General Discussion

General DiscussionWind - item progression question

Wind - item progression question in General Discussion

    Hey guys, seeking advise regarding first item for WR.

    In the new patch, with the decrease of AS bonus from ulti, mael feels so underwhelming - before, you could easily kill pretty much anyone but tanky cores with maelstrom and phase during the stun. Now, with lower AS, you hardly kill supports during the stun.

    I started using MKB, even if there is no evasion - those 2 javelins gives you similar dmg output to single target (44dmg/hit) as maelstrom (54dmg/hit), if not counting the AS increase from maelstrom. When finishing MKB, it gives you 45 pure dmg/hit + 60 AS, what is actually huge. As for farming, it helps you as much - you hit faster, have higher dmg output and after level 10 you just take the wave using W after hitting creeps few times.

    As well tried some scenarios in training room:
    killing lich LVL10 with buckler only (no ice armor) and didnt manage even once
    Killing axe lvl 10 with vanguard only (not using Q) - 13 seconds average

    Generally tried several times and maelstrom is just so weak, comparing with MKB or deso.

    DPS WR - phase 2x Javelin - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 380
    5 armor: 320-330
    5 armor and cloak: 310-330
    10 armor: 300

    DPS WR - phase maelstrom - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 350dps
    5 armor: 300dps
    5 armor and cloak: 290 DPS
    10 armor: 250

    DPS WR - phase desolator - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 410
    5 armor: 350
    5 armor and cloak: 350
    10 armor: 270

    DPS WR - phase MKB - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 420
    5 armor: 370
    5 armor and cloak: 370
    10 Armor: 330

    DPS WR - phase aghs - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 400
    5 armor: 280
    5 armor and cloak: 280
    10 armor: 230-240

    DPS WR - phase mjolnir - ulti lvl 2
    0 Armor: 450
    5 armor: 400
    5 armor and cloak: 380
    10 armor: 360

    Based on this, 2x javelin is cheaper than maelstrom, gives higher DPS (to the single target with pretty much any armor between 0 and 10) and upgradable to an item which is as well superior to the maelstrom. Later in the game more usefull against those with BKB than maelstrom.

    Is there another first item I forgot to try?


      on old wr the maelstrom was just lightnings and minor dmg, while the attack speed was discarded in ult. right now building attack speed items still has an effect on your ult. guess what, new mkb gives attackspeed, too. go ahead, first item mkb every game.!

      i started to buy 1-3 casual javelins on juggernaut when i dont need to rush the manta.
      they can proc in ult and while spinning. probably good on sniper too, right after boots and aquila

      early mkb is pretty damn nice in terms of efficiency on any rightclick hero imo


        That's what I am doing since 7.07B.

        Generally, you can have easily Phase, bottle and 2 javelins min 8-10, what makes you 350DPS cannon. But some people were quite aggressive regarding MKB in games, where was no evasion from opponents, so just asking for other options here. Still seeing a lot of maelstroms in dotabuff guides. Not really sure why, only reason being in my mind farming item, but with mana talent you can just hit 2 creeps once/twice and shove the lane of creeps.

        And regarding timings - MKB is coming out usually 15-20 mins into the game, while maelstrom is usually 11-15 mins into the game. What makes it 4-5 minutes later while dealing 25% extra dmg and having 2 javs in play already.


          trash hero


            I don't see why not both
            Javelins r rlly good

            I don't like Deso tho


              In some situations, you might want both (illusion hero+evasion hero), but generally, there are plenty of items which are giving you much more than maelstrom/Mjolnir/MKB after you have one of those items. And as the wind is not a flash farming hero, you have to decide, which are the most important for you.

              Aghs (4.2k) for pushing towers after team fights (70sec is usually more than timer in mid-game for enemies to respawn and with aghs, if you are a sole survivor, you can take 1-2 towers by yourself, otherwise you do only chip damage to one) or being able to use ulti twice during team fights/gangs and follow up.
              Daedelus/bloodthorn (5-7k) gives you much more dmg output than these 2 items, when you have aghs.
              You need mobility item - either FS or blink(2k).
              You might need protection - linkens/BKB (4-5k).
              You want boots (I guess in ultra late you can drop them, but they are still useful).

              So generally you have 5 categories (+those 2 items) to fill your inventory with and if the game is not going ultra late, you end up with 3-5 items (for me, usually MKB/maels, aghs, blink, Daedelus/bloodthorn, next in line is BKB/linkens i guess).

              But I agree with deso, there are better items, only giving it here to show as comparison.


                bloodthorn would probably be the best item after mkb. almost every game theres an enemy who gets screwed by silence
                early aghs only if you snowball and fight nonstop
                blink and bkb when you feel like you need them

                btw, are we talking about mid wr or offlane wr?


                  I play wind only mid, not used to offlane, if not mid, its pos 4 or 5.

                  Regarding bloodthorn, I only build it on wind if I desperately need it to counter somebody. It is way too expensive. Much easier buildup is daedelus (which surprisingly has higher winrate on WR).


                    i totally agree on wr being a mid. she CAN offlane but she doesnt do what offlaners need to do in the meta. you can draft that with like a dk mid and an initiating/tanky 4 like clock, bara. but in those cases np is better.

                    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                      If you want the most DPS its Phase/Dagger/Aghs + 3x Daedalus
                      You can solo kill anyone before shackle below 3k Hp with that build

                      Trade 1 Daedalus for BKB/Linken if needed


                        ^and u die to any silences, lose to halberd, and basically have 0counter play to any enemy answer

                        I think 2 javelins into blink aghs is probably the best
                        Aghs is good but if u need bkb or another item I have no problem delaying it.

                        13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                          I just told to trade 1 Daedalus for BKB/Linken if needed.

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