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General DiscussionCookie 100 games hero training with AM horrible experience on SEA at ...

Cookie 100 games hero training with AM horrible experience on SEA at 3k MMR in General Discussion
Kwisatz Haderach

    I started doing this Cookie 100 games hero mastery thing back when he created the thread. I played with TB first- completed the 100 games on him. Ended with 55% winrate on TB out of those 100 games. I still feel like I can get a positive winrate with TB.

    After that I resumed playing with other heroes for some while and then I thought, ok lets master AM. One of things mentioned in that guide is insta locking hero and 1st picking your hero. I started doing this and boy oh boy it has been the WORST EXPERINCE of dota I have ever had. As soon as I first pick AM all 9 players in the game start hating me. I feel like I am playing against 9 instead of the usual 5. Then my team will proceed to pick the mid hero or another carry or even worse- a jungler. And the other team will start picking LCs, Bloodseekers, PAs and ganking supports. I will often have to solo the lane against 2 or sometimes 3 heroes. When I ask for help I don't get any. When I move to jungle there's nothing there because of the jungler- who wont move from there till he has his first item. And sometimes that can be a midas.

    At first I thought, It's ok just a few games of ruiners, it cant happen every game right? But I was wrong. In the 26 games I played I have 8-18 W/L record. Every game I get so much hate from everyone in the game. Its fine if I pick any other hero as my first pick, hell you can even pick Sniper and no one will say a word. But, god forbid if you pick AM. Enemy team will pick LC and come to lane against me. How often does that happen?

    And I get reported on top of that because of course its my fault. Never mind that they didn't help me at any stage if the game. And, you know what they're right. Because, I made the enemy team pick all those counters and made the game harder for everyone. There will always be those guys who want to jungle in every game. And, I am not above my skill bracket so I cant play a 1v9 game.

    In the end, sorry Cookie this is not the region/bracket where you can first pick AM and get something out of it. All I wanted was to master this hero and improve my game. What I got instead was reports, mental trauma and a look at the worst side of Dota community. Gonna play other heroes now.

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    Fee Too Pee

      ur antimage its bad . thats it.


        The trick to first picking AM and not getting reported is winning the game.

        Otherwise, AM is probably the worse hero to first pick ever and you need the will of the gods to first pick him and not be absolutely miserable. Patience.


          AMs just trash anyway

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            I first pick AM every game

            Kwisatz Haderach

              I'm not saying my AM is good. Neither was my TB when I first started playing it, but through the course of those 100 games I improved and now TB is one of my best heroes. Its because I got to play Dota in those games instead of all these mind games.

              Fee Too Pee

                see your stats . even when you win , you are totally got carried. maybe u build classic brown boots + bf everygame? or tried to contest unwinable lane and not jungle instead?

                Kwisatz Haderach

                  @diox truer words have not been said




                      Some heroes bring a different dimension to the game. Such as feelings of immense guilt when you pick techies.

                      The anti Mage effect is no different. You make 4 ppl suffer because you decided to pick a shitty hero.

                      Kwisatz Haderach

                        @lynx, I don't do brown boots into fury. I might have tried to contest unwinnable lanes in the first few games. But, then I realised my mistake and moved to jungle when such things happened. But what do I do when my team has another jungler?


                          Exactly why I spam first pick AM in the first place.

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            But what do I do when my team has another jungler?

                            steal his creep , mass ping , show dominance

                            Kwisatz Haderach

                              @diox yea man every time I first pick AM these thoughts go through my head. Maybe I should play AM in party games first where I won't get carried and I won't get greifed either.


                                The only way to get good in anything is to force yourself out of your comfort zone.

                                Kwisatz Haderach

                                  @K is this what I have to become to be an AM spammer?


                                    3k lanes are super easy, the unwinnable ones for you are a piece of cake for me.

                                    your antimage just sucks, i can instapick him in 3k and win 90%

                                    the reason you instapick the first 50-100 games is because you want to get coutnered, you don't expect to gain mmr in the first 50-100 games, you expect to get better.

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                                      But if any hero teaches u more about Dota when u first pick it it's am. U answer questions like how to jungle when u have no jungle. And how to pma when everyone hates you.

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        i dont know what about is that guide. is it to master the hero , to gett better in dota or to get mmr, if it is for the first one than it is ok. but you cant expect to keep positive winrate with insta lock am even if you master the hero, is simply stupid, am is one of the worst first pick material in dota 2, if the guide is made to gain mmr than it works only if you insta lock with a first pick material hero, that doesnt tend to get countered that much, or the players on your bracket strugle to deal with it and dont know how to counter it properly , if it is for carry role jugernaut is the best 1- pick material to spam , cause the probolem is you not have to deal only with the counters the enemy picks but also with the shity draft that your team will make. im not going to explain why jug is good for that, cause im lazy, you can watch a bsj video in youtube when he explain it completely .


                                          Naw it is not cookies fault maybe you just cant play the hero properly. Play it in normal games first and then try it in ranked. No need to say somethign doesnt work just cause you cant play it. If you give cookie am and he first picks it everygame do you think he will lose even at your mmr? No he wont because he is better at the game. So in short git gud.

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                            @DreamGreen yes , all AM player are an asshole

                                              This comment was removed by a moderator

                                                like mafioso said, the first phase you just learn, after you get a 3 hero pool then you can pick any of those whenever in the picking phase.

