General Discussion

General DiscussionBack after 1 month

Back after 1 month in General Discussion

    forum is dead

    literally a 1-2k ciclejerk about how mmr doesnt matter and herald is same as legend,

    with some occasional 2k ciclejerk itembuild autism (huskar mjöllnir haha)

    the rats left the sinking ship because they are smart, the drooling 80 IQ sea baboons remain caged in their trench cages for eternity and will go down with the ship

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      Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

      Story Time

        i thought u were done with dota :D why come back?

        chicken spook,,,,

          I only visit ayy lmao for the past few weeks and even then it's kinda inactive

          Dire Wolf

            same level quality (ie not good) but activity is way down recently. I'll sometimes check between like start of my day and by lunch only the top 2-3 posts have updates. Used to be after 2-3 hours the whole first page would change.

            casual gamer

              i can only shoot down so many dumb ideas forcefully enough before i start feeling like

              1 a broken record

              2 a big dickhead

              if ur just like "no thats a bad idea" people give u the fucking riot act of "well u see better player than me, i think i know better than you because i play in a lower bracket (???!!!) and thus the game is different and also check ur high mmr white privilege"

              casual gamer

                like i tell a guy on reddit to not go kaya aghs on rubick in 2k and i get downvoted, no point trying to educate random ppl because theres a 90% chance theyre information-resistant

                also im pretty disconnected from the meta unfortunately (i cant even fcuking play c:)

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                  ^reddit is a complete circlejerk
                  Holy shit u get some of the most retarded comments

                  Some dude was defending TO's need to cooperate when making their schedules saying "they don't need to do it, players just have to choose."
                  And also said "teams having to choose tournaments is good because it let's lesser teams have a chance"


                    Agree with dire wolf
                    There r less people and less activity
                    There r less people with the patient to keep shutting down the rampant retardation
                    It's slowly turning into Reddit type crapfests