General Discussion

General DiscussionEid mubarak

Eid mubarak in General Discussion

    to the muslim members of the forum <3



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          eidek mubarek
          @thanks K.


            Does this forum have muslim member




                @Thanks not sure if bait............ hmmmmmmmm.......... :thinking:


                  Countries with highest education standard = countries with the highest number of persons that dont belive in an imaginary being that created the world

                  coincidence? I think not


                    Having traveled in several places including the Middle East and the US, I can assure you the education standard in some Middle Eastern countries are 100 times better than the US, highschool in the US is completely garbage.


                      lmfao thanks ure a moron

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        lmfao thanks ure a moron

                        took u long enough huh


                          @thanks I might not believe in anything, but at least i'm not a dick to other people about it.

                          Eid mubarak

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                              eid mubarak :)


                                Oh boy gonna prove my intelligence by annoying people on a video-game forum by spewing bullshit noone asked for. :bc_flex: :goodjob: :highfive:


                                  the US is a very dumb country and in many states very religious.

                                  When i talk about highly educated countries with high % of atheists, I am referring to germany, switzerland, austria and the scandinavian countries including denmark, netherlands etc.

                                  But... one good thing in religion. religious people tend to not be weeaboos, so i dont know whats worse. probably weaboos.

                                  A world without anime avatars for the little price of everyone being religious?

                                  ALLAHU AKBAR COUNT ME IN

                                  ëîd mübärëk salami aleikum


                                    sorry i didnt include trigger warnings.
                                    No offense I have many muslim friends and im currently doing twice the work so that my muslim coworker can enjoy the end of ramadan with his familiy

                                    taking things on the internet serious in 2k17


                                      Eid mubarak


                                        Weird I would not really say that I'm a devout but I am religious and I have anime avatar. :thinking:


                                          religious and weeb? you're my nemesis now bro


                                            @thanks all what op said was eid mubarek so you have 2 options here either comment back eid mubarek or dont bother checking the thread people like you is the reason dota 2 community is toxic. everyone has the right to be religious or not and u dont have to insult them for being so.
                                            i'd rather pray for imaginary god and die to find that there's no god and everything gone to the void, then dying to find out there's a god and i didnt fullfill my task to...


                                              You see since I'm a Filipino and in the Philippines majority of people are in a religion so................................ you can ask every Filipino that participate in this forums and I can guarantee you that they have religion and they are probably weebs too hahaha just probably.

                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                Trying to avoid consequences from unwarranted "jokes" in 2017 lul


                                                  Eid mubarak :)


                                                    Eh, i'll rather have weebs than retards banging on my door and teaching me about ignorance to MY OWN spirituality.


                                                      Pinoys come here either to shitpost or post shits tho


                                                        "fulfill your task to.." are you serious? This is my problem with people like you, keep making the world a worse place with your so called truth

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                                                          In this case i will proclaim the Phillipines as heretic and take upon me the holy task to purge these lands.

                                                          @weird avatar guide with weird name.

                                                          you are religious, you post weird stuff about the world being unfair and living in a qoute "shit hole" country and hating it. That sound to me like a nutjob that soon blows up a school.

                                                          You actually managed to prove my shitpost point which is quiet hilarious


                                                            so funny (no9


                                                              @thanks except that i have applied for a post where i get to blow the ones who blows up schools :)

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                                                                    Eid mubarak :))



                                                                        I can wholehartedly respect someone that practices a religion because it gives him strengt in hard times or he likes the spiritual aspect of it.
                                                                        But when i read stuff like

                                                                        "i'd rather pray for imaginary god and die to find that there's no god and everything gone to the void, then dying to find out there's a god and i didnt fullfill my task to..."

                                                                        i only can assume that you're dumb. read your holy book, read the creation, read how adam and eve threw rocks behind them to make more humans (similar story in islam if i remember correctly) and you still think that religion isnt something made up by the respective churches to keep the peasents content? aka ''my life is shit and i would revolt right now, but i would go to hell, and the afterlife is the only way i can ever have a good life so better keep calm''

                                                                        How can a free-minded person that uses its brain believe something like this?




                                                                            well i believe that :) but who knows i may need to check if my brain is in place just so i can confirm that for you LEL


                                                                              @thanks you are being so toxic for some reason ROFL, OP just greeted Eid Mubarak to all the muslims in this community and your like no one cares, Being religious in 2k17 LUL and I can wholehartedly respect someone that practices a religion because it gives him strengt in hard times or he likes the spiritual aspect of it. these 2 sentences contradicts your statement about being respectful to someone who has a religion lul.

                                                                              You aren't even a muslim so you shouldn't have responded to this thread. Seriously dafuq's wrong with this dude.

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                                                                                @dodong bot some people are just retarded with no brain, since when a retard had brain anyway ?

                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  whats eidmubarak anw
                                                                                  sry banned in google


                                                                                    how can i get banned by google too? *-*


                                                                                      @tenacity not sure if am putting it right cuz my english is bad, but its like have happy day, eid is specific day for muslims that comes after ramadan end and mubarek means blessed

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                                                                                        its the day after ramadan ended and then people have a holiday to have a good time eating with familiy and relatives, its like saying "happy easter" or any holiday

                                                                                        shouldnt have answered because im not a muslim. then go to and make a topic about eid mubarek there


                                                                                          To op eid mubarak habibi
                                                                                          To thanks who the actual fuck does that.... I kinda expected someone will say such a thing but srsly dude thats a so not cool thing


                                                                                            I legit thought that such a kind and thoughtful post wouldn't be cluttered with all this random nonsense, but of course somebody has to ruin it for everyone. Eid Mubarak to those who celebrate


                                                                                              D.d.d.d.dont loxk it mods plez.... I need drama on this forum.... its how I laugh in the afternoon




                                                                                                I legit thought that such a kind and thoughtful post wouldn't be cluttered with all this random nonsense

                                                                                                is so unbelievably fake


                                                                                                  i expected more ANELE tbh


                                                                                                    this thanks dont know what is life

                                                                                                    anime give you courage, teach you be a better person

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                                                                                                      ^Rofl af.....also wtf is this adam and eve threw rocks for children shit I never heard of it lmao