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General DiscussionSupport Looking for DotA 2 Team (Europe)

Support Looking for DotA 2 Team (Europe) in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    I am playing Dota since the old days where rikimaru had Witch Doctors trap for an ulti :P

    Back in the old days, i was a competitive support player, being captain of a great Greek team. For many reasons we stopped playing before DotA 2 came to be what it is now. When DotA 2 came out i was pretty excited but due to my time-consuming job i could not keep playing. So i never tried to grind mmr and i was always playing for fun, even in ranked games.

    I know my mmr is not that High (Solo 3500, Party 3500) but i am seriously looking for a team to make a start. I need practice that's for sure, but since i was playing competitively before i have the fundamentals to be part of a team.

    Role: Position 5 or 4, Roamer. I am best as a position 5.

    Skills: I have the time in order to study drafts and be an active member of the team. I can also practice whatever time the team wants. I am open minded in terms of picking and banning as well as itembuilds and strategy tryouts, I love spending time testing strats. I am cooperative and reliable as a teammate. These are the traits that other people tend to tell me but you can also test me to see for yourself, don't want to continue promote myself.

    Favorite Heroes: Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Witch Doctor, Death Prophet

    Dotabuff: I was never part of a team in DotA 2 so don't pay too much attention to that link since we all know that playing in a team and playing solo is an entirely different game, plus that i main support Role.

    Region: Europe (West-East) but i have a good ping on other servers as well.

    Available: 24/7. Like literally i have a really flexible schedule in terms of work.

    Captain/Drafter: Yes i can

    Epxerience: I was playing DotA by the nickname MaD-MaN. We were part for a short time of Reality Defined sponsorship and we were playing on DotA League Div 5 and 4 and on Balkan Dota League Div 3 and 2.
    If you want to test me since i am new to reddit and I won't be checking it thoroughly please add me on steam and lets talk!

    Steam Profile:

    Excited to hearing from you guys!



      I am seriously looking for a team to make a start.

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      Story Time
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          @Story Time No i am not a girl it's a troll name.
          @H^ What do you mean by that? That's not my mmr now, this mmr was when i started playing again, i gave the account to friends and they dropped my mmr, which at the time i did not care.
          Also it is last updated 3 months ago.

          And i really don't understand the reason you are mocking me, all i am trying to do is start playing with a team and make a start. Do you expect me to be a pro and be looking for a professional team? I am in search of a non-professional team at the moment since i do not have the knowledge to compete in the professional scene. I am looking for a team that wants to rise through play experience.

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            This is what you gonna get on this forum , bulying ! The best way to learn and develop is playing with a team. Add me on steam to discuss if you want to, and you are serios.

            Story Time

              ^are you trolling the troll?

              Op said he has a troll name. So he is a troll, please ignore his post for good


                I was referring to the Name only. The post is not troll. The alliase only.
                Instab1l i added you buddy.


                  I am seriously looking for a team, im dedicated and will put in a lot of work...

                  but im already too lazy to change my copypaste text to the page im currently posting on.

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                    i could never understand anyone who wants to make a team before 6-7k mmr

                    like what do you expect to win?

                    some 20$ tournament which after splitting the 20$ onto 5 players will end up costing more to pay the transaction fee, so you end up paying 20$ instead.

                    look at your profile, your improvement rate doesn't exist. you're a flat 50%

                    if you can't adapt to new situations and learn to win, who on earth will take you into their serious team?

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                      Grind MMR first
                      Idc if u wanna do a team but u have to have some mechanical as well as dota skill evident in ur MMR in order for even a casual team to take u in.


                        What does mmr have to do with my knowledge? I mean i am grinding mmr at the moment but i want to participate in team matches so that we learn each other while playing (the team members i mean)

                        Mmr is not just a number but it does not indicate everything about your play experience etc. I dare all the casual teams to test me in 2-3 games, what's the worst case scenario? I am not good, then it's ok we played 3 games and never talk again, but what if i am fit to play?

                        Also @Cookie i am not interested at the moment to participate in Tournaments and make cash, all i need is build experience. And solo Queing or even premade is not near the same with Team Games. Team Games are entirely different when it comes to playstyle, itembuilds, roaming, even skillbuilds.

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                        Story Time

                          so you just looking for friends to play, and not a real dedicated team? Why do we have to translate you message?


