General Discussion

General Discussionauto trashtalk script

auto trashtalk script in General Discussion

    i saw it on a youtube video where this guy start trashtalking everytime he kills an enemy without typing.
    where can i get one?


      Sounds cool,saves alot of time too


        K Y S


            yup it is

            Yung Beethoven

              Why would you want something like that? Only pathetic losers need to trashtalk.


                Jesus fuck, I thought using cheats was bad enough, but the auto trash talk script made me laugh like anything when I saw it. I saw this only yesterday and you can even see in the comments how everyone agrees how pathetic it is to use an automated trash talk generator. Like what the fuck.

                And the fact that he's playing Arc Warden makes him an even bigger asshole. That hero is annoying as fuck to play against and on top of that he uses fully automated commands because he can't micro the hero. Seriously, it gives so much pleasure to actually learn it and be able to irritate the fuck out of an entire team with your double without any risk. Why would you do this? What's the point?


                  Nah, im not interested in the arc warden script. Only interested in the auto trasthalk, would save me a lot of time


                    hmm.. Can you get vac banned if you use this trash talk script?

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Yes you will get banned at some point. I wouldn't reccomend using the cheat. Everything that injects into the .exe file will cause a risk to get urself banned. Unless u play on a worthless smurf account you shouldn't even try to compile it, even if u get the inlcudes and such.

                      meteor hammer

                        lmao watching that sven die to AW. his cheats wouldve failed immediately if sven just stood in creeps and hit e

                        basement :)

                          ‘Trash talking‘ was literally meta in HoN. Everyone had scripts that would play a 5 line macro ridiculing the enemy. I wish I could do it in Dota.