General Discussion

General Discussion7k only replies

7k only replies in General Discussion

    Is enigma better in the offlane or jungle?

    Posters who should not post: frank (get 7k first before you talk)

    Bonus: cuki vs blunt
    Is enigma offlane strong or shit

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    all role player



        Thank you for your input. I assume you are a 7k smurf


          im 6k intenational does that count? xd


            Your input (like frank's) would be slightly frowned upon. But nonetheless, you may provide your answer. Offlane or jungle?


              Offlane (im from the future btw)


              jungle in 2017?


                enigma has never been played in the jungle sir

                jungle isnt a thing

                you either roam with some jungling by the side (yes 1 point in Q, a smoke and dmg from eidolons and mid laner is enough for a kill) or you go offlane

                seatards kappa



                  jungle in 2017 lul


                    Jungle in 2017 smh


                      jungle hahah, what's to lose it's like having 1 more lane hahahah


                        Both ok


                          U guys are all high enigma had always been played in the jungle and has been played in jungle even recently.

                          You normies give your answers but you have no idea why it's good or bad. Hence 7k only responses thx.

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                            Except when the lane is unwinnable, in which case you shouldnt have picked nigma in the first place

                            Every high mmr nigma player does offlane + offlane sidecamps.

                            while enemy has a stronger lane advantage, with a simple pattern of eidelon the range creep> go jungle while wave pushes back, then return to lane to depush

                            while you have the stronger lane advantage you're in the lane making their life a living hell

                            Going full jungle in a 6-7k mmr game would give so much freedom to the enemy support that your game would've been over by 10 mintues.

                            1 in 1000 games will you have such strong lanes to survive having 0 people in the offlane in this patch for 10 minutes.

                            engima is an offlaner, engima jungle was a thing 4 years ago when you could actually have jungle + offlane.

                            not to even mention what would happen if you actually went jungle for 10 minutes.

                            This is a pattern that starts around high 4k where people actually start roaming, not only 7k.

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                              ^tf diox?
                              enigma goes jungle from 0 to 3500mmr and you are 1325 atm thats why you think like that

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                                Sry guys I added a bonus question so that 7ks can weigh in on cuki vs blunt argument. Also, SPRMKD, fuck off bruh


                                  for the bonus question, it is not shit nor is it strong

                                  it has had around 50% winrate for the last 3 months but a relatively low pickrate

                                  so it's around a ''meh..'' level pick, it's not good but it's not bad.

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                                    From memory of pro games, enigma always a jungler (i Dunno about now though that's why I'm asking)


                                      Were the last pro games you watched ti2?


                                        Lol they were quite recent


                                          Like ive said, unless you have all super strong lanes that will win, you're not gonna see enigmer jungle

                                          and the chance of that happening in 2k17 is 1 in 1000

                                          feel free to check it out yourself if you don't believe me:

                                          basically all are offlane, jungle has been killed years ago.

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                                          Giff me Wingman

                                            noone ever said enigma jungle is a thing ROFL.

                                            Jungle is ded, everyone knows it.

                                            The question is, is enigma dead or not. Ofc a retard wouldn't get that.


                                              Jup, cookie had good answer, it is combo. Even better combo with lich in team. 2 creeps each wave are denied, enigma farming offlane jungle and lich collecting lane exp/gold, heroes like am/spectre gets instafucked by that


                                                Universe in the EG interview said a late Enigma offlane pick is as good as Brood. Take that as you will


                                                  So to refine your argument you both agree jungle is dead. But that's not what u disagree upon. U think enigma is Dogshit in offlane which makes the hero dogshit in general while cuki still feels that enigma is okay in the offlane and not as shit as blunt says


                                                    yep, that's basically it

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      make a basic question , and want only 7k higher mmr answer ... whateve why even wonder , some normal diox stuf lol


                                                        Mafioso u wouldn't understand all the nuances of this simple questions.

                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                          ahahahhahahahhahhahhahahhahah, im starting to love this kid , makes my day happier recently reading those stuf. asking if is enigma jungle a thing in 2017, is same as asking if is pudge mid a thing. wtf happened did you backup your brain files in 2012, lol. god im gonna die laughin


                                                            Lul pudge mid is legit you are high


                                                              jungle is better and standard. Offlane is extremly rare.
                                                              its a stupid question tho. Since you dont pick heroes for "lanes" but you pick heroes for synergy and to win.
                                                              You dont pick enigma to "go jungle"
                                                              you pick enigma so invoker can Combo inside Blackhole.
                                                              Also going jungle shoudl be avoided unles you are 5.5k+.

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                well i guess thats it . if you post more than 1 reply about 1 comment you not even funny anymore, im out XD


                                                                  you pick any hero for both the combo and the lane

                                                                  i won't pick slardar when we have roaming/offlane on our team just because slardar is the best synergy with LS

                                                                  going jungle should be avoided in 5.5k+


                                                                    Lol I've grown tired of you mafioso. Sorry I wish I could spar with u more but I've lost interest in you cuz all you do is laugh spastically and post unfunny insults. Have you seen slq though? U can learn a lot from that guy.

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      So to refine your argument you both agree jungle is dead. But that's not what u disagree upon. U think enigma is Dogshit in offlane which makes the hero dogshit in general while cuki still feels that enigma is okay in the offlane and not as shit as blunt says

                                                                      Not entirely dogshit but so bad that it's dead hero. I mean everything can work, hell you could even go AM offlane and it will work, but it's dogshit enough to the point where it's irrelevant, since every other current offlane hero is always a better choice. Except for VERY VERY VERY specific lineups.

                                                                      meanwhile cookie thinks enigma reks trilane like a fucktard because his little braindead 5k brain doesn't understand that people with 7k+ MMR arent as fucking dumb as he is.

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                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                        i dont agre with cuki about last part at all. jungle should be avoided in every fucking bracket, jsut stop you imbecil childrens , stop the madnes , even if you suck at everything in dota at least try to play dota god damnit. stop the fucking jungle is not a thing at all is not a fucking role , honestly i dont know how some people in 5k+ play jungle its unbelievable, i've seen admiralbulldog playing in a 6k+ average game and he had a wk jungle, which wrote in chant in the end of the game how did you guys lost all lanes. jessus. bulldog was about to commit suicide in that momment lol... diox, me posting insults? !! relax brah im not even fighting im only showing my arsenal :p i dont know who the fuck is slq , but have you not realised yet that im not in this forum for learning purposses lol


                                                                          i just knew there are so many 7ks in dotabuff. time flies


                                                                            Op beter wrote only 9k replies


                                                                              yea i know your purpose on this forum is to show everyone how dumb and deluded u are lol. which is kinda old


                                                                                @frank i would lower the bar for you, but u are riki spammer and roamer.


                                                                                  bonus cuki vs blunt




                                                                                    jacked makin my day lol

                                                                                    Hatsune Miku

                                                                                      jungle lc > jungle enigma.

                                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                                        lane dominance 9 hours ago
                                                                                        Op beter wrote only 9k replies.... ahhahahahahha . you fucking nailed brah


                                                                                          i always nail it , just like i nailed whor.e this weekend for 20 euros ^^

                                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                                            lane dominance 9 hours ago
                                                                                            jacked makin my day lol.... your not the only one trust me.. ahahahhahahahhahahahah

                                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                              I agree with cuki as a full time jungler.

                                                                                              ^Can someone remove this sad life player?

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                                                                                                OFFLANE ENIGGA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JUNGLE ENIGGA