General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I stop throwing?

How do I stop throwing? in General Discussion

    I took a 3 month break from the game due to girlfriend issues, and it feels like my shotcalling and overall skill isn't where it used to be. I'm throwing so many games now like... (we lose one lane, but then proceed to teamwipe the enemy repeatedly and defend high ground for over 20 minutes, but team won't counterpush until the enemy by trading lives for split push destroy 2 lanes and we are desperate...then we take rosh without vision and die, but that initial lost barracks happened because I didn't judge the distance properly on omniknight and ended up repeling myself instead of the silenced Lina) (Enemy takes poor teamfights on our high ground after trying to high ground at 25 minutes, I destroy their STR facerush cores and become the most farmed core in the map, then we take a bad rosh, I'm forced to buyback but we kill their aegis carrier as he steals Rosh. I then spend my money to buy the parts for octarine core since I don't have BB anyways, in the subsequent HG push, we take rax but I get destroyed by call + hook + dismember...we then lose as team gets picked apart) (I play a kill lane with CK, we kill Spectre and Pudge so badly Pudge gives up trying to protect that lane and we destroy all T2s by 20 minutes and take 2 lanes of rax by ~35, but we start feeding teamfights because the team is overconfident. AFter feeding too much, Sniper and Drow get too afraid to push and try to outfarm Spectre. Despite this, the enemy PL, Zeus, and Spectre still make unadvised pushes and feed...but we can't win because no one pushes together and before the final teamfight, Mirana takes aegis instead of CK or Sniper.) (They have stronger teamfight, we have stronger solo-kill potential. We take an early rax after wiping their defenses. After one miracle teamfight where I shut down MK's ulti with my ulti and Kunkka and Lion are both not in position to stop me and are then wiped out by Storm and Luna, I never got such an opportunity again. In the subsequent push on their mid T3, Luna and I feed and STorm gets so upset he refused to help out with future teamfights. I couldn't keep track of which enemy to disable in the later teamfights, as they all seemed so threatening and I died too fast to have the proper effect of 1 Bane holding down 2-3 enemies. It felt like they were baiting me to react to the threat of killing my teammates with my ultimate so they could then disable me.) (Initially, our team is getting destroyed, but Storm starts killing the enemy all over the map and we destroy 2 rax. Overconfidence sets in and despite having Cheese, Storm decides to show off his Arcane Rune, spending both it and the Cheese to zip from Fountain to the enemy low ground near their bot Tier 3. Meanwhile, in the 4v5 fight, my VS gets hook/dismembered while my allies die from kunkka boat + invoker spell combo.) (This match is a bit fuzzy. I recall the enemy taking one lane of rax and then us winning a teamfight in bot lane where I killed 3-4 enemies. Sadly, most of my team was dead and I couldn't really push. In the next teamfight, I recall SB + MK catching us by surprise and one teammate already dead. I succesfully retreated but noticed my HP was at 1/3 HP. I used Time Lapse, back into enemy vision and died despite my tankiness. We lost after that.) (Technically similar, but I haven't played Morphling in over a year. Very rusty despite the KDA, so many missed kills because I clicked too fast and E-blade myself or missed optimal waveform paths because I forget it isn't unit targeted.)

    In general though, what should I do? It seems like whenever the team requires me to play a key role on support or carry (where the enemy is consciously baiting out my key ults/items), I lose.

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      CK vs spec lane?

      Problem is u r still in very crap tier. Throwing occurs simply because of misjudgment of strength and misplays. There's one way to stop making dumb plays. Make sure you are way more farmed, and just split push constantly. Try to take engagements only when they are split.


        Just learn how to lane and how to farm actually.


          Pardon my "Normal Skill" ignorance, but how does outfarming the enemy improve my late-game decisionmaking skills?


            I'm not much higher MMR than you, but here are a few things I did to climb about 700 MMR from 2.6k to 3.3k:

            1. Learn to farm. To answer your question about outfarming enemies, at your MMR bracket, most players do not know how to farm efficiently. Players are much less likely to take advantage of mistakes you make, so simply outfarming them is often all you need to do to win.
            2. Identify power spikes for both teams. Take advantage when your team hits a power spike, and constantly check items for opposing players to know when they hit their power spikes.
            3. Stop feeding. Know what heroes can kill you, and play more cautious when they are missing from the minimap.
            4. Pick a hero that matches up well vs the other team. If you are picking early, pick heroes that are strong in the meta. Counter pick to shut down their cores. Don't pick into counters, i.e., nyx into NS, WK into AM/invoker, etc. and if you need to, learn to play a larger variety of heroes.

            I also have a preferred role (pos 1) and a pool of heroes for backups (pos 3 and 4) in case I do not get to pick the hero/lane I want.
            Hope this helps


              The biggest problem for 2-3k bracket is turning advantage/won fight into objectives. Its also hard to get your team together so I just suggest doing it yourself by playing heros that can easily do it themselves:

              - beastmaster
              - clinkz
              - np
              - invoker
              - etc.


                In late game crusaders have like 400gpm and constantly taking bad fights without proper farm advantage. And then when they do fight they feed 1 by 1. That's just experience. Hence if u are consistently more farmed than your enemies, and u know how to split them up, it's very unlikely that u will take a bad engagement.

