General Discussion

General DiscussionFree advice, ask away

Free advice, ask away in General Discussion



    If he has gone for Dagon then he is hosed due to your high strength gain. So he will go for veil, aghs

    his ghost shroud is a semi-reliable escape when in teamfights, but would hose him if you catch him out alone. To counter him in teamfights you would go diffusal. Out of teamfights you would go silver edge to disable his passive regen from last hits as well as being able to get the jump on him with the double. Then you would go bloodthorn in order to nearly instagib him. In and out of teamfights.
    So diffusal -> Silveredge ->Bloodthorn


    Hard matchup due to flux never working vs a good meepo. All he has to do is poof a clone over in order to disable it. You also can't depend on spark wraith to hit the meepo you are focusing. Which leaves right clicks and magnetic field. If the meepo gets the jump on you with blink, you are dead. So you probably will need to go for bkb to prevent him from permarooting you. You could also go for a tankier item like skadi for armor and then due to the fact meepo has no stun you could just tp out as you have travels at that point. butterfly would also help. Upgrading to mjollnir would also punish the meepo immensely due to having one for you and one for someone getting jumped on. So I would say mjollnir -> Skadi -> Butterfly. Unless I am greatly underestimating the amount of damage a meepo can do.

    Storm Spirit:

    He will try and jump you. You need fast reactions in order to win as you need to get the double out to help before you locks you down. if he goes bkb then you might need to too. As magnetic field is pretty useless vs him. BKB prevents him from jumping you. and popping it would make him run away, meaning you wasted a bkb charge. The best way to deal with him is orchid/bloodthorn. As using that on him forces him to pop bkb. He can promptly hose you after he does that as he is immune to both maelstrom, all your spells, and your silence. So you can then pop your own if you have it(bad idea to get). Sheepstick however, lets you disable him completely, So you could go Sheep -> bloodthorn -> skadi. Which would make sure that he isn't going anywhere. I am not entirely sure about the DPS of the build though. It might be too low to be useful against the rest of the enemy team.

    Just started playing arc warden a few days ago. Failed the first 2 games badly. But then had a 3rd game were I went 18/6.

    For some reason even though I could do your challenges I still couldn't last hit in lane for some reason safelane. So trying mid as for some reason I do a lot better there with lasthitting. :|

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      have u noticed the trend where as soon as something like "coaching" or "free help" is included in the title, the thread gets immediately derailed and shat up by cookie and his 9gag army

      Giff me Wingman

        cuz cookie tries to convince people that he is decent at something, which.... he isn't LUL


          9gag army?


            Meepo counters Arc Warden like no other hero, so Cockie how you want to build your hero then ? 3 items just not to die ? Bkb pike linken ? I completely disagree of what you're trying to say. You will die only if you stay in front.

            True is that blink poff hex combo rekt Arc. So Imo you can only stay in front with your ultimate and no item will help you then. Only that would make my game more difficult if I were playin meepo.

            Tbh I dont know what are you trying to show us here ? U need bkb, pike + dps and wait for meepo to initiate. No linken will help you since meepo can go diffusal hex and break linken for cheap.

            You;re not a pro coach but surely behaving like one - bombing every thread about some free coaching like people mentioned in previous posts and I agree with that. Even if they are not so enlightened as you are, at least they try to help.

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            Potato Marshal

              Why are the only threads that last more than 2 pages, the completely awful ones?


                woah bosnian memes :bc_fire:


                  lul ... Imo everyone should have a link to his original facebook profile to actually comment on anything so we can see how he look like irl.

                  Dire Wolf

                    "Meepo counters Arc Warden like no other hero, so Cockie how you want to build your hero then ? 3 items just not to die ? Bkb pike linken ? I completely disagree of what you're trying to say. You will die only if you stay in front."

                    That's why I said forget about trying to counter meepo and just play your game, standard arc build whatever that is.

                    Truth is none of these matchups are great for arc, though you can probably just burst to death a necro before he does much to you, so to beat them I'd want to stomp my lane, farm faster and push harder than they do. Which shouldn't be that hard vs storm and necro, meepo idk depends on rest of team.


                      what do you do if you destroyed enemy middle tower by minute 7-12? put wards on enemy jungle or shrine?
                      if you're a fighting mid hero (ex:pugna,mk,puck,pl or any hero that can gank/push without ult/small cd) do you farm and keep punishing till their mid second tower unless enemy supports are missing? or leave the lane and push/fight other lanes? (go back or tell your friends to go to your lane ofcourse if there's a wave coming to your mid tower)

                      also,what should you do when you have destroyed 3 enemy t1 tower on minute 14-15 and can't roshan at all(bad heroes) is it only smoke and gank and get an objective if gank is sucessful? or try to push t2 as 5?


                        Wyd as melee safelane core against smart mk(literally hitting u every time u near him, got ganked if Going jungle)

                        P.s answer must be not asking help from teammates

                        Well since op got roasted by bosnian 6k pls if u know the answer reply

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                        me, government hooker

                          how odes cookie have the gut to call anyone subhuman when youre literally the only degenerate on this forum who consistently tries to prove superior to low skill ppl by giving advice every fuckign average 5k player is able to give. but its okay cause oOh i sPenD x hoUrS wAtChigng reLpay xDD i UnderStand Evryhthing xD proS XD do fuck off cu.nt
                          the stuff u post is cancer to the eye ur 'good samaritan' attitude of trying to help poeple by making some fucking useless farming patterns some retarded lh challenge (thats gotten every other moron on this forum thinking its any useful) and some xD BeHAVIOUR ExPeriMEnt xD is the most triggering shit ive seen in a long time. if you were a quarter as bright as u think u are u would realise that this garbage doesnt help anyone. every person ive known to be 5k+ has learned the game on their own and got tehre by palying the fucking game not by listening to some co.cksucker whos got 6k by playing 1 hero and then turned off mmr

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                          Player 404335202

                            1) how do i tell a girl that i love her ?
                            2) is masturbating bad for health ?
                            3) please explain what was that bigbang experiment
                            4)how you'd like to die ?
                            5)why do u hate 3k ?


