General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me what im doing wrong

Tell me what im doing wrong in General Discussion

    Hi, looking for some advices about my gameplay cause i dont know what's wrong with my games, im not able to win a single game, looks like i have 0 impact every single game no matter what role i play or what i do, its worse then nightmare. My dotabuff Leave comment only if u rly want to help me, thx for your time


      i am 3.7k too thats wrong

      Hatrið mun sigra

        I don't know what it is that you're doing wrong in general since I've never seen any of your games, but looking at your last matches I think you changed role and heroes too many times, and you seem kinda tilted and unable to focus on top of that. The best thing you can do when you wanna raise your mmr is spam a bunch of heroes and focus on one or two roles. Don't play ranked for a while and give yourself the time to untilt, take a look at your games and try to find the mistakes you made, whether it is about the drafting, positioning, items etc.

        I took a quick look at some of your games, the WK one for example, and you had 97 cs in 30 min which is terrible. You went blademail into maelstrom to counter clinkz and PL but that one is a bkb rush kind of game vs 2 diffusals, a radiance Necro and an orchid Clinkz.

        Same goes for the AM game, 189 cs in a 33 min game and a late battlefury. Your team wasn't the best, your supports were dogshit, but as a carry, and especially as an AM, you need to learn to find space to farm. Split push, farm camps, push waves.

        In the Slark game you had a trash BH who just fed basically, but again the items timing is really bad and that late linken's wasn't useful at all, vs SS, Invoker, Kunkka and Rubick's disables bkb was necessary.

        My feeling is that 1) you can't farm efficiently and 2) you join unnecessary early fights with little to no items as a carry, ending up feeding the enemy team and not farming

        In the Necro game you went arcanes into LVL 1 DAGON at min 33 into bkb at min 47. Focus on understanding what your team needs in terms of items and how you can be useful when you play support or offlaner, 'cause I'm sure dagon 1 is not what they needed. You could have gone for mek or a force staff, or veil since you had a Luna and a Rubick and the enemy team had 3 annoying strenght heroes that was your job to kill asap.

        This comment was edited

          Have you tried destroying the enemies ancient?


            just stop playing ranked when you start losing.
            Then go watch some pro game with your hero on it and try to see wtf is happening.
            After that go play and do what they do.
            If you start losing again, it means you have missed something, so stop playing and go watch pro game again.


              Well, i tried watching pro games, i also loged on Gameleap nothing helped me, i just wonder what i need to know to win my game by myself cause its insane how cancer is 3/4k mmr. I used to be 4.6k player but last half year is insane for my MMR. But i like what Hidden Poll said, i will try to spam 2-3 heroes and learn how to farm with them properly, thx for your comments guys if anyone have another advices i would be very thankful :)


                everytime a bad player loses, he calls his bracket cancer
                Just learn from your mistakes and stop blaming your bracket, if you lose then you diserve it


                  Have you tried focusing on structures and taking down the throne?

                  I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                    ur not destroying enemy ancient thats the problem


                      des en anc?

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!