General Discussion

General DiscussionB U G S .. B U G S .. B U G S ..

B U G S .. B U G S .. B U G S .. in General Discussion

    Why am I seeing a lot of bugs this patch??

    Arteezy complaining about slark with 10 HP cannot be seen by his BS. (DotaElite)
    Bloodseeker rapture not damaging on QoP's blink. (Midone game
    Slardar stun on Tidehunter doesn't affect. (WTF moment)
    Spirit breaker charging while AA on way not bashed. (Alliance Game EU Ti7 qualifiers)

    Does Gaben stopped paying his programmers or workers?

    What the Puck is happening Gaben????? Bugs breeding program?

    Riguma Borusu

      not sure if joking or retarded

      주 롄양

        well idk if its joke but lemme answer u a few things

        1. bs rapture wont dmg qop if he blink for max distance+move abit on top of it
        2. slardar stun vs tide... maybe kraken shell?
        3. sb vs aa... well lvl 1 sb without greater bash?

        idk about rtz bs tho... maybe he hadnt take thirst lul? but rtz wont be retard enuf to complain that stuff

        hope helps tho


          read the skills' mechanics first before you spout nonsense, kiddo.
          1. any replay/prove?
          2. &
          3. &
          4. : the AA was f u c k i n g b a s h-ed


            @RPQ-sama : retarded OP for sure


              pls for the love of god OP stop playing PA and spectre thanks


                1k mmr thread