General Discussion

General DiscussionIo can attack while cycloned if tethered to an ally who is attacking

Io can attack while cycloned if tethered to an ally who is attacking in General Discussion

    That level 20 talent is surely OSFrog worthy.


      what are you talking about, this is amazing

      Yung Beethoven

        amazing? dude io is literally the most broken hero atm. Just think about the posibilites he is viable now.

        Medusa + io
        Drow + io !!!!!!
        Slark + io
        Alch + io
        Bane + io

        I mean cmon, this shit is broken as fuck. I tell you guys this hero will be either 100% banned or 100% first picked in every major tournament.

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          What happens when IO tethers a Windranger who is using Focus Fire?

          Then takes the +60 damage talent at level 10?

          Then buys an Armlet and Mask of Madness?

          And additionally also uses Overcharge?


            That's why they added another ban, its for Io.

            Riguma Borusu

              balance in all things

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                none of that matters because it has nothing to do with io's attack speed but the other guy's. only io's damage matters. thats why alch/drow + io will be good i guess.

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                  Io gona get nerf very fast u shiuld spam him fast

                  Riguma Borusu

                    there is not exactly a cheap damage item that io would go for that early but I am pretty sure you can just get a solar crest and melt people down with your high attack speed carry anyways

                    some regen item > crest > ??? > mkb or some shit? not sure

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      getting 20 on io is not easy. attacking talent is not really that big of a deal outside of 2k pubs. the aghs tether, however, is fucking bonkers and i have no idea how it is in the game.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        but it is a real meme with a hero like sven who also provides damage to you albeit shit damage because io's str sucks

                        Riguma Borusu

                          that's not a meme that's amazing

                          Yung Beethoven

                            i mean just take in consideration this:

                            the drow + io combo.

                            First of all, drow gets a free agha which makes her attack 3 ppl at once. Because of that io attacks ALL THREE PPL also!! With the same fucking speeds as drow!! He even gets dmg from drows aura and can increase her attack speed with freaking overcharge.

                            If this doenst sound insanely broken to you, idk what is.


                              It is. That's why 7.07b is coming soon, maybe it will cap the talent at 1 attack every 0.5/0.6 seconds. That's the only reasonable nerf without changing the talent.

                              The combos with Io is just countless right now, and none of them are balanced.


                                yup it is alredy happening. what do you even need backdoor protection for?

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!