General Discussion

General Discussionwhy the 3k bracket and below don't play the game like they should..

why the 3k bracket and below don't play the game like they should.. in General Discussion

    Maybe for a lot of people this sound a little stupid but I am 2.7k player that always try to play like the best players of the world, and i'm doing may best to improve my skills in the game day to day, but in the bracket that I'm the average players don't play the game like the should 1 core 1 mid 1 off and 2 supports... So I'm ask to the community why this happen? Why do you think this players doesn't understand that simply thing?


      You have a 49% winrate.


        well some people dont play the game to be successfull, they play it to have fun.

        dont worry, i dont get it aswell. why would you play dota to have fun...

        Friendly player

          Support is not a role everyone likes to play, supporting is the most boring thing in dota. And you know what, when somebody tells their team to commend him because he picked support, you should be licking his feet god dammit, if he sucked or not after all he took it for the team.


            support xD
            boring xD

            somebody in this forum clearly has no idea how to support.

            position 1 is the most boring role in the game. hit the most possible amount of creeps asap while the other heroes keep the enemy away from you...

            Friendly player

              why would you play dota to have fun

              why would you play dota to improve

              Its literally the worst game you could choose from to improve on. Dota is dying, it's community is killing the game.

              Friendly player

                position 1 is the most boring role in the game

                As a position 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 you can make plays ffs. As a support you are just sitting there pulling creeps, trying not to die and overall just babysitting your team for disables (the only reason supporting still exists).


                  you misunderstood the support role bro.

                  Friendly player

                    And you know what, when somebody tells their team to commend him because he picked support, you should be licking his feet god dammit, if he sucked or not after all he took it for the team.


                      get out of there and go to better bracket?

                      13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                        I have a 2.6k smurf. I played a game just recently with it and I must say, The community has gotten alot more worse/Toxic than before.

                        I told everyone to let me mid (700XPM/GPM) and I'll carry them easily then these 2 goofballs trashtalked me and went mid with me. 5 carry lineup. The 3 of us went mid and they were threatening to feed if they didn't get their way, So I decided to jungle, but the 2 goofballs was still fighting mid. The other guy got pissed then went and feed nonstop, he fed even the courier that I bought. I lost. Seriously though, that game gave me a fucking cancer.

                        It wasn't this Toxic before on the 3k bracket when I used to smurf, Probably because Turbo mode.

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                          In my opinion the support a good support is the most important player to win. Is the one that make you more easier your lane help you to success kills give you vision but like someone say in the comments nobody like to not farm and not get kills. Thx to all comments


                            You aren’t a good player. Very simple. Stop blaming your team, since you yourself aren’t improving

                            Potato PC

                              You simply unlucky, i often meet with good temmate (at least their behavior is good) in lower bracket.


                                A BSJ in training : you are like just the people I'm playing all the time. You think that you are better than the others and not help at all , instead helping a fellow that is traying to improve and enjoy a good game

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  its not about skill or mmr. is all about bs .
                                  that shit happen even in divine games if bs is bad . recently had lot of divine players in unranked, who went slark solo offlane feed 0-9, to archon-legend players lul.


                                    I have to log in my steam just to reply the @Friendly player...
                                    You clearly don't know what a support do.
                                    But i'm not suprised, it's scares me imagine the level of support a guy with 700 party mmr have.

                                    Tonyto, your bracker (close to 3k) is the bracket were all the players who think is the best player in the world are stuck.
                                    they don't aply the normal structure of draft because they think nobody can carry better than they do.
                                    My advice is to Focus in a role and in 2 heroes, grind some mmr with the heroes you're best with, than go casual train with the people of your new bracket, when you feel that you have a better idea of how the game works and what you have to do in your games, go back to ranked and play with a small pool of heroes again.
                                    Try to play with friends that are in a higher bracket than you, this will help you to get better, when you start to win games against better players it means that you're improving your mechanics and gama awareness.
                                    This is how i grind from 1.3k solo mmr to 4.2 before the medals patch.
                                    As an example in how to grind some mmr, i was re calibrated at 3.6 mmr a few days, and i'm playng only with venge, brew, oracle and ogre now to get back to my old bracket.
                                    i'm 3.9 now and grinding back...
                                    When you play much games with a hero all the micro skills of then became muscle memory, and you can focus on others aspects of the game


                                      Those smurf reports really send your behavior score plummeting hard... And that is more likely the reason why you see lots of idiots.

