General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy isn’t OD more popular?

Why isn’t OD more popular? in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    This hero seems extremely good against the current meta heroes..

    Shouldn’t be able to get bursted my morphling as linkens/Bkb is normally built by the time morph gets eblayt.



      He has been good since the Abbadon and Bristleback meta a while ago, and maybe even more so when AM was buffed. He is a decent pos2, only losing to Sniper, Tinker and such and can snowball pretty hard especially in drawn out fights. I find him really good against Huskar too.

      However he has pretty huge downsides as well. He is easily countered by Nyx and Pugna, and basically silences will render him useless in a teamfight. He has high hero damage output no doubt, but severely lacks in structure damage. He is very farm dependent but only has mediocre creep clear potential. Optimally, your team needs to have a frontline and a more teamfight/pushing oriented carry to see him shine.

      He has a very good last pick material should your draft allows it and playing against a mediocre mid enemy, but if he gets countered its better to consider other options.

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        ^already have a good answer here

        Back to the day he could beat any hero with 3 null talismans and rushing hex, hit roshan to death and win the game. Many players still have PTSD on this hero as well as hoHohaHAA patch.

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          im getting bored when i play him for 2 minutes

          doesnt recover from a bad lane too well


            He is quite nice, he just has pretty shitty attack range and the prison range is really low as well. If he can't stand in the middle of the fight (no items) he isn't that powerful. As usual he is a good situational pick as are most heroes. The meta ebbs and flows as more counters are discovered for the "current meta"... And that is what keeps the game going. The meta keeps on evolving even if we don't get a huge patch like 7.07.


              Yeah he doesn't really recover easily from bad starts.

              Usually you want to be active after a good laning stage and fight a lot. Stuff like Ogre's bloodlust or a wisp can just make that hero snowball (which the hero is very good at).

              His massive downside is the ability to push. Much like Ursa he just wants to murder everyone until nobody is there to defend towers.


                What do u mean. He is good isn't he. Against meta carry like medusa and AM


                  OD is good no doubt, but he has downsides that needs to be covered by his team. In a sense the team needs to pick around OD which may not work in uncoordinated pubs, or lower skill games.

                  He used to have astral with maxed cast range instead of scaling by levels in astral and arcane orbs used to steal 5 intel instead of 4. But that said 7.07 gave him pretty good talents imo, I had a few one sided games where I went pike sny with 460ms running down people lel.

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                  Bill Cutting

                    Great point regarding taking towers (imagine OD gets the Viper talent 🙈)

                    Don’t agree that OD isn’t good against Anti mage, one of the best according to dotabuff - but of course that could be wrong

                    Is it the mids job to counter the enemy hard carry tho?

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                      od isn't necessarily bad at hitting towers
                      just mediocre


                        Nyx assassin
                        He is good but even against those that r countered by Mana burn, he loses to manfight


                          I honestly go ac in my pubs if I don't need Shiva vision or hex or linkens just to hit towers
                          It works



                            I think jacked meant OD is good against AM. Anyways I don't think it is a pos2's duty to counter the enemy pos1 per se (also different lanes as well), its more about having an answer for their cores generally, and more on you as a pos2 not getting countered. Sure, on paper if you can counter both enemy pos1 and your own enemy mid as pos2 it'd be a very good game for you, but it is highly unlikely such drafts occurs in higher skill games.

                            Typically, you would not want your highest or 2nd highest net worth core to be picked off by the enemy pos1 at any phase of the game, so you would want to pick something that can not only go toe to toe against their pos1, and also not lose the lane to the enemy pos2. For example, you have a last pick as pos2 against enemy AM as pos1 and maybe an Invoker/Ember/DK as pos2. Going OD in this lineup would be a very good pick. However, supposedly their enemy pos2 is now a Tinker or Sniper that requires a gap closer. Picking Storm might be natural to you, but the risks are huge and could potentially turn the game in their favour should your Storm gets picked off in crucial fights, therefore sometimes playing it safe by drafting another pos2 might be better.

