General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to gid gud with my Invoker

How to gid gud with my Invoker in General Discussion

    Hey guys I am Sam a 3k scrub. I need help on playing Invoker and the purposes of the hero. I can stomp 2k scrub and 3k scrub but I find the game hard if I'm being stomped which I watch the pro people play, even if they're being stomped they still manage to get their core item out and flip the game over. In this case here is the match(I watched the replays)

    First Match: I played Invoker and stomped OD mid which game turn out easy as I got my scepter. Played with a bunch of 2k-ers and 3k-ers and the last one of 1k-ers.

    Second Match: I played Invoker and went mid toe to toe with OD and this time I got Anti Mage countering me. I don't know if I did well or not but I got stomped mid so hard and I got my scepter around 21 minutes which is so late and I just feel like I can't do shit to the game. Played with the same party last time I believe except for one guy who's a lil 4k.

    Third Match: I played Bristleback and met a 4.6k Invoker which is so good that even how hard we tried to counter him, gank him still he managed to pull the game off as he likes.

    So my question is how do I stomp people like the first match? What's the purpose of the hero? Farm or Fight or Push? How do I farm with this hero? What to do if I was being stomped like the second match? How do I git gud and have the game in my hand like the Invoker in the third match? I know the answer is git gud and because I want to git gud that's why I'm asking on this forum. I still show efforts don't I?

    Sry for my bad London.


      I think if you wanna play this hero and win above 4k, you'll have to draft around him. You can't just first pick, even if you're good. The hero is greedy, slow, low armour and low mana pool. He needs supports to help him in lane or atleast rotate and make space till he farms Aghs + a mobility item.


        Nice mmr bruh !! 3000 :D


          keep ur lane as close to tower range as possible and farm


            Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


              @Cookie nice one cookie and I did tried to buy your guide too but I thought I shouldn't. xD


                @Yui Are you my twin?


                  @Anomalina Thanks for the tip, I guess I'll play Lone Druid and other hero till I get to the bracket where I can support the core with trust or I can play the core with the trust of my supports.


                    no point in buying it now, i haven't added part 2, so it's almost the same as the old post just in pdf/latex form.


                      the answer for your question is simply analyse replays,

                      mmr is an objective measurement of skill, that means if you want to get to 7k, you simply play like a 7k.


                        @inx4c Thanks man I'll keep the range as close as my ex-girls legs right now.


                          @Cookie I'm just joking with you man and by the way why did you removed your guide? How do I access it?


                            if you want to get to 7k, you simply play like a 7k.

                            or spam op heroes then drop 1000 mmr or more when they get nerfed or spam the next hero that's gonna be op. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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                              Or if you want to get 7k buy a 7k account and ruin everyone games


                                Invoker is a bad hero I recommend nobody tries to play him until he gets some buffs. But I still pray that he doesn't get buffs as I am sick of how much play time he already gets. Noob invoker always ruins game for my team.


                                  Simply... if you are below 4k dont play invo, i haven't seen good invo in 3k... and he literally lose from any hero lane

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    If your going to learn invoker, try it first on normal matches.

                                    The 2 spells that are always ready in your spellbook must be Sunstrike and Alacrity. Sunstrike for surprise damage when top or bot clashes, and Alacrity of last hit/harassing/jungle. Invoke List consumes mana and invoker has a really bad stats imo.


                                      i haven't seen good invo in 3k...

                                      :thinking: I must be really lucky then :thinking:

                                      rain markcawat

                                        Mute everyone


                                          at that point while you're spamming that hero you're objectively 7k with that hero.

                                          a 2-3k player can spam any hero in the game, it'll not make him even 1/1000th near 7k

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                                            Riki is one huge exeption, i know at least two guys going up to 6k by spamming it therefore they were 4-5k mmr

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!