of Pain, Ursa and VISAGE



                              dark willow nerf is still necessary, look at pro tournaments, literally a cancerous hero if played by good players


                                Where is the meepo buff ??? WHERE IS THE FUCKING MEEPO FUCKING BUFF


                                  alot of heroes need to be tune down...
                                  Looks at fcking comp scene, Alway same hero since 7.08
                                  [Omni/DP/TB/DK/DW/SK/ etc:]

                                  In short nerf this fcking heroes so other heroes can be pick ffs
                                  Why bother picking hero like Sven/CK/WK/PA/Ursa while you can pick TB

                                  its disgusting

                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                    Terrorblade in pro scene: nuke me with 3000 magic damage in 5 secs or I'll back to full health.
                                    Terrorblade in 2k mmr games: nuke me with 4000 physical damage in 5 secs or I'll back to full health.
                                    since 2k games have 10 agility carries and TB has 99999 armor

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                                    Il Separatio

                                      Nice "+1 Armor" buff to Undying in 7.06d SeemsGood

                                      white boy summer

                                        these minpatches achieved just as much as a feminist. no changes in meta since it started


                                          I kinda disagree, they made it worse.
                                          Still like feminists tho


                                            haHAA I'm comparing this to feminists because I am s0 edG y LOOOOOOOOOL 4Head

                                            Willows Winrate in pros is under 50% btw but she is banned a lot. She will receive the changes based on what OSFrog wants, regardless of how much u babies whine abt it


                                              Valve dun goofed xD

                                              Il Separatio

                                                @George Soros: The Plan

                                                You have to give them time whiny "player" ... SoBayed