General Discussion

General Discussionstuck at 2k mmr

stuck at 2k mmr in General Discussion
Nocturnal Potato

    i have been stuck at 2k mmr for a while now. i try to watch pro games and purge video to help but neither do. i play alot of earth spirit and think that is my best hero. did i hit my mmr cap already. any tips would help


      Yeah play that meepo into 3k.

      Nocturnal Potato

        i used to play meepo alot but i stopped to play more support heroes as there is almost never any support player in 2k. 90% of my matches i end up as a pos 6.


          2k mmr you can win with neepo Every time. Nobody can stop a good early win by a team and since nobody plays as a team u can be a one man team with meepo.
          I'm not gonna lie the team's in 2k mmr are beyond retarded but I guess people are learning....


            just play heroes that can stomp early and ur good.

            Nocturnal Potato

              i guess i should go back to playing meepo i tried to stay away from meepo after i got bored of him. thanks for the advise :)


                Your meepo win rate clearly states you should just play that hero.


                  Brodie, create a new one. You wont get out of that 2k mmr hell.

                  Nocturnal Potato

                    the other prob is i havent played meepo in a really long time


                      If you play earth spirit as pos 5, you'll lose most of the time, but if you play es as pos 4, you'll win most of the time, based on my experience though


                        Please ignore the shallow "pick x hero go y build and z playstyle" suggestions, or especially "just smurf" from these 2k+ games trash fucks who still think it's the team that drags them down, just get some high mmr replays of the hero you want to spam to analyze, be open minded, use your brain to play, and go spam
                        Never bother to think about whatever your teammates' antics, focus on yourself


                          Play ur best hero and watch what pros do with said heroes and don't just copy them but figure out why they do what they do and that will make u climb very fast
                          It's hard to do but it will work


                            Don't play earth spirit in 2k Jesus.

                            Nocturnal Potato

                              to the person who said es dosent work as pos5. i play es as pos 4 unless there is a dick who 5th picks a jungler.

                              i have started downloading jerax es replays and analyzing what he does minute by minute for the first 10 mins, have done that for 2 matches and planning on doing more to notice how or when or against what he ganks.

                              Nocturnal Potato

                                and yes i know blaming team isnt the way as, if it was my team that was bad then i would gain mmr. so i know its my fault for not gaining mmr


                                  Keep that mindset up and you should be fine


                                    I've been there for some time but I finally hit 3.5k mmr after some training. You have to pick heroes that win the lane by theirselves and don't rely much on the team to make their own individual plays.

                                    Heroes with a slow are mandatory since low bracket players tend to underestimate some aspects of your hero and sometimes they don't know if they can kill you or not; therefore slow keeps them in place for you to finish them off when they make a wrong judgement.

                                    Ursa and Phantom Assassin got me out of 2k almost single handedly.


                                      Learn Spanish so you can communicate with your team.

                                      average kobeni chan enjoyer

                                        Sometimes in solo queue you will get stucked in games that you cant win. No matter what you do you will not win those kind of games, you have to accpet then and move on, trying you best to win more than you lose on average. I for example got a 3k mid lane invoker anotherday that had 9k hero damage in a 41m game, those kind of games are just impossible to be beaten, you have to get over then quicly and dont let it change you will power. Keep playing solid in one certain position have infinite patience and you will break trough the 2k bracket.

                                        Nocturnal Potato

                                          yeah i am trying my best in pos4 and just ignore anyone who is being toxic i dont say much in chat unless its needed for like smokes and stuff.


                                            what's so bad about 2k mmr except that you get laughed at for having a small E-penis? TBH I don't think higher MMR = better gameplay quality. You still get the same old flamers and shit talkers in higher MMR.

                                            Playing support is hard to climb especially in lower bracket even if you had a good impact as the lane support or roaming support, it comes down to how your cores capitalise the advantage you helped him/her to gain. But hey, my advice, play 1-2 heroes for every position so you won't have a small hero pool that may have harm on you in certain situations like no one picks carry lineup or no one wants mid (been there before).

                                            GL climbing if that's your wish to climb.


                                              "Playing support is hard to climb especially in lower bracket even if you had a good impact as the lane support or roaming support, it comes down to how your cores capitalise the advantage you helped him/her to gain. "

                                              In low MMR games, support heroes really don't do that much. You can ward, but your 4 allies (faceless void, medusa, morphling, and spectre probably) won't be looking at mini map. You can gank, but they won't push after a gank. Sure, you'll get a slim advantage early in the game, but let's be real, that means nothing if you don't capitalize on it. Everyone will just farm for 35-40 minutes, then you'll be stuck in a situation where it's 5 cores vs 4 cores + 1 support.

                                              Also, since patch 7.00 (I think?), the meta has been changing shifting away from early game importance to the mid or late game (ie: shrines and extra creep mid lane), making it more difficult to snowball from an early advantage.

                                              IMO -- spam mid-late game heroes, go into every game knowing it's probably going to last 50+ minutes, and just farm. Gank and push when the opportunity arises, but don't go out of your way to push or gank. No, it's not the proper way to play, but that's probably your only option until you're playing with people who are at least somewhat competent (or at least speak English so you can communicate).

                                              Good luck, and don't forget to take some Spanish classes.


                                                Don't listen to this 40% winrate 2k trash, you can support quarter properly in 2k and inflate your mmr


                                                  How about instead of joining the turtle lategame club you punish their stupid arses for their greedy 5 man core draft?


                                                    would you also listen to 2k benao OP?


                                                      It's true u don't really need a support in 2k. But that's because ppl don't know how to have a good impact. So this means u can definitely win with supports, u just don't know how.


                                                        You either win by playing support half properly and let the draft do it's job, or you win tryharding by playing core with equally fucked up draft because there's 10 cores in the match
                                                        You decide which one is more enjoyable and easier to execute

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                                                          i love the retardation of 2k mmr players giving 2ks advice

                                                          especially since that advice DOESN'T WORK FOR THEM.

                                                          just because a support can't solo push, doesn't mean a 6k+ support player won't have 70-90% winrate in 2k with support.

                                                          the only reason that boosters boost with cores instead of supports is because the cores can push by themselves meaning you can win a game in 20 minutes instead of 40

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                                                            ^ dont know when people will start to understand this


                                                              mi tim hols mi bek supp all 4 carry wew gg nub tim let mi take lh i need $ for wards tu wew


                                                                @3k scrub
                                                                Lmao what the fuck your SF


                                                                  Shaman can push


                                                                    My supp heroes have 60-70% Winrate except wd and that to because it was my first hero.

                                                                    If you are playing to enjoy the game iw would suggest you to stay in this bracket people don't flame usually.

                                                                    Play your best hero. And don't become a ward bitch ffs. Buy ward when necessary. Buy items like GG, pipe force staff glimmer etc

                                                                    Play venom he can own early mid tram fights. Can push depush and free wards jungle.




                                                                        Being a ward bitch is fine if you actually know what you're doing and doesn't need items to shit on retards

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!