                            @Washed Up

                            OD isn't weak to the mana lost from mana burn itself, its more on the damage dealt based on multiplication of Int, and can hit like a dagon5 every 4s should OD steals a ton of it. So does Pugna, where OD gets hit with 200dmg for every Arcane Orb cast. Also, why not consider buying a moonshard instead of spending 1.2k more on an item where OD doesn't benefit much from.


                              OD is pretty good. im pretty sure u can spam that hero.


                                Too easy to play around. Hes godly in situations where he can just deal damage on your high armor low hp cores. But too many ways to play around



                                  Works in party if your party knows how to play around him, but in pubs its usually more of a risk.


                                    why do u need to play around an OD? he seems versatile enough

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      i think people underutilize essence aura. no one says "we have essence aura i better pick x hero" but it is actually much better than CM aura for certain heroes like pugna, skywrath, dazzle or bristleback. its impact generally goes unnoticed but on mana hungry but poor support heroes like undying, shadow shaman or shadow demon, it is super helpful in fights. besides that, i think the hero just has not enough utility to be considered. astral is okay, but besides that he is just a damage machine with no CC. stealing int is an insanely niche mechanic that doesnt have a big impact most of the time, only helps your own hero rather than hindering the enemy team. and he doesnt do anything against bkb which is another problem.

                                      Синячий патруль

                                        he's been overnerfed. If we discuss matchup against dusa, he can't really do well on mid against dusa as lvl3 snake steals all mana

                                        Chao Vritra

                                          he is probably the least fun hero in the game especially in unranked. Nothing about his gameplay his fun. Getting a good ult in is about it but you have to like do math for that or guess fuck that just hook and dismember kappa



                                            P U R E D A M A G E


                                              situational hero that can autowin/lose games. Its also really not that good against medusa other than the ult burning 80% of her mana. I would only pick it if i know i can snowball really hard


                                                Dude ac gives a pushing aura, moonshard is just pure dps
                                                also I love picking this hero against lc.
                                                I didn't even say od is weak to Mana burn, I said even tho of can Mana drain in a way, he still often can't manfight heroes Mana burn is supposed to counter.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  i think people underutilize essence aura.

                                                  I used to spam bloodseeker, and every time my mid was OD, I'd just walk close to him every time I need mana cause he's a fucking mana battery if you have low cd low mana cost spells (0 mana cost is as low as it gets lul).

                                                  Also, OD is absolutely insane with Skywrath. But then you have two heroes that are supposed to output a lot of damage but are basically completely neutralized by magic immunity.

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                                                    Lol, OD can lane against sniper and tinker with ease, just need an extremely aggressive roamer(es, ns, or pudge)


                                                      ^relying on teammates means u can't lane against them reliably u mongol.


                                                        How do u deal with that mystic snake tho


                                                          ^u dodge it with astral i guess

                                                          no incoming chat

                                                            His problem is that he needs too many lvls. Maxing prison? No dmg in the early fights. Maxing Q? A shit range on prison. He is horrible at recovering from a bad start. I even start to think that he should be played in the safe lane, not mid. He is similar to AW - a strong laner, but requires early protection. I wouldn't say that magic immunity is as big problem as it was. Hex is now again great, and nullifier is the item that everyone should consider at one point. Blink + nullifier & he can pretty much kill any carry. MKB was a shit pick up on him, now it's actually pretty good. His late game was never better than now.

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                                                            7Mad About You

                                                              We gank OD mid a lot at early game, OD still can pubstomp us at late game


                                                                Anyone retarded or brave enough to try aghs aether octarine? Astral two heroes then kill others. Or keep one astralled forever.I mean with refresher and refresher shard cant you astral their whole team kappa


                                                                  Just go force, treads, moonshard; easy game.


                                                                  NO MIDAS EVER

                                                                  moonshard is farm and fight


                                                                    od should not be targetable for bloodlust and repel


                                                                      U don't deal enough dmg nor have the mobility nor the survivability nor the disable to go straight moonshard u moron. Also Midas legit.

                                                                      Story Time

                                                                        OD proves great in Turbo mode :) still have to check how it is in normal games

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          He can't hit towers
                                                                          He have no mobility

                                                                          Definitely not tilting to play!!!!1


                                                                            barely 2k, but I'm an idiot lol. I had a month of rampages when I decided to start playing ranked after calibrating in your bracket in 2014.