General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the difference between 3.5k and 4k?

What's the difference between 3.5k and 4k? in General Discussion
Russian Roulette ✇

    Hi guys. 2 or weeks ago I callibrated at 3877 for my TI rank. Things have been great for the first several games. I had a 5 winning streak or so which I ended up in low 4k. However, starting that, I kept losing continuously without really knowing why. So now I'm dropped to around 3.5-3.6k and I need help. How can I start winning games again? Please give me some suggestions. Thx.

    Lahai Roi

      Watch your replays and identify what you did wrong.


        43% win... But yeh, the bracket is at fault


          Ti rank is the biggest joke so many Smurf and what not. I calibrated 3.5k solo and it dropped to 3.1k I shoulda just left it as is. It's just imbalanced with matchup imo. Better off just calibrating and if it's not where you want it continue grinding regular.


            From what i have observed in SEA, there is no difference between 3k-4.8, both brackets are full of toxic players.


              seasonal ranked is much worse people are like focusing more on quests than taking objectives, which sometimes lead to a bad situation.


                pretty sure the int ranked mmr calibration is a click-buybait for people who are unhappy with their mmrs thinking this is a chance to start over every year and so after 10 games (considering you're low mmr especially), you'd get a somewhat significantly higher mmr but keeping it requires an additional 30 games meaning that's the real trial period that decides whether or not you actually deserve that mmr where most will fall to practically the same mmr as they already are or even lower


                  Not a single top 10 hero above 50%...can you pls Q in my games as enemy? Thanks mate.

                  Now seriously, suggestion for you - Go play LoL, you tried.


                    And all of your heroes have less than 3 kda ratio, so if i have to state a difference, 4k cores die often while 3k cores die more frequent


                      He has 3.5 KDA on BH, hes doing it!

                      Dead Game, Don't Care

                        4k people are more consistent on their performance compared to those who are 3.5k?


                          No not really