                            ^ he is right + you can enjoy dota more as a stack and have fun so its more easy to learn , I play dota 2 for 1 year and 2-3 months now , this is my second account wich I'm using as main now , first acount 500 Mmr when I start playing dota ( I was using lion ulti on creeps to farm ) after some time made this account wich I got 1.2 k mmr ... my rl friend let me play on his 4 k account to lose some games for a period of time and I came back to this one 1 month after the BP started and got it to 2.9 k mmr now back to 2.5k , my party mmr is 2.9 . Every time I played as 5 ( with peoole that I played before)was 80% of the time a victory. When I play with my friend party we play just for fun. Is no good to watch my replayes watch pro playing .. reading guydes when you go in to a game alone and can't do shit because everybody has his on ideeas. I'm 100% sure that a party of 2-3 k ( who understands the game a bit )that play as a 5 man team can beat 5 solo 4 ks or even 5 ks. Mmr isnt just a number but you not gonna develop arguing every game with 4 random people.
                            You can troll me as much as you want I dont care I have a nice life outside dota also.


                              What does mmr have to do with my knowledge?

                              if u play 3k dota it indicates u have 3k knowledge
                              u may want to participate in a team, and if they take u then its fine, but if u grind more mmr u r more likely to find a team.


                                And in order to carry a game is hard most of the time because everybody pick the carry and the mid and offlane stright away. You only left with suport or jungle. And If i new to how to play meepo or AW maybe it was easy to go to 5 k if you get mid lane, but I dont find fun in playing those heroes so I dont want to learn them.


                                  mmr is an objective measurement of skill and knowledge

                                  the fact that you don't have higher mmr is the fact that you don't have enough knowledge.

                                  i have 70-95% winrates sub 5k on almost anything.

                                  and no, 6-7k avg games have the same or to a team match and even 7k+ avg games are almost the same as some pro matches when it comes to teamplay.

                                  getting there means you are a proper team player, with proper solo and team skill.

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                                    nd even 7k+ avg games are almost the same as some pro matches when it comes to teamplay.



                                      @Cookie this mmr was when i started playing again, i gave the account to friends and they dropped my mmr, which at the time i did not care. So it does not indicate my knowledge. Also i can aquire knowledge while being part of a team that practices.

                                      @Story Time you assume wrong. I don't want just a stack of 5, i want a team who also wants to make a start. To start practicing IN ORDER to participate in Tournaments in the future. Ambitious, a stack of 5 is easy to do but you don't play in the same manner when you compete with a team.


                                        clearly doesn't matter, as over 1.3k matches you clearly learned nothing, even if your friend dropped it to 1 mmr you had way more than enough time to bring it up.

                                        and even if you didn't, if you actually were to belong to a higher bracket you'd be stomping all your games now, which you are clearly not.

                                        idk how you can actually believe your own lies

                                        it's one thing to be ignorant, but actually eating it up yourself... well i just i feel sad for you bro.

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                                          @cookie You are too harsh man. I believe that i can rise up, but how do you know how much time i had? :D

                                          I started playing again seriously caring for the mmr 2 months ago and rose from 2800 to 3500. I still have a lot to learn i don't imply that i am ready, but that's why i want to practice in a team enviroment. I believe that my bracket is about to 4-4.5k and i will be there in the forthcoming months.

                                          It's another thing telling a lie and another thing jumping to conclusions. I never said i am a 7k player. All i said is that my bracket is a little bit higher and that if i practice in a team enviroment i will rise even more. I am willing to practice with a team then practice to improve my solo mmr, but getting knowledge from both aspects is valuable for me at the moment, i don't believe you can deny that right?

                                          Please manners up we are having a conversation and i am learning from you guys.


                                            You simply have an unreasonable flaw in your logic/thought process that doesn't allow you to admit to yourself that you're wrong.

                                            if you didn't have that then you would've been higher mmr already.

                                            for example you think that a 500-1000 mmr difference is small and unnoticeable, you can take any 4-4.5k player and put him in 3.5 and he will have 60-80% winrate there.

                                            or for example you think that with the lack of solo skill, somehow playing in a team enviroment will help you learn anything at all.

                                            look at your improvement rate, you played 250 ranked matches in the last 3 months with 51.5% winrate total.

                                            Sure, i'll believe that you'll eventually get to 4k over time, but you'll never get out of it.

                                            because the 4k bracket is filled with illogical/unreasonable/ignorant players like you.

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                                              What does mmr have to do with my knowledge?


                                              meteor hammer

                                                4 head

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  If you are an old dota player and can't make it out of 3k that means you have long since stopped learning and become comfortable with your (lack of) knowledge and skill.

                                                  There are players who started playing a few years ago, who are 6-7k and are better at DOTA than you are, in literally every way.

