General Discussion

General Discussionvenomancer support

venomancer support in General Discussion

    is it possible?


      Yes, as pos 4, ive seen players rush mekans or veil on him, his lane is jungle but can help the sidelane any time


        please don't


          God no


            He is 2k dude, it will work, ive seen people there play invoker or arc support there and still win..


              well i found great success using him as support in the early game ganks when the second support had a disable

              but i guess no is a no even though there are 2 support venos in guides section


                why learn to play the game properly by the meta when you can do ridiculous shit and stay low forever.


                  Meta is at your level ^ , 2-3 k mmr - play your best hero, or cancer heroes witch nobody knows how to deal with them at this level. ( if you just have fun and dont want to improve)


                    what you want to learn is the 6k++ meta, not 2-3k meta.

                    2-3k meta is retarded and it's not dota.


                      venomancer offlane best venomancer.......max e make their jungle your brood mother but more poisonous


                        Guys are you forgetting something really important? 2k meta is different from 5k+ meta...


                          i just ask. im sure there are games where even in 6k+ veno support is pickable , but it's probably too niche to bother actually learning as a hero and therefore i will not.

                          im saying that because i remember OG or some other big caliber team drafting pos 4 venomancer to deal with timbersaw offlane in example.

                          but im not gonna argue and claim that veno support is good because i did good with it, my enemy was just full retard.

                          Dire Wolf

                            I think he's fine but lack of stuns and defense means put him in an aggressive lane and his range is short so best vs Meele. His passive is a ton of dmg. Don't pick if your team lacks disables


                              Saying learn 6k meta to get out of 2-3k is retarded. High level meta in any game or sport doesn't exploit weakness that are available in lower skill matches. For example, you can dive more in a gank because there is less likely to be a tp response or you can go for a greedy build because you know that the enemy won't punish it with early push/deathball. Or you can get 100% winrate with meepo because they don't know how to counter you.

                              Either way playing with a 6k meta mindset in 2k is a bad idea.


                                But can I play with a 2k mindset in 6k :thinking:

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  is it possible? is rhasta support possible? wtf is this , you started playing dota yesterday? venomancer is a support always was. yeah he can carry in this meta , but is specifik you can carrry sometimes whith him, but yo ucan always support with venomancer.


                                    Everything can work in 2k
                                    Sounds like a poor man's jakiro to me tho


                                      venomancer is a support always was.

                                      "WAS" is a key word here
                                      It's like saying just cuz ember used to be played as a right click hero he still is.
                                      Also u can always carry with veno, that's the whole point, he is a flex pick and super versatile, but u can't always support as veno.


                                        Wait, ember right click isn't viable anymore? I think it is still nice alternative. Stronger depush and elusive late game annoyane compared to magic damage build which use remnants for damage thus, lessen your escape ability. Magic build far stronger early game though

                                        basement :)

                                          He is viable as a support if your team already has disables.


                                            Veno is always support

                                            Veno carry, afk jungle all time? Ill instantly report u


                                              Just believe guys


                                                Veno is always support
                                                Veno carry, afk jungle all time? Ill instantly report u

                                                Ur retarded
                                                Not all cores eat space


                                                  the reason that you kept playing low mmr meta instead of learning to play like a 6k+ with 6k+ meta is the reason you're still in low mmr after 3k matches my dear


                                                    congratulation for hitting 6k cuki huehue


                                                      i hit it with a crowbar

                                                      Story Time

                                                        Saying learn 6k meta to get out of 2-3k is retarded. High level meta in any game or sport doesn't exploit weakness that are available in lower skill matches.



                                                          what you want to learn is the 6k++ meta, not 2-3k meta.
                                                          2-3k meta is retarded and it's not dota.

                                                          Unfortunately, 2k players represent 90% of dota players while 6k few percent only. So 2/3k meta is Dota.


                                                            dont play veno, dead hero

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              The meta isn't why 2k players are 2k. It's skill, which has nothing to do with the meta.

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!