General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo ranked is impossible

Solo ranked is impossible in General Discussion

    @ETdAWESOME you can play scaling pos 5 that can grab kills early on, and make space.

    a good pos 5 would be heroes like witch doctor [can farm, can kill, can escape] , silencer, lion, treant, kotl to name a few.

    it is very easy to play support [ speaking of warding, creating space, rotation etc], but its hard to master. the highest lvl of pos 5 would be low deaths, high kill participation, full support [buy all obs and sentry]. i spent the last few months playing only support and im now quite comfortable with full pos 5.

    if you have confidence in your ability as a player, mmr is nothing but temporary in the short term, and your gameplay will not be affected by the volatility of the number.

    form is temporary. class is permanent. focus on your class, if your class is high enough, in the long run your mmr will go up, since you are way above others in terms of skills, decisions and everything else.


      Dude, I'm trying to destroy the enemy ancient but I'm not strong enough.


        checked the games and most of the time you have a jungle core. Try to get your team to not do this but if you never do it yourself you can start winning more games