General Discussion

General Discussiondont ever play with this guy

dont ever play with this guy in General Discussion
dota2 tutorial

    Anomalina- [removed] DOTABUFF PROFILE

    maniac guy in dota 2 the most absurd stupid person i have ever saw


    yeah he played puck offlane and he asked for it , LMfao [removed] ID MATCH

    i played lina mid i had good laning stage and suddenly all things went wrong when he fucking fed a monkey king carry? LMFAO monkey king carry , i got tilted and he fcking Rushed midas 32 mins bought it super late and just bought fuckign setnreis whole game who would want to play this game and tryhard this game if this stupid shit was in the gaem?




    BUT IN this recent game he just fucking babyraged all day and didnt even caht but all i see what was he doing is super fucking terirble and so bad






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        cool post, you should post all your bad games so we can avoid those players.

        Thanks man, you are doing the gods work for DB and for dodging games full of salt.

        dota2 tutorial

          IDk all of my games with him i think i just always lose and he just throws all of IT LIEKK SERIOUSLY HE HAD BAD LANE AND BAD START AND BAD ALL HE JUST THROWS AND DONE GAMES OVER


            U have serious mental issues to post this crap here. Like we never played with toxic people.


              XD this anal guy buy back everytime he die . Still able to carried his ass tho ! hahaHAHAHA

              dota2 tutorial

                How can one be mental issues , when i invited him , first of all he added me , and all i know is just invite the friends i know and he just throw? Shouldn't the invite request should be a sign of respect as well? to the whole party? LMFAO you don't know what im talking about , If i play solo and someone threw its toxic when one of your party mate throw, he's just a pure game ruiner and babyrager, I myself is Babyraging right now cause he just ruins game completely


                  I get the odd salty person but when VENZ is describing is completely unheard of in the dota community.

                  Bad start, bad lane, Throws and flames ? this isn't LOL man. DOTA players would never stoop to such lows as to intentionally ruin a game for 4 other people. That is just insane.

                  I mean I've heard rumors (unconfirmed of course) that in some of ARINS games, people feed couriers and run down mid. I've never seen it and I think Arin makes that stuff up.

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Why you played with him and I'm not....?....oh you are in same mmr range with him HAHAHAHA

                    dota2 tutorial

                      Yeah he is toxic but he shoudlnt do that when he got invited LMfao that so disrespectful for the 4 PEOPLE WHO WANT TO WIN AND NOT TO RAGE and just feed and buy sentries the whole game , HE COULD have helped a little and ill understand that hes just pure bad at this game and just fucking feed the enemy cause he purely suck but he didn't he bought a midas 32 mins in, and buy sentires whole game , and you want me to calm down and call me a fucking retard who has mental issues, maybe i have temper and anger issues cause im causing a riot rant here in forums in a game called dota 2


                        Replay or it didn't happen man.

                        No one who plays dota would be that salty.

                        You are lying. This is a nice community full of helpful, respect filled players.


                          Uwah Uwah Uwah Uwah :cry: :cry: :cry:

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            He's NS maybe 1k 2k and you're 4k
                            The average skill of the game will be 3k or sth so if you expect him to carry you I think you're being dumb
                            He probably wasn't even throwing at first, he was bound to be outplayed by opponents a lot, which is tilting.
                            Anyways you invited this trouble to yourself so suck it up.


                              ALSo, they hada techies and Silver edge SF.

                              ALL THOSE SENTRIES WEre justified to make sure you didnt lose to techies and get SF' ulted.


                                I can confirm this anal guy kinda salty & thrower rofl .

                                dota2 tutorial

                                  yeah sure, whiel my own supports was doing that sentreis thingy he cud just have bought his item cause he had a midas and justfcking build it


                                    As a person who plays mostly 4,5 if my offlane or core wants to buy sentries and dust I am all for it. I mean you are against TECHIES and SF. Clearly the supports didn't buy enough to keep your team safe

                                    dota2 tutorial

                                      if you're a 4,5 k ud understand that this game is abotu dominating lanes and snowballing fast right? how to we get safe if enemies were super farmed? lmfao


                                        ahh you dont let them get super farmed?? DUHHH

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          BUT HE'S NOT 4.5k!!!!

                                          dota2 tutorial

                                            why am i even arguing with u when u dont understand the game situation out there


                                              Jest a geam, chillio

                                              주 롄양

                                                hua i rage coz my ally does that hua

                                                i just mute+block any ppl that went full retard man, maybe u can try that

                                                주 롄양

                                                  dude i jst saw the preview of matches and i think u done worst than him lmao


                                                    i can confirm. lol. but whatever, its party. just dont party with him again if it bothers u that much


                                                      He has been way less salty with me ever since I told him about this problem


                                                        ANO > FX

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          Party game problem huh?Sound like me and Lanto scenario,but I motivated myself to grind mmr,will you do that after all these saltiness?

                                                          Anyway I once party with a real life girl friend and she bought my 5K hidden mmr to NS with her,after that matches I tell myself not to play with her again,so basically I kinda know your feeling. xD

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                                                            dude its only 1 game don't be like bws haHAA


                                                              idk man why u guys rage only after a game. well I myself play party to avoid solo mmr and have some fun but it is not fun when you made a mistake and got keep bashed for the entire life


                                                                How about not spamming >Frog afterwards since that kept retriggering me


                                                                  how about not spamming things I didn't want to hear and I already know then? Or buy me a battlepasss will the crybaby part :laugh:


                                                                    I really didn't wanna say anything, but for the sake of my own standing in the community, I feel like I must state a few things, atleast to describe things from my perspective.

