General Discussion

General DiscussionAn open letter to the new account community.

An open letter to the new account community. in General Discussion

    Before I begin I want to say that I completely understand the want for MMR. It keeps me playing this game day after day and I aim to improve and I love the competitive aspect.

    I am only 3.5k Solo, I understand thats not "amazing" and that there are many many players leagues above me but I consider myself okay at the game and I am at peace with where I am at and I hope to one day hit 4k.

    One of the biggest obstacles to that 4k goal I find is that every second game I feel like theres one or two level 20-30 accounts who insta mark core and I know exactly how thats going to play out. Its the same story every damn time. I shake my head, accept defeat, search their name on dotabuff and lo and behold there it is.. the mark of the new account.. 30% ranked winrate, massive losing streaks and 200 total games played. Every time I see that god damn ring of health or power treads profile badge I die a little more inside.

    Who exactly are you trying to impress with the level 20 profile and 3-3.3k displayed on the profile? Me? The people in your games? If that were the case I would be impressed with myself and I am not.. its mid 3k dota, nothing special. If its not me is it your friends? Surely theyre able to tell that you just made/purchased the account to display the number right? Is it yourself? That must take some special mental gymnastics to be satisfied with it.

    In anycase whether youre buying them, making them and somehow calibrating well above your means or whatever other tactic it takes I say this from the bottom of my heart.. Please stop. The pay off will be so much better if you just get good at the game and rise naturally. Losing 3 out of every 4 games and ruining games of 4 other teammates cannot be fun.

    Please, save a life. No more accounts. For our children.


      Stop smurfing everyone should start from 0 mmr in the first game of ranked match !!


        some people over calibrate sure..

        but i dont think a new account automatically means they are crap or what. they are where they are afterall, and u are the same mmr as them. experience does not equal skill


          It's not that hard to get over


            Yes, it is annoying to get delusional papa smurfs as teammates but then again, the enemy team can have them too, you can't control your teammates, but you can control your own gameplay


              The chance of smurfers play on the enemy side is higher anyway. So if you deserve to climb, you will climb. Move on, give less fuck.


                I have carried high lvl retards before, and I also had my ass carried by lvl 20 smurfs before, I don't see a problem with this

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  There are games like these but they're rare, well rarer now as I'm across the 3.5k. So in account, it doesn't affect much overall, so it's not exactly the main obstacle when climbing MMR.
                  The main obstacle most of the time is still ourselves.


                    i was a 3k player for 4 years...always hovered between 3300-3600...for 4 years. during this 4 years, i picked all the diffferent positions 1-5 depending what i felt like playing. so i made this account and decided to focus on 2 roles. mid (i only play invoker mid...if invoker is banned/picked i give up mid) and roaming/support (MK, tusk, kunkka, riki, treant) and i literally skyrocketed to 4.2k

                    in a nutshell, in 3k / low 4k games, roaming support is probably one of the most crucial roles. now when i say roaming support, i usually end up spending twice as much gold on support items than the position 5 support. if i have 165 gold, i buy a yellow and a blue ward, no matter what items i am trying to save up for. warding and dewarding is HUGE. and also, as a roamer, stay active, gank mid, always be on a bounty rune the second they spawn. use consumables for your carry, etc. basically you're playing a roamer as a position 5 support.


                      i just realized i missed the entire point of your post. my bad



                        I haven't touched for 2 years the smurf account I made a long time ago, but I can tell you why I made it in the first place.

                        My main account is at about 2.5k (this one). My smurf went to VHS but then finally settled at 3.5k (at just one month of playing to calibration - I didn't play it after that). The difference in skill I experienced between 2 and 4k was profound. Sure, cancer and toxic players were just as high at 4k as they were at 2k, but dota at 4k was at an entirely different level. In my opinion, it was closer to true dota. Not the shit game at 2k. This is also apparent if one sees high level player streams, such as SingSing's (7k) One thing In noticed about his playstyle was that even though you will always find him goofing around and just having a good time with this friends, his every move speaks of skill - his jukes, his knowledge and foresight of enemy attacks and heroes, his tendency to not miss skill shots and most of all, the overall game sense which is just not there at 2k games.

                        So you tell me. Would you rather play with team mates who are closer to high skill and know how to play the game, or to play with team mates who don't a know a shit about the game. At 2k, anti-mage's build linkens together with aghs (in my last game), take the wrong talents, don't know shit about vision, warding, roshan, jukes, etc.

                        Now I've been playing dota for about 3-4 years. On my smurf, I was finding 4k bracket quite competitive, but I was owning at 3.5k and the only reason I stopped playing on my smurf was because of my shitty net (I always said to myself I'll return to serious dota on my smurf when I get a good net, but sadly I never got a good net). So I just play stress-free dota for the fun of it on my 2.5k main.

                        Anyway, TLDR; people smurf because below 3k the game isn't real dota, and while various ppl may say "that's the bracket you belong to", I don't think that's true. I think the main reason is that, assuming ur "main" account was your very first dota account, it calibrated when you were young, new and basically a noob to dota. It calibrated you at 2k and gives you +25 at every victory and -25 at every defeat. It is a sink-hole that is very hard to get out of. Playing dota over the years, the players skill does rise by about 1-2k, but the change isn't seen in the MMR because of the win-loss nature (one is unlikely to maintain a perfect win-streak over hundreds of games due to factors beyond one's control. It is a 5-man team and you are only of those 5, I think even a 5k would very likely loose some number of 2k games over a count of hundreds.) Also, in my case, due to my net, I haven't play much ranked games. So I haven't changed my ranked MMR. Tho, I am certain that my unranked games have risen by about 1.5k mmr as I often see players in my normal matches with mmr close to around 3.6k (checking their profiles)

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