General Discussion

General DiscussionAmazing Insight from rando on the Steam Forums.

Amazing Insight from rando on the Steam Forums. in General Discussion
Slav McGopnik

    What could have been a boring shitpost turned into a guy discussing his amazing meta shattering ideas!

    Jumbo Skrimps (GENIUS!) has said amazing things like the following.

    "Riki is actually one of the strongest hard carries in the game. If given the choice to fight a skilled Anti-Mage or a skilled Riki hard carry, I'll take my chances with the Anti-Mage, and I've only been playing DotA since 2003 but I already know that much."

    "Dust does not stop any skilled Riki. He has 4 escape abilities."

    "Also, Riki played right is using Diffusal>Treads>SnY>Skadi>Abyssal Blade and one free slot for creativity. So there goes your tank statement."

    " Anti-Mage isn't even supposed to be scary this patch, you people just haven't figured it out yet."

    "Because a lot of professional gamers aren't big thinkers? Why do you hold these people to the highest level of logic? If every pro would watch replays of how I play specifically Riki, Luna, and Alchemist, you wouldn't even understand this game anymore because the meta would mirror me. A lot of times in my 14 years of DotA, I've been the only one doing certain things for a long time, only to see it become meta years later. You're all arrogant children and elitists."

    "Do you notice they gave a cleave passive to Alchemist? It's because I've astonished enough people in the last 6 years running Battlefury Alchemist and hitting 1300-1600 gpm in almost every standard match, without anyone stacking for me."

    " Every alchemist right now should be rushing Mjolnir with a moon shard activated, and a second kept in your inventory, while ignoring the cleave passive."

    BRB, off to demand safelane Riki.

    Slav McGopnik

      Oh, good news, I'm facing him in a match right now, let's see how it goes!

      Slav McGopnik

        He was the void, I even built phase boots to add to his annoyance.

        casual gamer

          why do all these babies have private dotabuffs


            invite him to post here please

            Pointy Shoes

              There was a patch (like 4 years ago?) when Riki was played as carry every game. But his skills (ulti etc) were different then. With the roaming meta he is a natural pick for that.

              But I always find it funny when people want you to pick Slardar for riki. It's actually riki who counters slardar with smoke screen (so no stun can go off).

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!