General Discussion

General DiscussionCan anyone here teach me Juggernaut?

Can anyone here teach me Juggernaut? in General Discussion

    “What a retard” is what you’re probably thinking. All my friends say jugger is super easy. And I can see too, he gets to kill basically anybody in the right circumstances. Like with the help of teammates. When I play with juggernauts, usually Im the support, I try to get him to snowball and I love when they go for those tempo items too instead of an unnecessarily greedy battle fury or something. I see that hes easy, but when I play him I feel underwhelming in a sense that I cant manfight a PA, Ursa or even an MK. But if I Ult them they die. I can’t outpush an antimage or catch him by myself

    When to pick
    Mindset during games as compared to other carries


      First pick. To main fight those buggers u need like butterfly and silver edge ez. they'll be dumb to try and manfight you with omnislash. I might even get sny for more move speed cuz u just need to kite them and bait them out of position before u kill them

      Mindset = same as most other carries but u have to group more otherwise you're wasting solid teamfights contribution with ward and omni.

      Don't totally discount battlefury as a greedy farm item. Sometimes u need it to split push quickly.

      Abuse spin tp if they have no bkb piercing spells.

      U can also get rosh early quite easily.

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      Potato Marshal

        Learn to micro your ward


          jug it THE all around carry imo. i buy bf when i freefarm my lane, skip aquila in that case. manta if theres sth i really need to dispel or purge. s&y if not.

          look for a kill when your ult is off cd, farm the enemy jungle and dive some towers. think about who you can kill and who you cant (invis, blinks, tanks)

          progress into whatever you think you need to manfight the enemy carry. when the enemy backliners gets euls and ghostscepters and shit you get a blink and abuse your ult as secure escape mechanic instead of getting kills with it. omnislash, count the slashes, blink away, spin tp. bkb piercing stuns are not very popular rn

          jacked plays jug better than me tho. listen to that man if hes willing to talk


            From what you posted kara-san, I feel you have a slight misconception on the hero himself. Jug on paper does sound like solo hero being able to do some sheninigans rampages on his own with his ult, but he actually excels much more on grouping up for pickoffs and translating that into objectives (towers, raxes, roshan).

            He is an all rounder like what some of the above pointed out, sustainable in laning phase and has constant killing potential with bladefury and omnislash. He can be left alone against a mediocre enemy offlane without much issues. The way I play him can be said to be a little similar to Luna, you farm while your supports create havoc and should the enemy offlane leaves the lane you push the towers and spin+tp if you get caught. Ideally I try to take both t1 and t2 asap. Also, never forget to join fights if they occur near your structures and get some easy kills. Take objectives with your healing ward and end the game, as you would want to capitalize on your lead and you should be able to kill anyone with your omnislash in the mid game.

            Jug should fit into most matchups as he offers a very balanced skillset for both magical and physical damage output as well as sustainability for the team. However, he is not the best late game carry and you should always try to end the game asap before your enemy carry comes online.


              I like his pace a lot. And i just saw I have a pretty good wr with him, its just in the games I do lose I feel absolutely shat on apparently. And my wins I constantly have to be aware of a lot. Maybe its practice idk, heres my last match


              I couldnt really snowball in lane because of axe and willow pos 5 zoning me, but I managed to draw. After some levels I took what you guys said about the pace and tped bot for a big fight where I got a huge first ult and a tower. Midgame was hard because ogre got tilted and refused to join fights and bought all the obs and placed them
              All in base. Keeping pma I stayed calm and pushed when I saw axe showing somewhere else. Lategame however I was more fronlining-tower hitter with my healing ward keeping bristle and necro going, lmao and I just hit towers and managed to scrape out a win. Still didnt feel as “unkillable/unstoppable as say when I play antimage or a spectre, but I think thats what I like about the hero

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I never played Jugg i think
                Hate him like AM


                  Cleave is core I would say


                    yea even with farm u have to becareful with positioning.


                      2 days ago
                      Safe Lane

                      but seriously, how do u get 11-12 mins battlefury? u skip aquila?