                                      And supporting is the most important role. For the players and heroes that try to a lot with very few resources. It ain't hard to kill the enemy team when you are 10k ahead on networth... It is a completely other ball game when you are 10k behind... And your support can make or break the game of the pos 1 carry.

                                      The gaudy numbers the pros post are a result of the game being played right and there is enough space for the hard carry to get a head... And then kill them all and finish the game. You could not do that without proper support.

                                      I've given up on forcing my hand into a farming role as I've found that I can make a large impact as a support too.


                                        ps: support is one of the most important roles in high skilled games.
                                        they control all the tempo of the game in early, and sometimes, mid game. What affects directly the map control, net worth and objetives.


                                          i like playing supports


                                            Thx again and most of all the lasted 2 comments. Thx really thx


                                              The longest comments xD


                                                I love supporting. I only play core if noone else is


                                                  Why do you think this players doesn't understand that simply thing

                                                  because it doesnt matter in low mmr. u dont need to play like that to win.

                                                  unbreakable spirit

                                                    Btw there are three cores in a team, mid core, safelane core and the offlane core, and to the guy who said supporting is boring, try playing support pudge, it is the most satisfying thing I ever found in Dota. Just imagine, u zone the enemy offlaner, u gank mid, stack for your carry, ward for the team and u always keep an eye on the map, u collect the runes nonstop, how enjoyable that role is, it's boring? Suck my dick! Keeping the momentum going for the early game and making your carry's life easy is boring? I enjoyed every bit when they said commend pudge in the end xD

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                                                      ^because you're position4 that's it. Position5 heroes pool is really small because you need to pick heroes in META which are strong without money or level. Do you really think people love to do routine job again and again in game like officer?


                                                        I’m over 1000 mmr above you. I can tell if you are bad or not.
                                                        Stop blaming and play your game, your 49% winrate shows you aren’t getting better at the game. You are in denial


                                                          playing with 2 supports is retarded in low mmr. there's more than enough farm to go round for 4 cores.

                                                          no incoming chat

                                                            From all the issues in the lower MMR it's still the least important one. The biggest flaw I've noticed is not playing objective Dota, pretty much everyone thinks that the game is about kills. No one has any idea how their draft & lanes should go. They don't know when to play defensively, and when aggressive. Everyone just wants to get as many kills as possible. Rosh only happens in late game or when there is a typical Rosh hero like Ursa/Troll. Roles are the least important shit, really.

                                                            Friendly player

                                                              Yeah getting ez early kills as pudge, but oh boy oh boy when it comes to mid game my team cant do shit with all the space i gave them.

                                                              Friendly player

                                                                Although i enjoy roaming with pudge/bh cause no one actually expects me to gank mid in the start of the game.


                                                                  why is archon guy allowed to post here ? Like,what could a 2k guy say that it woud usefull ? braindamaged players

                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                    Can you read the title of this post?
                                                                    Can't find it? Here i'll make it easier for you braindead idiot

                                                                    why the 3k bracket and below don't play the game like they should..


                                                                      @-Ramza- your points is 1000000% correct. I climb from 1.8k to 3.7k by playing core and being stucked at 3.5k for a year cuz im a stubborn kind of pos who think im the best carry in that bracket. But then after the new mm system comes i try to play support and reach 4k within 3 days. Only if i reallize this early i mean, by playing support will help you gain easy mmr, i might be 5k now xDDD


                                                                        I skipped past what everyone else said so maybe it was already stated but as a low tier player myself I can tell you one mistake that everyone makes including myself;

                                                                        Being too hesitant.

                                                                        So many times people are scared to go on someone or to take an objective where in reality they would benefit from doing so. Often times this results in cluster fuck teamfights where there is no real initiation people just start right clicking each other until the other team dies and inevitably complains.

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          my fucking eyes


                                                                            Fight more guys.