                                                  You have absolutely no hope of ever playing DOTA professionally in the modern climate where the best players are really really good. Nobody cares what teams you have previously played for if you can't even grind MMR to a point that is not complete shit (5k+). MMR is an objective measure, if you don't like it, go back to dota 1 where you can pretend to be a god among men because there is no annoying numbers that shows you how much you suck.


                                                    Well im playing since 4 years and I already stomp 3ks if i want to.


                                                      believe it or not, there was an mmr system in dota on some servers like


                                                        There's 2 things you can do, either you're fucking nuts you have 8k+ MMR and you get actually picked up by an existing pro team which is way better for you.

                                                        Or you're 5k/6k mmr and you try to make your own team and you'll have to climb your way up, you'll also need to play those small tournaments to prove u guys are a good team.

                                                        Considering you're still 3k and you're talking about how you even let ur friends play on ur acc LUL there's no way you'll be good any time soon.


                                                          I have a 3k flat friend who plays with his 5-5.5 k stack and they win almost any pub game. His impact (or lack of impact is unnoticable there). He can just pick Kotl, cast mana leak and rest of the team will do everything for him.

                                                          But... When I play with him in a duet and he has to have at least minor impact for us to win, he does things like:

                                                          - single pulls
                                                          - mess up creep equilibrum by auto attacks
                                                          - push the lane with illuminate
                                                          - do not carry tp
                                                          - do not react to what is going on in other lanes, he just sits with me doin nothing
                                                          - warding obvious spots
                                                          - getting dewarded ez
                                                          - 0 map awerness
                                                          - Saves ? I can only dream about getting saved by force/glimmer. Scepter is a 1st must have item.

                                                          MMR just a number ey ? I should look then for a team as a pos 1 player. Please man....


                                                            ^If your friend dosent do it, this means nobody in that braket do it ? I can show you plenty of supports even in 2k braket who are doing more than that in a game.
                                                            I am 100% that his 5 stack dosent win everything with him not having any impact, one good mana leak in a team fight can make the diference between losing or wining the game, but VHS cores can't see when good plays happen from their suports they see only mistakes. Every player from the team is responsible if a team wins or lose ( apart when is a very high skill gap between the players ) .
                                                            @ cookie - you are teling me 7k games are the same like pro games ( I wach 7 k games also ) some of the are but more 60% aren't , why do you think a Pro player playes 1 single position for a long time ? And do you think Miracle if is going in to a 2-3 k braket playing only suport( just suport build ) he is gonna have 100% winrate ? As a mid yes because he can cary the game by himself ( most of them ).

                                                            I start to dislike this Dotabuff forum because exept troling and hate , very rare is something realy helpfull here. Why is this forum ? For the 8-10 over 5 k player to bully others and get praised ? Are u so bad in real life ?
                                                            A proper response to this post should be " good luck , hope to see you in 5 k " or if you think is stupid dont fucking POST !


                                                              yes, miracle will have 95% + winrate in 2-3k regardless of his hero choice.

                                                              i did not say 7k games are hte same as pro games, i said they have nearily the same coordination

                                                              you simply will not get to 7-9k without high coordination skill.

                                                              your ignorance to the way a normal human's brain works is sad.

                                                              if you had any reasonable logic you wouldn't be Normal Skill.

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                                                                " you simply will not get to 7-9k without high coordination skill. "
                                                                - you are right , but if one of those players come in a low braket he have to carry the game , he cant relay on his coordanition when his team dosent have one.
                                                                " yes, miracle will have 95% + winrate in 2-3k regardless of his hero choice. " - it's not a great example but look at Miracle Io play from TI7 , and SOLO brew mid , you gonna tell me that was just for fun.
                                                                " your ignorance to the way a normal human's brain works is sad. " I am not ignorant , I'm just sad when I see YOU and people like you just trying to destroy the hopes of other. Let the people enjoy the game regardless of braket, let him dream to be a pro , give him a advice something.
                                                                "if you had any reasonable logic you wouldn't be Normal Skill. " well I only take things serious for the last couple of months and I have 65 % winrate in the last 3 moths , I'm happy with that , I will be out from NS soon, I have more important things in life to pay attention now.
                                                                - BTW you do realise that are 3 ks that are profesional coaches.

                                                                So try to be more helpfull not with " get gud " or " destroy enemy ancient " or leave people alone.


                                                                  - BTW you do realise that are 3 ks that are profesional coaches.

                                                                  3k professional coaches? Can you please show us those 3k professional coaches?


                                                                    i'm only here to put the worms where they belong; in the dirt.

                                                                    any 5k+ player will have 90%+ winrate in 3k

                                                                    a 9k+ player would simply eat 3k regardless of what anything happens there. i could only imagine miracle losing 5% of the games if he got really unlucky to get intentional feeders feeding couriers n shit, otherwise if he wouldn't get that then he'd be near 99%

                                                                    there's only 1 3k analyst who analysed the picking phase for some team, he's good for literally 1 thing.