                        yes aquila+bf is lame imo


                          the best jugg build is pt mom sny


                            yea thx i just tried it and i like it (wand bf)


                              @Grimm my jugg > your jugg

                              Chao Vritra

                                I do not play jugg too often but just some tips based on what I see other people do

                                -your auto attacks do NOT hit heroes when you are in your spin. So do not attack the hero during spin you will just slow your hero down and the enemy will escape. They do hit buildings though so feel free to spin while taking towers and racks. Your Q does tons of damage do not underestimate it. This is one thing I see a lot of newb juggs do

                                -you are strong early and mid game do not neglect early game items like stout wand aquila

                                -go phase boots before aquila most of the time, you can use the active during your spin and the damage bonus synergizes strong with your crit so phase boots are more valuable to you than other carries that maybe can keep brown boots for a bit. Aquila is amazing stats and mana regen really no reason to skip it IMO even if it is a bit late

                                -Auto attack the enemy a few times before you start your spin. Spin does tons of damage but so do your auto attacks you dont want to count on it being a sure kill.

                                -always save mana for your spin+tp to escape ganks as your spin makes you magic immune. Or in a fight I like to wait until the enemy uses their stun to spin so it is on CD. It is risky if the team has instant disables but vs a sven for example or venge instead of using Q right away you can wait for them to cast it then use Q. That way they can not stun a team mate.

                                -if you are farming really well you can pick up a bf but sometimes you are better just rushing yasha diffusal and killing people. Jugg is strong at all points of the game but if the enemy team has very hard carries like spec or dusa you might want to skip the battlefury and go yasha/diffusal/items to kill not items to farm the entire game. Depending on your skill bracket you might be better off running around farming heroes with yasha instead of creeps

                                -do not be afraid to use your ult to get kills even if the enemy is almost dead. IF he is going to escape then ult If you are ulting an enemy running back to his tower in the fog check where your creeps are so you know you will not be ulting a bunch of creeps

                                -do not buy aghs

                                -your healing ward is amazing look up how to use control groups (very easy) so you can push a button to select it and control it. healing ward is OP not just to heal you and your team but for creep waves and pushes. Very strong

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                                  if u are failing at manfight buy manta. if u still fail buy bash. if u still fail buy butter. if u still fail buy skadi. if u still fail blow your brains out


                                    Abuse healing ward it's juggs strongest ability by far


                                      strongest ability die in 1 hit xASDASD

                                      Akima Arima

                                        please teach me how to use juggernaut too


                                          i prpobably have a >70% wr against dusas. and i tend to like to go BF against Dusas. so again people have the msiconception of what BF does


                                            fuucking dusas die to 1 omni not even joking. i dono wy they dont go manta more often

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                                              Yo question for jacked, what about mjolnir? I mean it gives attack speed and a passive. Less regen though. Ive seen it before and it procs in ult. And its good for farming/clearing too right? The AS seens so good on a hero with such a low BAT


                                                ive never gone mjolnir. i dont know when youll get ever get it. maybe against high armour + illusion heros like TB and u get it with a basher.

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                                                  I frequently prefer maelstrom over battle fury as a farming item, because it's also a pseudo-fighting item. Maelstrom+vlads for for earlier fighting. But listen to Jacked, he's probably better than me w Jugg and in general


                                                    i can see u going mjol a bit later if u want to spike earlier and ur not going fury. then mid to late game u need to deal with waves + deal more dmg in fights.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      I remember when a lot of people bought maelstrom on Jugg back before battle fury was a lot worse.


                                                        Idk why people get aquila+bf, it's like two items that give you the same thing except it slows your bfury down. Just go wand+bfury. After that you can't go wrong with manta->blink->nullifer.


                                                          really? so youre saying nullifier is like more than situational


                                                            Thanks for replies


                                                              nullifier on jugg is great as long as you have a mana item to sustain you


                                                                Why do u need a mana item when u probably get null around 30 mins


                                                                  because i don't get null around 30 min
                                                                  i get it right after sny which is 20 min


                                                                    Wow. Those are ti8 timings m8