                              As usual the bosnian guy having fame

                              Story Time

                                I like how Cookie pretends that there are different items that Arc Warden builds for different cases, and then when he play Arc, that happens basically same item progression with a rare linken sphere



                                  Hi, I read your question but didn't have the patience to read everyone else's opinions and posts on the builds. So I'm just assuming you haven't gotten the "right" answer yet. I understand I'm a normal skill player, but that's what you wanted, an NS player's thought process, so I'll try to answer this question best I can.


                                  Items: This hero is rather weak against Arc Warden, atleast in my opinion. The only innate defensive ability for it is to ghost shroud, which actually helps Warden deal more damage to him with his Q. As I understand, his E used to purge rather than just slow, but was nerfed (I don't usually remember ability names). Either way, I don't think that makes a big difference. The problem is though, Necro doesn't mind being close to you because he wants to deal damage with his Q and your W won't help you much in defense but rather only for bonus attack speed. You want to stay far away from to avoid getting Scythed, so Pike is core, but I think going Orchid first is better, because that's Necro's biggest weaknest, getting silenced. Upgrading to Bloodthorn is natural. Diffusal is also fine, but as I said, you don't necessarily need to purge his W, but rather prevent him from using defensive items like Euls, Hood, Lotus Orb, BKB etc, so the natural step is to go Hex as your 3rd item.
                                  Playstyle: Necro is gonna wanna 5 man and fight and push with his team. He relies on his teammates for lockdown and some initial damage, whereas Arc Warden has the exact opposite playstyle of farming and split pushing and getting pickoffs. So the best way to deal with that is be on the opposite side of the map where he is and only try to kill him when you're sure he's alone. Otherwise, sending your Double into the lane he's pushing to defend the tower or clear the creepwave is fine.

                                  Items:This hero is a strong counter to Arc Warden, I believe. So trying to pick him off will be risky and ill-advised. By that time we can assume he has blink, treads, dragon lance and on the way to Hex. But building Linken's will only help short term because Meepo can buy diffusal, and probably will before the Hex. Building BKB can actually help you fight him a little better and negate poof damage, but he's going to start dealing physical damage real soon, real hard. He will also be right on top of you, so your W will not help you evade his attacks, and if you don't have your double up, getting Hexed first surely means you'll be dead. So despite this, I'd still recommend going defensive and completing your Mjollnir to push faster, harder and having some kind of defense against a bunch of Meepos right clicking you, and then going the other two items after.
                                  Playstyle: I think Meepo and Arc Warden's playstyle are very similar. They want to farm, split push and get pickoffs. Neither can teamfight properly very soon, unless it is the enemy that's taking risks and diving in an unfavourable situation for them. So the tactic would be to contrast his moves and go wherever he's not. The problem is, the Meepo can just go BOTs like you instead of Treads and catch you even after showing in a different lane. So the best I can think of, is to just send your Double into a lane if you wanna push and only farm the jungle without showing on the map, except for when you're under your own tower and have backup.

                                  Items: Playing against storm is also quite hard, though not as much as Meepo, I think. Once he has his bloodstone, he will go orchid and will be able to jump and burst you before you can get your spells off. Especially when your Double is dead and on cooldown, you won't be able to react. If you buy BKB, he can just bait it and jump out again, wasting your charge. The natural item for him after that is Linken's, because he knows you will buy Hex. However, save this as your 4th item, buy your own Diffusal and Orchid. It solves problems against his defensive items, as I'll describe below. I did consider buying Shadow Blade, but despite forcing him to carry dust and ridding him of a slot, I don't usually like this item defensively. Linken's is the way to go, because even though he has one or the other way to remove it, his disables are few and he will need both to get full effectiveness from his spells and kill you.
                                  Playstyle: Storm is gonna wanna find pickoffs, and is very good at doing so, so split pushing and showing on the map for you is not easy. He can even do this intermittently while pushing with his team, which makes it hard to play against. The thing about your items though, is that if you have Orchid and he has Eul's, he gets away, even if you Diffusal and bring him down. The idea is to bait his Eul's or break his Linken's with either Q or Orchid and then diffusal and Hex when he has no more defensive capabilities. Again, like Meepo, you're gonna wanna stay off the map and not get picked-off, but if you do, the first instinct should be to use your Double. Just so you can disable him in some way atleast

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "I like how Cookie pretends that there are different items that Arc Warden builds for different cases, and then when he play Arc, that happens basically same item progression with a rare linken sphere"

                                    That's my entire point, he posted it saying he wants to see 3k thought process but that's a useless exercise. Of course any item we build can be countered by the enemy team, it really comes down to execution, not item builds.

                                    He plays it off like he's some guru of dota thought processes but he's not. There's no magic pill item build, it will be game specific and you will want to see what enemy is building and react or just execute your hero and strat better.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!