General Discussion

General DiscussionAbility Draft OP builds

Ability Draft OP builds in General Discussion
Eat Soup With A Fork

    What is the BEST ability draft build that YOU got away with?

    ^this is just an example of a cancerous build I had recently^ ( I was TA)

    and what do you think are some underated OP abilities, I think Pango's SwashBuckle is VERY underated

    casual gamer

      its dumb but i had mana shield eidolons stomp and prenerf bedlam on an int hero

      i jungled a blink (lul) and ran around ganking with stomp+bedlam, then i went rad bloodstone and played tank dota

      ive played probably 5 games of ad total


        i got all of bbs abilities except goo, in its place i had fiery soul

        i had sticky napalm, avalanche, silencers aoe slow thingy, and static storm

        unbreakable spirit

          I think the most broken shit I've seen is arcane orb plus earth shaker's passive , will be able to stun every auto attack. This plus huskar ult and something like hoof stomp

          Tu tayta

            ^ I think that's been fixed.

            I've played a lot of AD, but rarely do I get a chance to get a truly OP build.

   This one was pretty good, PA dagger, Enchant Totem and Impetus. If I got lucky, I'd one-shot someone before or during a TF.

   Not that OP, but it was fun. Every Dark Willow spell except Crown and with Brood's web.

   Shukuchi + Call + Counter Helix + Death Ward. I was my own wombo combo.

   Tidebringer + Bloodrage + Static Link. Though truthfully, static link didn't help a lot.

   Not OP, but very cheesy. Nightmare + Bloodrite + Earth Splitter.

            I don't think I have any other worth mentioning.


              I think the most op thing i've gotten was like mana shield and untouchable.


                Mana Shield + Corrosive Skin + Reincarnation on Pugna was fun.

                Potato Marshal

                  Sticky napalm, because there's a bunch of abilities that do damage in 0.1 second intervals for several seconds like shackles.


                    i got a reality rift,sacrifice ,static link and duel a while back


                      Most overpowered thing I've seen was a Necro with Outowrold passive and Skywrath Ult with the old agh's upgrade (0 cooldown)

                      < blank >

                        Tombstone + Rearm


                          My one really strongbut i got wrong build on hero


                          and best i got other account withn Veno Posion string, bloodrage, incapacitating bite, instatiable hungar
                          fast farm, big demage and start to hurt very early.

                          Best thing i `ve seen was napalm, heartstoper aura, shacles, and life breeack on abadon. yes bkb will stop but you can`t get that lain canser.


                            Tiny-Ult, Enchant Totem, Tidebringer, jinjada


                              OD orb, Kunkka passive and earthshakers damage buff, then had tusks ulti. built a shadow blade and 1 shot everything in sight. this was ages ago though. I think was playing od.


                                @Motomboman baned build they remove that combo, and I have only seen that in Baumbi you tube video never in game. but still you can pick some parth or that build.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I haven't played ability draft in years. Does fury swipes still work on ranged heroes? It didn't matter what your other abilities were, that one alone was game breaking. Also chemical rage on a ranged hero or any bash effect. I got void's bash on windranger once.


                                    naplam+ion shell.

                                    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                      I once got Rearm + Rocket Flare + Living Armor which lets you apply map pressure globally whilst healing towers during the downtime.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!