                                                                              Support role is more interesting and tougher than carry. U have to position ur self so u dont take creep aggro during laning see the minimap atleast once in 2 sec. Position urself in fights so u dont die early and save ur carry using utility items. I mostly play core but the support role is much tough and exciting. Clearly 1k is better than 2k, because the 1k players are clearly more understanding than 2k players and they donthink they are the best players in the world.


                                                                                1k is better than 2k. )huh

                                                                                Friendly player

                                                                                  Support role is more interesting and tougher than carry
                                                                                  You could've atleast say its just for you.
                                                                                  U have to position ur self so u dont take creep aggro
                                                                                  In crusader 2 there's literally no point to care about that. Your carry auto attacks waves anyways.
                                                                                  the support role is much tough
                                                                                  You haven't tried playing this game at a higher level where last hitting and decision making is required at a moderate level.
                                                                                  Clearly 1k is better than 2k
                                                                                  Please, share your thoughts on why 1k's are better than 2k's? For me its literally the same thing, in 2k players begin to understand they suck and stay with their team most of the time.


                                                                                    2ks are literally 10X better than 1ks


                                                                                      I have seen both of them my party mmr is 2.5 and my solo is 1.8k i have experienced both and i can clearly say that the toxicity in 1k is not that high as in 2k(not related to game sense or anything like that)


                                                                                        2ks are better than pros

                                                                                        white boy summer

                                                                                          2.5k trying to explain how dota works lol

                                                                                          Friendly player

                                                                                            2.5k trying to explain how dota works lol

                                                                                            Can you read the title of this post?
                                                                                            Can't find it? Here i'll make it easier for you braindead idiot
                                                                                            why the 3k bracket and below don't play the game like they should

                                                                                            Like srsly people if your gonna fake laugh at someone atleast look into the data which is right there before your eyes.

                                                                                            Player 345996680

                                                                                              support itself isnt boring, but there is probably no worse feeling than supporting subhuman cores xdd

                                                                                              lone dog

                                                                                                I told everyone to let me mid (700XPM/GPM) and I'll carry them easily

                                                                                                Mistake #1: If you tell me you're a smurf in the picking phase that is the fastest way to convince me you're actually some 2k or a failed smurf. If you have to beg your team to let you mid then obviously you're doing something wrong.
                                                                                                Either click mid first and secure it, or lane somewhere else. If you're really trying to climb on a smurf there's no reason to not be able to stomp from any lane.
                                                                                                smurf reports

                                                                                                If you're a good smurf you shouldn't get reported in the first place. My last conduct summary on this account:

                                                                                                The abandon was cause someone first picked ld when I was spamming first pick ld so I just abandoned tbh.


                                                                                                  i am so happy to see so many players being helpful and kindful with my topic.. to the toxic and blaming players.. alrdy put up there you aren`t doing a favor to me, go to somewhere else to blame. I`m sure that in a near future i will improving my games with all your thoughts.
                                                                                                  THX TO ALL HOW SHARE HIS EXP AND ADVICE.. GG.. GL HF.. DONT BE TOXIC!!

                                                                                                  apa gak salah?

                                                                                                    5 carry on my team. 2 support, 1 mid, 1 offlane, 1 carry on enemy's team.
                                                                                                    I blame valve for this "balanced matchmaking".

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      It does not matter what you're trying to do. You are not succeeding in whatever it is that you're trying to do.

                                                                                                      You have more matches than MMR, while actively trying to gain MMR.

                                                                                                      You have <50% winrate while trying to improve at the game.

                                                                                                      You're just absolutely failing at this game and it literally doesn't matter what your teammates do, you're losing the games yourself, according to the data.

                                                                                                      What can you do about this? Stop being competitive and go play turbo or something, start having fun. You do not have what it takes to improve at this game, if you're sincerely trying. You're just bad and you're never going to be pro or a really high MMR player.Or maybe try to really improve at the game, buy coaching and have someone force good practices into you since you obviously believe your team is the problem (which is absolutely not true if you have sub 50% winrate).

                                                                                                      You may think you're copying what the pros are doing, but trust me, if you were, you'd be divine 5 with 80% winrate at this point. Your teammates would literally not matter.

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                                                                                                        2k is a billion times better than 1k

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!