General Discussion



    Aight so alch is a ded hero right?
    How abt we go more fighting active build?
    So we can go smth like medallion treads soul ring for the early game. Also builds into solar which is useful some games. Or use ur medallion and treads to set up early kills with big concoction dmg. Soul ring is to sustain urself, u Regen the health back with ur ulti easily. Get levels in greevils greed at 1 and 3, but max out concoction first. After max out greevils and spray. Take ulti when u can. Afterwards rush blink dagger and sange and yasha. Just take the early lead u got by killing the offlaner and get ur blink dagger to continuously gank him. Shadow blade can be considered instead of blink if they have stuff like Veno wards or
    other things to scout u out so u cant blink in, or if u need silver edge. Go sange and yasha to abuse ur racecar powers. U can go manta if needed against silence or to purge certain debuffs. Afterwards it's whatever u need, lategame alch is often the same hero regardless, u can go ac for pushing or butterfly for even more racecar powers, bkb if needed, linkens if needed, abyssal for lockdown, nullifier against tinkers or sf's or to counter bkb's or whatnot, bloodthorn against ur slippery foes, mjollnir against illusions, mkb against evasion, skadi for max slow, satanic to counter their initiation, Shiva for extra armor but also that flying vision helps if u wanna find people hiding in trees, etc. Talents are fairly obvious, go attack speed then damage, the damage talent is huge since alch doesn't build too much of it naturally and it gives a massive power spike with his already nice attack speed. For the lvl 20 one u can take concoction dmg if u have solar crest since with the minus armor it's actually a pretty huge nuke, otherwise the cleave is good since u aren't rlly building any farming items and the cleave gives u the wave clear u lack without the usual radiance or even battlefury. Lvl 25 u want that lower BAT as it's super insane dps.

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      3:02 PM - Washed Up : Bump my theorycrafting thred
      3:02 PM - Washed Up : I need the attention
      3:02 PM - Washed Up : To trigger my haters

      consider it bump #ad

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        Washed Up (1): Bump my theorycrafting thred
        Washed Up (1): I need the attention
        Washed Up (1): And to trigger my haters

        sure, no problem


          Bump me to infinity


            I've been rotating between Alch builds. Almost all revolve around the quick radiance though.
            The standard Radiance-Manta-BoT-Octarine
            The forever miss build Radiance-Solar-Halberd-Heart
            The ultra tank build Radiance-Heart-Cuirass-Skadi


              I've also see guides going battlefury now in the safelane.


                I know battlefury could be good, especially with the cleave talent at lvl 20, but I'm still trying to work out how to build around battlefury instead of radiance. Better build up for BF though and cheaper, so could be useful in coming online slightly faster?


                  Bf means u go more fighting with shit like blink and sb and more fighting centric items as opposed to the cookie cutter radiance manta octarine
                  Treads instead of travels


                    Fighting alch. Go sny blink and a bashers probably good troll-style


                      ^i literally said that
                      Basher isn't always needed, once ur lvl 15 with blink concoction u can kill most people, sny let's u run them down.

                      Potato Marshal

                        Honestly he seems fine, I rarely see him played anymore but he does well enough when I do see him get picked.

                        His builds are versatile enough to adapt to different scenarios, I don't think there are really any "bad builds" that are common with him.


                          Sorry tldr. I would say blink is core. Solar is nice too


                            I mean alch is a 40% Winrate hero
                            I think drums is a good item to get tbh but I don't see it bought
                            I guess higher mmr's favor the medallion when doing the build
                            Also see him almost exclusively played in the safelane considering how much he wud get shat on by meta mids.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Drums is pointless, no reason to buy such a cheap low impact item when you farm this fast.


                                What's low impact abt it
                                Idk how fast alch farms without any farming items
                                I guess medallion is superior to take roshan

                                Potato Marshal

                                  You're the fastest farming hero in the game, why would you waste a slot on a 1600 gold item that only provides a bit of extra stats?


                                    ^Because he is 2k. Don't ask stupid questions potato


                                      Drums is for the charges right
                                      Not only the stats
                                      I mean ur only buying 1 item of it's size, it's like how ud start out with armlet or medallion
                                      Ye it's probably worse than them tho, I think the medallion build is better

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Drums doesn't make sense of Alch at all, you're not that desperate for stats, nor are you hitting towers like with Enchantress. What exactly are you buying the drums for? It doesn't help you farm faster or help you get early kills.


                                          Idfk I'm just making a shitty theorycraft
                                          It helps u run down people and help take ur safelane tower after u bully the offlaner out?

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            If you need to chase people down that badly, then get a blink. Drums is a windlace worth of movement speed. Waste of time focusing on the enemy tower when you could be farming camps when your wave is pushed.


                                              ^but this is my fighting meme dude
                                              Read the post


                                                get bursted by sf anyway


                                                  Sr gives hp
                                                  u shud live to triple raze I think, and if u get blink medallion u shud be able to hunt him. Problem is if he goes euls he will be able to pick u off. In that case u can go linkens I guess? Maybe even hood.