                                                                    there are no 3k coaches, that'd require them to know literaly the rest of the game, aka another 10000 things

                                                                    in which case those 3ks would become 6k+

                                                                    so no, there are no 3k coaches.

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                                                                      @InsTab1l Since this community is filled with guys who have no manners when they are addressing to others, i am used to it, i am more open minded that you all think and i am really, like really learning from you guys, since the inactivity created a great gap between the old days and the modern players of today for me.

                                                                      @Cookie What i don't understand still from what you all are saying, especially you, is ''Start Stomping 3k if you can't you are trash etc...'' When i am out in the blank how can i do it? Back in the old days we were coaching one another, to fix mistakes, i think that's how a team enviroment makes you better. They point out your mistakes and you fix them if you are not close minded.
                                                                      Please just make a suggestion instead of trying to insult me just for once in this post :)

                                                                      Being ignorant is ok, ignorant means that i am uninformed or don't know something right? Except if the meaning changed from the old days to the modern days. I accept that i am ignorant in this way, what i am trying to do is escape from that state which i believe the team will help me. If i fail on that aspect i might subscribe to gameleap or hire a coach i don't know, but i want to become better really bad.

                                                                      Thank you guys for taking time to reply, i am really learning but i believe that i need some advices on the aspects i pointed out in the last post.


                                                                        Wall of text. So typical.


                                                                          @ cookie - how about helping the worms to get out ?
                                                                          - that 3 k analyst was a coach before and there are more that are now 5k + but when they started they started as high k3s low 4 ks.

                                                                          I am more than happy to give you the 500 mmr acount wich you can boost to 2k mmr just by playing suport ( with suport build ) every game and post your road here , I think it will be very usefull for all the worms that are actually try to learn something apart " get good " or " destroy the enemy ancient " and you will prove a point also. That way all the low mmr can't cry anymore that is their team foult.
                                                                          + you get to do something usefull for the dota community wich is 80% or so NS

                                                                          Btw you can keep the acount after that if you want.

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                                                                            no one will work on analyzing replays, they're too lazy, everyone wants a holy grail to just go from 1k to 10k overnight.

                                                                            if anyone had the will power to analyse and plan out their games, then those people are already 5k+

                                                                            @Franceska Jaimes because none of you know what a mistake is, if you did then neither of you would be in that bracket, at best you'll find those obvious mistakes like missing lh or diving or shit.

                                                                            but 99% of the low players have a conclusion of '' ok this is a bad play i shouldn't do this''

                                                                            and they conclude that on almost every single thing they do, up till a point where the only thing they do is react to their opponents because they're too afraid to fail like they did before, so they end up stopping to improve.

                                                                            so with that method you'll AT BEST give yourself a short term 500 mmr increase and that's it.

                                                                            you know why i know it doesn't work?

                                                                            check out betterdota, demon by day noob by night or blackdragonx(or whatever his name is) who all quit dota because they halt improvement.


                                                                              Cookie is the only one who's gonna take this much effort and tell you where you actually stand. If you want to be buttered up and told you're good, look elsewhere. If you want the truth, listen to cookie.

                                                                              If you wanna get better, play and analyse yourself, on your own. If you can't do it on your own, pay people to coach you or buy a subscription of Gameleap or Pvgna.


                                                                                @Cookie at last a post that does not try to insult me! :P Could you please post some links if available?

                                                                                By the way, that's what i am trying to avoid, if i play against good players then i will react to them, but if i get used to react to the players on my bracket (since i am a support player) then things will worsen for me. One of my friends insisted that i should play more core on pubs, so i started playing cores but my hero pool is small for ranked games and the moment.

                                                                                I would love to have more suggestions and implement them on my way of thinking in order to start improving :)


                                                                                  @Anomalina~ i appreciate the time he is spending to reply to my messages, i only find wrong his way of addressing to others, other than that he's fine!


                                                                                    reacting to anyone will make you lose, regardless of what bracket he is.


                                                                                      @Cookie i don't really understand since i feel like you typed half of the answer. So could you explain what's the alternative of reacting to your opponents?


                                                                                        outplaying them, baiting them, killing them , forcing them to react to you etc.

                                                                                        you know, actually being in control of the game flow.

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                                                                                          @Cookie Thanks for the advice. I'll take that into consideration. I'll try to find ways to practice alone, however, the will to join a team in order to practice in a team environment stays since I don't find a reason not to.

                                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!