General Discussion

General Discussiondo you play more than one moba?

do you play more than one moba? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    Jw if most people who play dota exclusively play dota or if they play other Mobas.

    I was having a little fun with smite at one point but got bored. Used to play HoN but I sucked. Play league once every few months but it does not keep my attention much


      Idk if it counts as rts but technically battlerite should count as a MOBA.

      Story Time

        other mobas fock up your dota skills if you have any ofc


          I play League here and there, but I literally only use Ashe, Annie, and Teemo.(equivalents in dota: Drow/Mirana/Clinkz compound, Warlock, and Techies/TA compound)

          chicken spook,,,,

            too tired with games where you tilt pretty much every match

            Chao Vritra

              I play league here and there too when I am bored or having internet trouble/tilting in dota but have trouble distinguishing and learning the heroes. Dota makes it so easy because the heroes have so much personality and stuff.

              Would love a few more league heroes that are like dota heroes suggested if anyone knows. I know some of the basics like blitz being like pudge, ashe being like drow, etc


                i play Paragon.. Its rly a diferent moba, so its kinda a fresh air some times


                  After I played battlerite my reflexes feel like theyve sharpened. And my skillshots as well. Everything there is a skillshot.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!