General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre talents - Left side/right side

Spectre talents - Left side/right side in General Discussion

    just played left side and the movespeed difference doubling from Dagger + cd/reduction seems super legit over the 500 hp and the 8 stats,

    also is 8% dispursion more dmg than 20% illu dmg?

    *edit* - Also is mom still the item for farming? I went phase urn blademail and my csing was slow although it allowed me to fight in a pressured lane (pudge/mk) we also had a bh, so i didn't need to farm. However if it becomes a farm priority game whats the optimal buildup towards a Radiance instead of brown boots no game impact radiance rush

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      potentially something towards the lines of phase aquila drum urn so you have the mana to sustain the Dagger spam?




          Spectre scales with stats, while the regen is nice and the farming potential of a bfury is decent (ancients) i imagine it'd push your Radiance (diffusal manta) timing significantly back. it wouldn't allow you to fight at any point in time before the '20min+' mark.

          Also much like an 'antimage' if you have a battlefury, you still can't fight. Assuming both carries have equal networth and your spectre buys a battlefury while the enemy gyro has an SNY, which team do you think will be running down lanes pressuring the map? would it be the 900 hp spectre with fury or the 1700 aquila sny gyro?

          I don't think battlefury is the item, i actually considered it, but considering how lackluster it is incomparison to raw Stats/movespeed items i don't believe it is the item.

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          Potato Marshal

            Spec has like one of the most obvious 25 talents. Why would you want like an extra 30 damage from illusions on a 2 minute ult instead of reflecting up to 30% of all damage all the time?


              because 40% extra damage from manta to push towers (spectre's main weakness) is definitely a thing. although i humbly agree with you that 8% dispersion is probably a better talent (i picked it myself) i was just wondering if there are any spectre mains that can share insight into what they believe is better in the given scenario's

              Potato Marshal

                The description clearly says "haunt illusion damage" so I don't think it effects manta illusions.


                  i stand corrected. Yeah not sure when you'd get it, maybe vs like AA/cm type supports that pretty much die to your illu


                    anyone thin enough to be killed by those illus won't need more damage dealt to them from that talent

                    chicken spook,,,,


                      chicken spook,,,,

                        my csing was slow

                        spec is one of the worst core hero in terms of farming speed

                        unbreakable spirit

                          You can farm a 20 minute radiance with PT and Aquila, I think any little health on Spectre is so valuable, because dispersion snyrgizes with the amount of health Spectre has, the more health the better. The 8% dispersion is pretty good, it actually sustains you in team fights especially since late game and you will be six slotted.

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