                                                What you want to learn is what your counters are and how to deal with them in the first 50-100 games

                                                that's why i mentioned that as the ''training phase''

                                                Kwisatz Haderach

                                                  @cookie I'm ok with not gaining mmr. I at least want to play Dota. :( I know my AM sucks too. I just made the thread out of sheer frustration. I've never seen this level of hate even after so many games. If my OP made you think that I'm losing because of team it was not what I meant. I was sharing my experience. Should I push through the pain?


                                                    i think you're just way too much affected by the losses, i learned to just not care about the losses

                                                    what i did is i'd spam SK to get like +500 mmr, then i'd start picking a new hero and drop it how much i want

                                                    then when i drop 500, i'd just pick sk again and gain 500.

                                                    after i learned that new hero i can now get +1000 with sk + that hero combo.

                                                    The only thing that matters is if you can achieve some X mmr, getting back there is easy as long as you can achieve it in the first place

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                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      btw, i was intrigued by the title cause 2 days ago i played with an am spamer in my team , and i was thinking all the game that it was his first time with am , he had no idea how that hero works , was playing it like it was a tusk or something like that, he was showing and looking for fights all the time while he had 0 items and keep doing that al lthe game, the split push was not a word in his dictionary for sure , farm also. and after the game iwas his profile and iwas shocked he was an am spamer .. and he had 1k + games in dota, i was not believing y eyes rly, i dont think your like him cause that was not human , but only spaming a hero is not enough to learn him.


                                                        yea, i analysed literally every Pirate's SK game he'd play.

                                                        because even i knew that all i'd do is just try to improve at something that i shouldn't be doing in the first place, if i only spammed the hero.

                                                        it's like you'd chose to gain mmr with LC jungle, only to get stuck at 3-4k because you can't get blink as fast as you'd lose every lane and match.

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                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          After that many terrible AM games, I think it's time to admit that he might not be the hero for you.

                                                          Kwisatz Haderach

                                                            Thanks for the advice everyone! Maybe just needed some wise words to get me back on my feet.

                                                            @cookie yea I took the losses too hard. Because most of the games I feel completely useless. I'll try to complete 100 games with your idea.

                                                            Kwisatz Haderach

                                                              @potato one way or other I will master AM.

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                this is the trap in dota that almost maybe everyone fall for it, you start the game with a priority in your head, but as human being everyone likes to win rather than loose and gets confused while in game and end up doing something else. when you start a game it is good that you have a clear though if you playing it jsut to have fun, to learn , or to win than you aproach the game with that priority

                                                                Kwisatz Haderach

                                                                  @vohi.Ti8Speeddraw where did you get that image? Strictly for research purposes Kappa

                                                                  Kwisatz Haderach

                                                                    @Mafioso you say some wise things. Appreciate it. I'll try to be clearer about my priorities :)


                                                                      Mafioso snapped out of his stupidity and finally said something worth reading the fuck is happening


                                                                        Something is off with dotabuff today..


                                                                          And if the world ever has an apocalypse
                                                                          I will kill all of you fuckers
                                                                          Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful
                                                                          I will spare none of you peasants
                                                                          Fuck your religion, your pastor fuck kids
                                                                          And got sent to a prison in PC
                                                                          I seen the devil, he's in you and me
                                                                          You need saving to listen to this, see
                                                                          Follow 'em home, cut the right corner so nobody sees you
                                                                          Turn off your phone
                                                                          Leave it at home so nobody can trace you
                                                                          Mask your expressions
                                                                          Appear to be calm, they won't read your intentions
                                                                          As soon as you're in
                                                                          Let them all know who they're all in the presence of
                                                                          I am a murderer
                                                                          I am a demon, the son of a serpent
                                                                          What is your faith?
                                                                          What is your worth?
                                                                          Have you felt acknowledgement?
                                                                          If I kill you now, will you go to heaven or hell you believe in?
                                                                          Death is approaching you
                                                                          30 seconds, think before lying in blood, see

                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                            🅱ws... no . such things dont happen in this world, human beings cant be changed in instant. i was always consistent and coherent in my comments, but the problem is in your point of view , your mode or other 'conditions' that might have inluenced or fogged the way that you readed my comments, yeah is also the problem of a lot intervention that happens here. im prety sure if i had a misunderstaing or something else with you before i would clear it in jsut 2 min if i am face to face, but here is difficult its a lot of space for misundestaning.


                                                                              i'm like


                                                                                camon! i studie lot im engliesh classing... prastice on! good prasctice and stil can talk of counter-strike

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  lmao bws , savage much


                                                                                    Then why not nominate lc for banning every game? You struggle to play against her andyou'll have a chance of a player on your team picking her as jungler..


                                                                                      Fx pls be original

                                                                                      Story Time

                                                                                        if it is for carry role jugernaut is the best 1- pick material to spam

                                                                                        Oh reaaaaaallly? Lol


                                                                                          Why would you first pick AM it's probably the worst first pick in dota 2?

                                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                                            yeah sry my english grammair is fucked up


                                                                                              @Abyss Watcher Maybe he did nominate her, it's just that the system are being a scumbag by not banning her for good.


                                                                                                For practicing with 5 people countering you and teammates tilting right from the start


                                                                                                  I know how it feels when you get an LC teammate jungle and games where you have an enemy offlane lc


                                                                                                    how u can first pick am when most banned hero is am itself?


                                                                                                      AM mid, vlads maelstrom build. 😏
                                                                                                      (Gonna get lynched for bringing back my crappy alternative build topic)


                                                                                                        I have 100% aquila VG HoTD AM build winrate its legit 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!