General Discussion

General Discussionto all the supports out there

to all the supports out there in General Discussion

    That's why i only play support, cause people nowadays have bad decision making.


      another advice, for example you have carry who pretty much that can solo the lane and with 2 supports you can kill the offlane again and again, but you have an invoker against a qop with drow aura please go help the invoker stay mid babysit him. Having the invoker to get a good start is better than killing the offlane a couple of times.


        How about you tell them during the gameß0! It's that simple. I mean I'm just a 2k support scrub, but I realy like a carry telling me what to do. Some prefer solo laning, some duo. Some want me to stack the creep camps, even if there is no point in doing so, but most of the time i'll find out later on why they wanted me to do this.
        Every time a guy (or girl) in my team says: ,,Lets kill him. Come bottom! Stun now!" It just works. Communication is everything.
        I guess the problem is that people see supports like gh and think: ,,Why can my support not be like him?"
        But that is just insane stuff he's doing right there.
        Anyways the tips are appreciated, but it won't hurt telling your support what to do (how you prefer him to play) during the games.


          I would rather lane against offlaner alone than having those so-called support that pick Lion simply because he has two disable skill then die from his own squishyness. They can as well go fuck themselves if they wondered why I can't catch up with offlaner level when it's their own doing out of an ignorance and stupidity.


            Core: wtf noob supp
            Support: wtf noob core
            Classic dota