                                                                    1. When I invited him for a party to play, he declined. I started queuing a solo game when I saw an invite from his party since they were 4 and needed a +1, clearly would not have received it if it hadn't been for that situation.
                                                                    2. While in hero selection, I mark offlane and on the fourth pick, when it is our chance to select, there are some messages in Tagalog or some SEA language that I don't understand. When I asked him what he was saying and to repeat in English, he said he wanted to offlane, but by then the timer had run out and I had already picked. It is laughed off and we move on.
                                                                    3. The game starts, and they have a safe lane Monkey King, with zero pressure and rotations from supports. Their Nyx constantly zones and harasses with mana burn and carapaces if I try to farm with orb from a distance. Constant stacks and pulls, some which I contest. By minute 16 I see their Magnus is level 14 with blink and force staff.
                                                                    4. Shadow Feind gets Shadow Blade, so does Monkey King, not to mention there is a Nyx and a Techies on their team. 4 reasons to get detection and sentries. And there are none. Not from the 5 (I assume) Abaddon or Crystal Maiden. Atleast not until all tier 1s are down and the pressure really starts to mount.
                                                                    5. Meanwhile the 4 of them continue to talk in Tagalog or whichever SEA language it is. I request them a couple of times to speak in English and get no responses. Their Nyx gets a 16 minute midas, while I am struggling to get a single major item.
                                                                    6. Mid-game the enemy team suddenly goes afk farming, and our team does the same. No one shows up, and with over 2k gold I decide to complete Midas instead of Veil or Blink considering we have good wave clear and can stall HG pushes, I finally buy my midas. The team continues to be aggressive walking into 3 invisible heroes and Techies.
                                                                    7. Mid lane, when I die and decide to buyback, it is because I genuinely think we can fight them. YES, IT IS TRUE I ALWAYS BUYBACK WHEN I DIE. There's 2 reasons for that: One, the enemy thinks you're tilted, and have rage buybacked, therefore making them ever so overconfident. Two, like mentioned above from my comments, I do this because I am not serious about party games. In fact, they are the only games I want to play nowadays. In that situation, I actually had all my spells, and my ultimate. I saw my team near the mid tiear 2 and TPed to shrine to flank them, but got caught out my Nyx.
                                                                    8. I am not a good Puck player, you can see that from my stats on my profile, and I certainly did not play well that game, I don't deny that. I am NS and the average MMR of that game was higher than what I usually play. But despite that, I never tried to intentionally throw. I could have destroyed my items and walked down mid, but at that point, I would rather help my team by providing detection than a puny nukes that do nothing at that stage of the game.

                                                                    I can confirm this anal guy kinda salty & thrower rofl .

                                                                    9. At any point in the game I did not flame any of my teammates. Despite asking twice, everyone continued to speak in a language which I don't understand. Yes, I do trash talk my teammates in other parties, but the difference between my sarcasm and serious comments is not apparent since I type, I don't use mic. I am sure it would be more obvious if I actually said those things rather than type. My fault really.

                                                                    XD this anal guy buy back everytime he die . Still able to carried his ass tho ! hahaHAHAHA

                                                                    10. If I really did try to throw games and feed, I would not have won those games. I might not be as good as everyone I play with, but I know for a fact that I am better than a 2k. I perform much better with people higher MMR than me on average and I can see that from my own games and those I play with lower MMR parties. I lack the ego to pick mid every hero and I cannot carry games as a support, that is true.

                                                                    11. As for the Lina, specifically, he himself bought a huge number of sentries as a mid player. You can see it in the stats. If there was enough vision on the map, that wouldn't be so. After he died to a gank by those invis heroes at the mid tier 2, that is where he started rage pinging me. The kind of rage ping that does not stop. I could even tell from some of the words used in chat that they were not kind and directed at me. To try to focus, I muted incoming chat and started split pushing. The enemy tower in my lane is the only one that actually got destroyed.

                                                                    I really don't know what more I can say on this matter. I don't intend to ruin any more of his games, so I have removed him from my friends list. Obviously my experience from my previous games together should have taught me how serious he is and how easily he rages when he is 'pulled down by his team'.




                                                                        +1 from anal boi
                                                                        Hes not as difficult to carry as 2k shitstain


                                                                          Wtf happened in your safe Lane?
                                                                          Magnus 11m blink, mana boots

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                                                                            fight fight fight fight 1v1 mid bro !!!

                                                                            come on, do it guys do it!!!

                                                                            TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                                              tbh u posting this
                                                                              and arguing between you two
                                                                              are absurdly idiotic
                                                                              coz believe it or not
                                                                              nobody here actually gives a shit
                                                                              what became ur problem
                                                                              solve it on ur own
                                                                              be mature a lil bit

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Why get upset over one match? Especially when it looks like every lane lost and you guys all had terrible items. You would've lost even if Puck did well. The only person who did remotely well on your team was weaver, and he rushed linkens against a team with no single target abilities except Nyx's mana burn.


                                                                                  Cuz they're 4 irl friend stack and need someone to blame for their loss? :thinking:


                                                                                    I did lost with puck too xD 0% winrate bois

                                                                                    Pale Mannie


                                                                                      Goethe's Shadow


                                                                                        Riguma Borusu


                                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo



                                                                                              Not sure if it's fx or puck that sucks 🤔


                                                                                                Having a bad game is ok but posting a hate thread towards someone is NOT ok.


                                                                                                  Having a bad game is ok but posting a hate thread towards someone is NOT ok.

                                                                                                  you sir, are correct. locked


                                                                                                    From the Code of Conduct:

                                                                                                    Harassment: Do not make posts or links to any websites that insult another player or person, or which would result in the harassment of a player or person by others. Harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to specific words or behaviors. Repeatedly targeting a specific player can lead to more severe action being taken.