General Discussion

General Discussionthings that always make me confused

things that always make me confused in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    For assholes in ranked, normal kinda justify .... i quess?

    U do not get a role u want , u get mad , pick another hero in that role , and complain all game

    Proceed to feed , walk down mid

    Check "stats" of a player and say noob gpm blah2

    Jungle carry after jungle nerf

    Just..... Why? Is that help you win a ranked game?


      Lol it's just part of Dota. Look up prisoners dilemma.


        All part of dota.

        Valve's greatest feature in this game is mute/ignore.

        After a few games you kinda get a feel for when you got handed a toxic team. Accept your -25MMR, mute/ignore, then move on. You'll likely never run into those clowns again.


          Read this bro, maybe you'll understand..