General Discussion

General DiscussionLife of Pro players after Doto retirement?

Life of Pro players after Doto retirement? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Just wondering.. do they go back finish school and work normal jobs? Do they invest on something? business maybe? Or other social media income generating things like youtube and twitch? Kindly share your thoughts.


      it will be interesting to see what the fresher pro's that started playing during the school time will be like but there were a few who wanted to retire or take breakes and turned back to dota in the end

      earliest big name was surely Light of Heaven, maelk and merlini altho merlini didn't really enter the big stages in dota 2 if I recall

      my favorite player of those who retired early was surely yyf

      what all of them seem to have in common is that they still play dota, just not on a pro level anymore(most of them)
      some even come back like fear

      У меня тренер титан, не з...

        As a rule, they become a media personality, maybe they get $ from their partners for example, ggbet and others, they can also stream and they will be watched. Who started blogging for example XBOCT. Well and for all life will suffice $ which they have won with The Interneshinal

        i troll

          well as i see i can say they they are doing nothing maybe streaming and such things but those things are not good enough in my opinion


            well depends how you define "good enough"

            They are still making a living by doing what they like, isn't that enough in itself?


              People just like to diss on others, fuck them

              i troll

                you cannot rely on a game to make your life and you are not even playing it anymore so it is not good enough for me


                  ^a free game


                    they are playing it, only not on a pro level anymore

                    best example I can think of right now would be sing sing or bulldog, both probably make a lot streaming while having a great time with their friends

                    it just seems better then the stress of the everyday pro scene imho

                    i troll

                      yes that's what exactly i am saying .

                      you just cannot rely on streaming or whatever you call it while making your life

                      its just my opinion


                        if you can make 3000$ a month by just streaming for a few hours isn't good enough for you i would like to see what the hell you work that makes you more money? i bet you don't even have a job kid

                        i troll

                          actually you misunderstood me

                          let me ask you how long are they going to get 3k$ per month ? is it certain ?

                          and i have a well paid job i do not see any obligation to talk about it to you


                            You have a well payed job and yet you're more concerned about saying shit about another persons job hmm....

                            i troll

                              i am not saying shit about their job but i am saying streaming may not be the right choice for people to make their lives and as i said it is only my opinion if you think it is a good job then no one holds you just stop education or whatever you are doing and start streaming i am sure in time you can get better as much as them


                                Trust me mate, I have a well paying job that I like doing and I see only positive sides in streaming.
                                I would probably part time stream myself if I weren't that dislexic fuck that I am, that's why I keep dota low on the non-holiday parts of the year and play pubs on the holidays.

                                3k per month may not be a lot of money but the guys are mainly playing their favorite game in the process so the rest of their free time they can do something for their body/soul.

                                In the end it is all about how you feel doing what you do.

                                Nothing stops them from getting another income besides dota. I heard stories about aui_2000 working part time as a janitor when he started out the pro scene and practicing in the evening. Matu also had a story about his rent not being payd for some months because the winnings were short. That is all part of pro-sports, not only e-sports.
                                Maybe there will be a time where average e-sport pros will be able to have a decent living just playing games. I honestly doubt that but it is not impossible judging the latest interest in the scene.

                                unbreakable spirit

                                  Well sing said he made a 100000 dollars from his professional career, he hasn't even achieved a lot in the pro scene. And he has admitted that he is making good money streaming, I guess he has enough bank balance to start a boot camp with friends, what more a gamer wants!


                                    you have to count that he lost a lot of money by just getting to the turnaments with the transport he used and he seemed to be playing a lot at the time

                                    maybe during mouse and qpanda times he didn't pay himself but during kaipi he most certainly did


                                      Well GH lives across the street from my house and now he's a freakin millionaire and owns two high tech equiped networks lmao from playing this game


                                        well he is the best one doing what he is doing so why shouldn't he get all the money

                                        thats why I love capitalism

                                        i troll

                                          dude i am not saying it is bad i am just saying it shouldn't be a future plan for anyone for example a few years later if dota 2 will disappear from online stages or lose its popularity you may find yourself with nothing in your hands so educating yourself in different areas is a good thing for sure


                                            snifff coke fuck hookers


                                              Daft punk I get your point but this thread is not about it being a future plan for ANYONE it's about the pro players who already have popularity so streaming isn't a really bad choice for them, considering it takes up only a couple of hours, they can find time to pursue other things if they lack the income. And obviously it's not a longterm career choice

                                              i troll

                                                actually i've answered it in my first comment like streaming/making youtube videos or being commentator in some tournaments but someone focused in another part of my comment anyway

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