                Your team will ping u constantly. That means u are doing it right. Ignore them and split push. Then tp back to clean up. If u are the only one left just rat to force them back.


                  @Jacked How would you define farm advantage? Having 600-700 GPM to their 400? Being able to 1v5? Being able to solo-kill enemy in under 3s so the enemy cannot react fast enough to save their ally? Or is it being so strong that the enemy can initiate on me and I can still counterattack or escape?

                  @Lex I'll keep that in mind. I agree that I don't split push enough, but it feels like everyone is trying to be a 6-slotted carry (which is why many teams don't push their advantage). I personally have no interest playing that style. Objectives first, but I'll kill any enemy that prevents my push.

                  @6G Thanks for the advice. I agree that my first pick Tide is getting counterpicked way too much compared to my first pick Bane/VS/Shaman (even though I lose those games too), but how do you balance the contradiction between points 1 and 2? Many cores don't feel safe fighting without certain items because they only think about their personal power peak rather than what the team has to offer or what the enemy is building, but this often means completely ignoring the power peaks of the rest of the team. Obviously, a hero like INvoker or Tinker or Spectre don't really contribute much before core items, but I don't see why a Sniper or Jugg or Bloodseeker need to be solo farming/pushing at L6/7/8 when their Nyx or Ogre can help them get a kill and a push. Also, when I become the most farmed core (or simply the one with the biggest kill streak), I become the primary target. Quite often, that extra focus will force more enemy attention. Am I simply supposed to be more cowardly and let me teammates be meatshields on the other side of the map to solo push? How does that work when pushing high ground, especially in a game where we have an overwhelming early advantage (so the enemy never leaves base)? Obviously, in that situation, I can only run towards the enemy, and I can't always "counter-itemize everything" especailly against axe/pudge/bane/kunkka/fv. Aegis helps, of course, but is there anything wrong with my idea of allowing another carry (usually ranged) be the "real core" while I play as a sacrificial battering ram? EVen if I die, I waste all the enemy ults and damage so my other carry can finish up. Or is that too unreliable for low brackets?

                  I just hate being in the solo damage dealer/solo initiator/solo save role, I mess up so easily unless I have the HP and armor (and magic/status resistance) to simply tank all the enemy ultis and still survive because the enemy knows that if they kill me before I can use my skills, we lose the teamfight and cannot push. It feels like I don't understand late-game power peaks or objectives much either.

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                  Friendly player

                    Not every game is winnable.

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                      You're crusader 3, just play an enjoy yourself champ.

                      You'll get better with more play time.


                        If you are able to identify certain items and levels that give you or your team a significant power spike, do you communicate it to your team? When it comes to getting your cores to push/gank, do you coordinate ganks with teammates? Perhaps you could start learning heroes that are strong gankers and help your cores secure kills.
                        As far as the hiding from the enemy because of your farm, just find safe areas to farm, i.e., jungle or a well warded area. Also, if you are forcing the entire team to rotate to stop you, then you are creating space for the rest of your team. For example, you could let them know if the enemies are coming top lane to gank you (while you retreat) and have them push bot lane.

                        There will be games that no matter what you do, how well you communicate, and how well you play, you will lose. It's part of the game.

                        A lot of this will come with experience. For now, focus on the things that you can control. Improve your mechanics, learn match ups, and don't give up.

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo OP sup man. Kindly elaborate more on the girlfriend issues. Thanks


                            My girlfriend doesn't like dota cause I never spend time with her cause of it. What to do?

                            Bad Intentions

                              ^you do nothing. You hide dotes as much as possible.


                                but it feels like everyone is trying to be a 6-slotted carry

                                not really. not in crusader.


                                  Common mistake for carries in my bracket mainly are

                                  1. They don't know how to end early : many players ignore the draft and don't understand what to do when they met with certain heroes like Spectre or Medusa that required as fast as possible end or we're all dead. If you can go high ground early just do it. if not go rosh or gank 1-2 enemy cores and end it. (MOBA is not RPG game)

                                  2. They don't know when to fight : This is opposite from 1st problem when some high testosterone level kids want to engage in every fights while they are still Yamcha and get rekt by Super saiyan enemy who already got 2-3 level ahead or outfarmed him.

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                                    It's rlly not that hard to win
                                    Ye ur gonna have ur "I shat on everyone as viper but didn't end the game and cudnt hg against sniper and now we lost"
                                    But if u just maintain farm even when behind u shud be gucci.


                                      Basically the game is about hitting the towers... If you gank a lane and you don't hit the tower it is almost worse than staying and farming on your own lane... Kills do not matter. Kills do not count towards winning the game. You can win without killing the enemy heroes...

                                      Hit buildings... That is the key. That is why you win. You need to hit the towers... Just killing enemy heroes without taking towers doesn't really do anything...

                                      Us low tier sheit don't know how to end the game... And this is basically why. You get a gank off, and then you retreat back to the jungle to farm some more and don't even give the tower a few available smacks. Hit towers after you have ganked and finish the game whenever you have the opportunity to do so... There is no glory in prolonging the game unless you absolutely have to.

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        just quit the game

                                        the result isnt worth the time and energy u need to spend to get better