General Discussion

General DiscussionBehaviour score is nothing?

Behaviour score is nothing? in General Discussion

    I have like 10 commends in my conduct summary. And i am still getting shitheads teamates. No cour,AFK,Toxic on chats. I am jist save by some luck to win some games.


      yea its nothing man. doesnt matter at all

      Hatrið mun sigra

        Apparently it doesn't count now, I agree and I still have no idea why (in the sense that no matter what your bhs is games are beyond toxic), but before it used to make a huge difference.


          i think behavior score is used but we dont know EXACTLY how
          so dont consider it too much unless its really fucking bad
          because it could be an unlucky streak, i think i have a B and it happens every now and then to me too