General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i get below 1k mmr calibration

How can i get below 1k mmr calibration in General Discussion
5th Pillarmen

    I want to know what in the world going on there, the world below 1k what it look like how did most people end up there. What did you do in your early match of calibration. I got my smurf acc once. I try to play afk auto-hit creep, don't do any damage to enemy heroes and towers but still end up in 1.2k. What am I missing to reach below 1k or should I afk jungle and buy dagon on troll or LC but don't use it at all? Tell me please how to reach below 0.9k mmr. What do people in that bracket play?


      take riki and sit afk at the bounty rune


        hmmm maybe you should keep feeding??


          People under 1k mmr dies because they were afk while reading their email or twitter

          ANDREW TATE

            I think i may just calibrate under 1k mmr. Now i m playing with players with 563 solo mmr displayed on their profile in my unranked games haha


              @Jungle Decoherence Theorem seems u got the player u wanted here,ask him how many question u want..


                feed the fuycking courier


                  it`s easy, first start dota account with "i`m noob-beginner". than, don` t think about build, when it`s written on sugest items. Next avoid any fights, don`t take kills, try to farm 1 creep per min, and ofc die a lot. 500mmr is only for you. And i almost forgot, go mid, even if you have 3more hero on mid. So you will get report, anyhow, juts try to get report. When your skills isn`t on 1kmmr, you have to make then to look like that.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    take riki and sit afk at the bounty rune



                      yes, you can ltierally get a 1-2 digit mmr doing that

                      Friendly player

                        Cookie, i see you made many challenges, so i think this one would be an easy one for you.

                        AFK bounty rune with riki the whole game in 1K mmr and win the match. It doesn't count if your enemy feeds.

                        When you're done give me the match id.


                          how am i gonna win the match if i'm not playing.

                          Friendly player

                            Why you ask me? "yes, you can ltierally get a 1-2 digit mmr doing that"

                            ANDREW TATE

                              Cookie. Just by ordering your teammates what to do..


                                it's during hte calibration, calibrator looks at your stats
                                so if all your stats are basically almost at ''afk abandon'' you get a 1-2 digit mmr.

                                tantantan, would be interesting but i'd need to get an 1k acc first

                                Friendly player

                                  GL 👌👌👌

                                  1 MMR SOLO

                                    Just to share a short story.

                                    I was playing on this ranked game with average mmr 500 plus. I was on dire side using storm spirit mid and i have a puck teammate who random and went btm lane.

                                    Puck fought with me for the starting bounty rune which i won her. And at 0:40 seconds into the game, she went to bottom river rune and just stood there. At 01:55 she started saying that rune that will be spawning will be hers. Of course the top rune spawn n i went took it. Long story short, she stood there permanently waiting for the rune and there was no rune all the way. (All the runes spawn at top river) She got an auto abandon at 6 mins into the game for afk.

                                    I literally cant stop laughing for the rest of that day..


                                      The Problem is some guys in enemy Team will have less impact than afk riki.

                                      Friendly player

                                        That story you shared with us happens pretty rarely. I was playing in 300avg and shit like that didn't happened at all.

                                        1 MMR SOLO

                                          I play for fun, yes it doesnt happen all the time. But when it happened, u will laugh cos this kind of shit u will only see it in low mmr trench tier.

                                          Friendly player

                                            say whatever you want, i still haven't noticed anyone do this shit in 300mmr games.