General Discussion

General DiscussionMedals and Ranks reset?

Medals and Ranks reset? in General Discussion
AggreSive Clown

    Anyone knows if the season reset approaches? And how is gonna happen? Everyone will go back to Calibrating matchmaking to get new ranks /medals?


      i opened my dota2 after weeks not opening it now my medal is gone, probably reset is now?

      Potato Marshal

        Just a one off glitch, like over half the people in my matches suddenly showed up as uncalibrated, but now it's back to normal. MMR reset is most likely in May as scheduled with 6 months between each season.


          I dont think it will resete per se, you will just do 10 new calibration games because, once you obtained it your medal wont decrease in rank, so for example if you calibrated to legend 1 with 3200 solo MMR, but you had bad time and dived to 2800 MMR you will calibrate to your new Archon 3 medal.

          Also various people confirmed that you cant go more than +500 -500MMR during calibration process so it wont mean much. I wouldnt pay too much attention on it, its just for boosted accounts, so people who got Boosted to certain medal wont be able to keep it more than 6 months. Rest of us will still "orbit" around our mmr we had before.

          This comment was edited
          Potato Marshal

            Pretty sure new calibration just starts you off at your old MMR and each calibration match is still +/-25. This is just a formality so people don't just reach a certain MMR and leave it on for several years without even playing the game again.

            SASA POPOVIC

              Pretty sure new calibration just starts you off at your old MMR and each calibration match is still +/-25. This is just a formality so people don't just reach a certain MMR and leave it on for several years without even playing the game again.

              Nope, i am living proof, when i made this smurf my first games were on my original mmr high/very high skill
              Then i dived it deep and feed calibration with void entraping my own teammates and i got crusader bracket. So you can go deeper! ^^


              Potato Marshal

                I meant recalibrating in the new season after you've already calibrated in the current one.


                  crusader is what mmr?

                  Potato Marshal

                    Like between mid 1k and mid 2k


                      oh ok, thanks

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