General Discussion

General Discussionvery high skill

very high skill in General Discussion

    why still im in normal bracket? can someone help me to know ?

    casual gamer

      a picture is worth a thousand words


        my dear bro can u tell me if what i do . i will go vhs?

        casual gamer

          so u have 2 options

          u can start winning games on this acc

          or u can make a new acc and win games

          u will not go from normal skill to very high skill without more than 50% winrate


            omg omg its about win ?


              god bless u and your family


                can i add you with my other acc and ask u something ?PLS


                  Mmr (now badge) system is a very clever system that makes dota very fair. There is no shortcut to VHS games which start form average 4k mmr games. There is no way you can get higher mmr by somehow cheating the system by making fail smurf account.

                  Your evey action determines where you are. System takes many factors of your overall gameplay into consideration (including win rate)and determines where you should be located. So you end up on normall skill where your skill is simmilar to other players.

                  Git gud or dont ask stupid questions.

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                    dude i really wanna improve my skill pls tell me whats important in game


                      The thing you are asking may take from half up to 2 years, depending on how fast you improve. No one will teach you for free unless you find out it yourself. I also know many people that are normal skill forever.

                      You have to improve at everything. All hero challenge is a good way to go in the first place.

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                        no its not about winning
                        it is about ur skills
                        u are just 1k-2k player :)

                        if u are playing like 4k-5k-6k
                        u will get vhs easily even if u are losing
                        check my account

                        casual gamer

                          no its not about winning
                          it is about ur skills

                          1 leads to the other


                            My team sucks, i cant carry their heavy mofo ass


                              the skill required for VHS is too much to be explained in 1 forum post, you're gonna need to play hundreds or thousands of matches to reach it.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                that is unless u dont have a tendency to overexplain shit to the point where u describe need 5k characters to explain lasthitting under the tower or some other dumb shit


                                  omg omg its about win ?

                                  Duh. That's why it's called very high skill.
                                  Cause you need a very high win rate in order for valve to put you in the high skill queue.


                                    You have very high kda on Riki. But Low winrate. I don't know. I feel like if you can get 8kda, the system will boost you. But it's kinda flawed anyway.


                                      its not about winning . i got 47 winrate but still high skill . u just need to play good and u will get high skill


                                        smurfs DansGame


                                          its not about losing wining not even about kda its just your gameplay i can get vhs even while playing support if u are 1k or 2k u cant get vhs or hs btw check my id !!


                                            I hear it's all about kda and nothing to do with skill. So you pick a hero that allows you to abuse the lack of coordination in pubs and get a high kda without a care about actually winning. That will get you a good calibration apparently. So it's just one of those things that show you how flawed the system is.


                                              just play on your main and improve man


                                                HanSolo, can you please stop talking nonsense? It has nothing to do with KDA and everything to do with winning. You can literally spam lycan, get zero kills, win games and raise your mmr. Let me repeat that for those in the back...

                                                Skill bracket is about your ability to win games against others of similar skill.

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                                                  you will never calibrate above legend 1, just play like 50ish games, try for 55% WR, calibrate and get like 7-3 and you should end up top to 3.5k

                                                  What's one thousand minus...

                                                    @HMMM(Stark girl) can i ask ? when u create ur account what did u pick select when dota ask if u played dota 2 before? did u pick/select the "in beginner"? I've played similar to dota"? I've played dota 1 before"? Ive played played rts ? can u answer me please


                                                      Even if you got VHS you would be ruining people games. You do not belong in that bracket yet, learn the game and play on your main

                                                      A very POWERFUL Player

                                                        pick something with high hero damage and voila

                                                        E E

                                                          GIT GUD


                                                            Mr @What's one thousand minus seven? when i wanted to fuk kids i go for newbee like playing as a newbee i usually get 3 to 4 normal skills games e.g like in this id i mark it as a newbee and in other case i mark i played that shit before so i get usually high skill or very high skill game as a very first match

                                                            What's one thousand minus...

                                                              okay thanks Sanse Stark haha


                                                                u gotta have to atleas created '13's acct, lots of matches, even my feeding io , 0-20 is very..

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!